Is this normal
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I have serious problems concentrating. Im recently ended a job and started a new job in a solictitors firm and messed it up and now im trying to find a new job but Im really struggling. I feel useless at everything and cant motivate myself to see reason. im really scared and cant talk to anyone. im turring 50 and I know Im going throw the change. can this be normal and will it pass
1 like, 19 replies
Jan999 enriqueta22138
HRT is worth a try. I feel alot better knowing Im not going mad. I guess I will have to ride it out. Many thanks to you for your reply
Lara66 enriqueta22138
GPs aren't very sympathetic when it comes to the menopause, unless your doctor is a woman who has been through it or is going through it herself. Most docs just think hot flushes, insomnia, irregular periods. If you keep in touch on this forum, you will see there are many other peculiar but often vague symptoms. Somewhere on here is a list of 66 symptoms of peri menopause and I can add at least one more to it.
I've had a similar year to you, job wise. I've had trouble finding work and when I did eventually find a job a few months ago, I couldn't stick at it for more than a week. I'm crossing my fingers for a better year next year. I'm 48 so I have to sort out a solid career now, so that I can be secure and happy until I retire. I've applied to do a degree course so hoping that will give me some direction. I'm getting too old to be constantly job hunting.
This is a very scary time but you're not alone. For many of us on here, we have found strength just from keeping in touch on this forum. I never thought I'd be able to say I'm looking forward to my 50s, so that this horrible time of my life will be over. I know it will pass, but I also know it will take time. It will pass for you too.
Keep strong x
enriqueta22138 Lara66
Jan999 Lara66
Lara66 Jan999
Lara66 enriqueta22138
Toddpodd Lara66
Good Luck...
Jan999 enriqueta22138
patricia75430 enriqueta22138
Lara66 patricia75430
enriqueta22138 patricia75430
patricia75430 Lara66
i take multivits and supergreens to get me through each day of going to work without getting sick I've also tried many homeopathy but it didn't work and was to expensive
i have a younger partner and he doesn't understand how I feel and knows our sex life is suffering,I work five days a week and have dogs to walk and look after so it is important I keep up
i think HRT may be the only solution after years of suffering and trying different remedies I've heard people say they feel marvellous taking HRT I want to feel that way to instead of struggling to get through each day😞
BellaRubia patricia75430
patricia75430 BellaRubia
im hoping HRT will give me a better quality of life and feel normal again,I have got to the stage now where I'm willing to risk whateverThe side effects may be,my doctor my not let me have HRT but I'm certainly going to ask to go on it and try and ween myself off of antidepressents and the side effects they bring,I used to love sex everyday but since the menopause it's more like once a week lol,just want my confidence and happiness back😱
BellaRubia patricia75430