Is this part of menopause or is it just me?

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I'll be 50 next June. I've always suffered off and on with anxiety and depression but for the last few months it's been worse.I go to sleep ok but wake u on edge and can't get back to sleep. Sometimes feel like I'm living on adrenaline. Is this all part of perimenopause /menopause?

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi alison, I use to wake up with being on edge as you said then shaking,trebling, now it turn to feeling scared anxious state,some of these have disappear with time but I still having some kind panic feelings when waking up..can't wait for it to stop so I can feel great again..its hormones so don't worry it has to passed one day. 

    • Posted

      Glad you said that,maria are you using anything to help yourself? LoveĀ 
  • Posted

    I don't know if it is menopause but it is certainly me!  It did simmer down after a while, with meds and talking to someone.

  • Posted

    Alison it is hard but don't stop sharing or trying to will find your balance and what is good for you, we are all are in the same process and this forum save us mostly of the time. Just hang in there, have you try Bach flowers, vitamin B stress complex, magnesium try everything that can help you in a natural way first and best wishes to you 

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