Is this part of menopause or is it just me?
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I'll be 50 next June. I've always suffered off and on with anxiety and depression but for the last few months it's been worse.I go to sleep ok but wake u on edge and can't get back to sleep. Sometimes feel like I'm living on adrenaline. Is this all part of perimenopause /menopause?
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Woo3353 alison91416
I was 50 in July, last year was horrendous for me i was totally overwhelmed with anxiety and adrenaline rushes (this is our fight or flight hormone) .Reluctantly i started on SSRI medication, its not for everyone but it has helped me, anxiety and rushes have all but gone (only slightly before a period). Its a very uncomfortable journey but i would for sure say its the signs if perimenopause .
Take some magnesium supplements they sometime work (it can take 3 months for natural supplements too work so don't expect immediate results)
Don't suffer with it this is the 21st century so ask for help if you need it
alison91416 Woo3353
marcia_27799 Woo3353
Woo3353 marcia_27799
Basically SSRI are antidepressants but I wasn't depressed just had anxiety disorder. They work by controlling the serotonin in brain they can have horrendous side effects for the first 10 weeks of taking but they have helped me (i am on a low dose 20mg). Along with a Mirena coil i am feeling more able too cope.
marcia_27799 Woo3353
kelle34850 Woo3353
Which ssri are you on? I tried Zoloft for about two weeks but it made me extremely tired and I cried non stop. I don't if I should have just kept on trying them or not.
marcia_27799 Woo3353
dawn70425 marcia_27799
Hi Marcus
I’m on Prozac as well,and going through the menopause, I’m on 60mg now, started on 20mg and been taking this drug for four half months... and doing great on it...
Just be aware the first two weeks and turn you inside out, and feel a lot worse then you were, BUT try to stick it out beyond that, as for me and many it’s a great drug, just very slow to work tho, so bear with it...
It as helped me with hot flushes as well, don’t get them as much since taking this drug..
Good luk and do try and keep on with it, as things will get better 🤗x
dawn70425 marcia_27799
Sorry chic.. phone changed your name b4 I noticed it daft phone🤔x
marcia_27799 dawn70425
I appreciate so much you sharing your experience with me. I got my prescription yesterday morning and still in my purse looking at me, drugs scare the hell out of me honestly. My issue is the anxiety I don't feel bothered by hots too much (but i have a personal fan at wok on my desk 😂
. Anxiety is killing me. When you said the first two weeks are bad what do you mean? How bad? What symptoms? Can you be alert I work full time and I am scare to be druggy, can you think properly wifh this or makes you foggy? Sorry so many questions I know please thanks
dawn70425 marcia_27799
Rrrr bless you... my brain is all over the place any way with the menopause, words just don’t come out lol...
Ok, it’s a brilliant drug, and for ME and many people on here as done wonders as it does work, for depression and anxiety, mine as completely gone now, but that’s at 4 mths....
My doc said to me when I was put on this, to be aware that the first two weeks will be worse for you,then after that things will start to settle down, when your body gets use to it..
MY experience that on the first two weeks, I felt very down, as tho I was in this black tunnel, and I couldn’t get out in to the light, depression... agitation was not got, and anxiety was there two..
I was able to focus on, as I had to be, as I look after my grandson a few times a week, and he’s only 16 mth so I did need to be forced with him... for ME it was the depression that got worse, once I was out of the two weeks I slowly began to feel a little better, after one month on the drug, I would have good days and low days ( more good) then I went up to 40mg and Finley 60mg.... and it’s amazing as very rear I every feel down, or any other symptom as well, but I’m fighting the menopause to, so can be hard doing that..,
All I can say is, go for it, as it does work, take each day as it comes, keep talking on here, as we are all here to help you, when you think you can’t go on any more, get on here, I’m always here as well as others, to help you through the hard times, and good, and you will have the good times, and I mean that, it’s just very slow drug to kick in,but if your not feeling good now, what have you to loose ??? Carry on being how you are now,or take the chance with this drug, and start to feel better in a few weeks or so ....
Keep in touch I will always be on here to help you keep going, and so will other people as well..
I feel for you, as I know how it is feeling this way.. but try to keep in your mind as each day goes, you will be nearer to feeling better... big hug, and ask away at any time I will help you if I can🤗xx
marcia_27799 dawn70425
Down70425 Thank you 😊 I can't thank you enough love your words. I will see how my day goes and I have the bottle with me in my purse to be ready when I take the decision. Will keep you posted thank you
dawn70425 marcia_27799
Your more then welcome chic.. any time you want to chat, get in touch, privet if you wish, I’m listening... good luck, I so hope you decide the right thing for you, I’m with you every step of the way... let me know what you do, just keep focus, we are all with you.. big hug 🤗xx
dawn70425 alison91416
HI alison
Yep def sounds like the dreaded signs of the menopause, I’m 53 and started 4 years ago, sleep is part of that progress, can’t remember wen I last sleeped well, or through the nite...
I suffer with depression and have done for last 20yrs, Iv just started a new med of antidepressant, and after 4 mth they are working, and help with me feeling low, but the sleep is still bad...
I agree with the other lady, don’t sit in silence when you could get some help from your doc, as the menopause can be very testing for us, and hard work, so get some help as your in for a long up evil...
best of luck and I do hope you find a way of copying with this ...
Big hug 🤗x
Mayfly1 alison91416
Get some help. I fell apart at work last week, and was nearly committed, I was so depressed. I could not cope, I could not bear the thought of going on like this. I've been given anti anxiety tablets and they have sort of worked, but I can feel when they wear off and I'm not allowed to keep on with them.
I'm waiting for the HRT to work and the doctor says she can prescribe me something for the depression as well. Plus I will have therapy. Don't suffer in silence. Ask for help. Look after yourself.