Is this really Acid Reflux i'm experiencing?
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Hi, for the past 4 months I have been suffering daily severe symptoms with breathlessness, burning and pressure sensation in my back and chest, pressure in my throat which makes me want to cough, burping and most recently tiredness. These don't necessarily occur after food, i have the breathless and pressure feeling all day every day.
I went to a private hospital for tests under my medical insurance as my NHS GP couldn't give me all the tests i wanted for peace of mind as i'm an extreme worrier and after Googling my symptoms i was in tears! So 2 weeks ago i had blood tests, allergy tests, a CT scan on my heart and lungs, a lung function test and an Echocardiogram. I had the results last week which thankfully shows my heart is absolutely fine but i have mildly inflamed airways in my lungs and the doctor advised the most likely cause is Acid Reflux and this is causing the breathless feeling. The doctor has advised i take Lanzoprasole 30mg daily and a steroid asthma inhaler to reduce the inflammation for 3 months.
To be honest, i'm concerned that this isn't caused by acid only because most of the threads i have read on here are from people who only experience symptoms from food. As soon as i get out of bed and start walking around i start to get the pressure feeling in my chest and i've just had enough of it. Does anyone else have symptoms like me? I'm constantly thinking about what i could have wrong or if it is acid, what damage it is doing to me! I know it's only been a couple of days on the medication so shouldn't expect it to work straight away but can anyone tell me of any other self help medications that i could take to make it go away quicker? I'm really at my wits end and it's all i think about.
Thank you
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mike27075 Tinkerbell32
janita58584 Tinkerbell32
Hi Tinkerbell, I know your post was written over a year ago and I hope you have solved your problems and feel much better. I still wanted to add to the thread in case anyone else searches as I did. So to anyone who is experiencing breathless and a full feeling in the neck (maybe both inside and outside the neck) it is highly likely to be acid reflux and possible hiatal hernia ( apparently approx60% of adults over 50 have one). I have had these symptoms for weeks at a time and then learnt what is needed to help keep symptoms at bay. Firstly do not let yourself get constipated- this aids acid reflux with me and I believe causes the hernia to protrude into the diaphragm because I am too full(large meals are bad for this too). In turn this causes acid reflux to get worse and irritates the through causing swelling. I believe the body then reacts to the acid by making more mucus to quell it and sometimes the glands come up too- these things contribute the the feeling in neck. Also if you have asthma( mine is fairly mild) it exacerbates that too! ( fumes from the acid reflux) . It took me a year to figure this as my reflux is silent. Also make sure you take antihistamine if there is the remotest chance that you have hay fever as this can also irritate the throat ( my hay fever symptoms had decreased since the menopause and I wasn't realising the slightly runny nose was a sign. So to conclude Eat small meals,deal with constipation,treat acid reflux,keep up any asthma meds and bear in mind you may have a hernia. I got a good trick off of the Internet in case a hernia has slid up into diaphragm....drink 3-4 large glasses of water ,then raise your arms up high and jump down a couple of stairs at the bottom of your stairway - it act like a balloon filled with water and pulls the hernia back down- sounds crazy but it worked for me. I hope this is helpful to anyone looking for answer to what seems a common problem. But don't forget to check with a GP if none of this I had a neck scan at the point of time when I had feeling of fullness- all normal- no cysts or growths and blood vessels good.
denisa_1111 Tinkerbell32
Hi Hun I have been suffering about 3 yrs now. I was diagnosed with HH and acid reflux. I'm always so short of breath and pain between shoulders . Throat burning sinus problems for over 2 yrs about to go crazy! This all started after a stomach bug where I threw up and acid burned my throat ... I have Had a Pepsi addiction for years so I'm sure that's been part of the cause! Did you find anything out?!, are you feeling better? The shortness of breath is so scary
tahini_monster Tinkerbell32
I know this forum is old but I thought I'd share some of my reading and findings too.
Had terrible acid reflux for about 9 months, perhaps longer. Now it's worse than ever. I haven't been able to go to the doctor about it because of where I live, and from my experience with doctor's I've never had a thorough check up even when asked, or a correct diagnosis and I refuse to take meds. I am a strong advocate of healing naturally and there is always a reason for the things happening to our bodies, from simple of complex.
I have recently been searching thoroughly on this topic and have decided to try and treat myself as if I have been given the route cause, trial and error, and eliminate certain things.
I COULD have the hernia, I'm not overweight but have had a diet which was made up of processed carbs, alcohol, smoking, tons of sugar, pesticides etc for my whole life until 7 years ago. I have the tight chest and all that. There are exercises you can do to strengthen the sphincter in the stomach, so i will be trying these each day, rather than a horrible operation that doesn't work.
I COULD have very low stomach acid. So I am taking ACV before each meal, avoiding very cold water, indeed water at all through the meal only a sip if I need it - water dilutes the acid and if it's cold takes all the energy your body uses to digest away to warm up the water. I'm holding off on HCL tablets at the moment. I will also be incorporating bitter herbs in tincture form, dandelion root, goldenseal,licorice etc. Also I'll be adding TONS of black pepper which aids in digestion. After a meal I will be having either a peppermint, licorice or ginger tea, perhaps a combo, sipped slowly and warm, not hot. No food after 7pm, doesn't matter when bed time is.
On top of this I've read a main culprit can be carbs, esp highly processed, because of the low stomach acid they ferment in your stomach, causing an excess in GAS and BLOAT - symtpoms I get - and this forces the sphincter open allowing the contents to rise up, which makes sense, so no beer or chips
I also have suspected CANDIDA. I am treating this now by eliminating sugars, including honey, again carbs, taking coconut oil each day and currently waiting for an oregano oil that I'm making. These are supposed to help. Also eating mushrooms and blue cheese helps alot with candida ( and other digestive issues), contrary to popular misconecption about how fungus and moulds work.
CHEW your food ALOT. It promotes acid in the stomach and sends signals to the brain to digest. I read an interview with an Auschwtiz surviver and he said that the people there who chewed their food up to 100 times ( excessive for us but they had no food) lived a lot longer, and survived to the end, as apposed to those who ate hungrily and just swallowed things practically whole. Could be true, it wasn't a documentary about food so was a random comment otherwise. Eat slowly, and calmly and if you are stressed don't eat until you feel calmer. De-stressing is a big part too, go for massages, remove yourself from stressful situations and people, learn to relax. Eat smaller meals. I find this hard as I'm a stress head surrounded by stressful people.
Get tested for the bacteria H. Pylori that causes ulcers, it could be a culprit. You can take manuka honey and other anti bacterials, don't go on Anti-B's they only cause more problems, esp with candida as well. Also anit inflamatories like Turmeric are good, I want to heal my stomach lining.
There are trigger foods as you know, so I guess find what troubles you but I have seen so much contradicting evidence for things like tomatoes, dairy and chocolate. I don't advocate a no carb diet, we should have them in the right smaller amounts but I do agree protein and fats are essential, esp Omega 3, so I'm going low carb to try to recover for now.
There are loads of suppliments but I'm just laying out what I'm going to try first and I will check back in a month or so and see what's going on. I need to keep a diary, today the acid was in my mouth from the moment I woke up.
Oh and one final important thing - PROBIOTICS. Not in pill form, they are dead, you need them alive. I'm making saurkraut, eat every dy and also drink a shot of the juice, is supposed to definitely help. Kefir is also great, I stopped taking for a year now and got all these problems. Again have to make it yourself though, no shop bought stuff.
Finally slippery elm, read about it, wonders for the guts. I know it's a lot to do every day and such a change but I'm willing to dose myself to the max with these things and cut out my favourites like ice cream because the damage is too great. Eventually you get over not eating such treats anyway. I think it's a completel haul over diet/lifestyle change..
If anyone can add to this or share their experiences would be great!
I'll check back in after I've concluded..something lol.
carmwoman Tinkerbell32
Sean190582 Tinkerbell32
erada13 Tinkerbell32
Hey how you doing? I know it's been awhile since you post this but I was wondering if your problem has been fixed? I'm going through the same thing and I'm going crazy over here. I'm worrying if I have esophageal cancer or something and I don't have health insurance to check myself out. Please let me know
tahini_monster Tinkerbell32
Anyone here tried some of the things I've suggested? Or researched them? Anyone get a solid diagnosis of the cause of their probelms?
varfley1 Tinkerbell32
Like you I had and still have the breathless problem everyday, also burping, bloating and feeling something coming up my throat but I have no pain with it, also no chest pain but bubble fealling in my lest side chest weekness in left arm and leg for the past 4 years now and I am from Liberia a country with very bad health system.
candice03937 Tinkerbell32
Mr._Cool Tinkerbell32
I'm also suffering from the same problem Bro . Its been a long while I still have the problem, I've also got all my tests done they all come normal.
So any suggestions for overcoming this problem...
Mr._Cool Tinkerbell32
jbird68 Tinkerbell32
4 months ago I started to not feel well. At first it was feeling nauseous and have headaches all the time. So I would eat something hoping I would feel better. After about a month I decided to go see my doctor... Which I never do because I am the healthy one in my family. Just a note... I do have a pacemaker because 8 years ago I passed out driving and found that my heart would stop for about 4 seconds and then start back up. Since the pacemaker I have not pass3d out at all. So that plus all my checkups have been good says it is working as it should. So after seeing my doctor he decided to order a stress test to see if there was something wrong with my heart that the pacemaker was not detecting. While waiting for the date my stress test was scheduled I was not feeling well at work and went to my doctors office. While there, I started to hyperventilate. When the nurse hooked me up to a monitor an alarm started going off. My blood pressure was sky high. This triggered them to call for a medical limousine. On the way I would start crying uncontrollably. Anyway, I ended up spending the night in the hospital and the ER doctor diagnosed me with anxiety. I went hope with a prescription for high BP and anxiety. Finally had the stress test and it came back abnormal and the cardiologist scheduled an angiogram. Angiogram came back all clear. It's not my heart! Still have a problem. Then I started to have this feeling of a lump or frog in my throat. I've also had shortness of breath where I would have to stop mid-sentence and take a breath just to finish it. My doctor doesn't think I have anxiety but because of the lump in my throat feeling and still feeling nauseous he prescribed me something for acid reflux. I do not have any burning sensation. This prescription had taken care of the nauseousness and most of the lump in my throat feeling. This is better. But now I feel weazy bad have tightness in my chest and feeling like I need to constantly clear my throat. Doctor sends me to ENT specialist and he slides a scope in my nose and down my throat. All clear! He even tells me, "no cancer". Whew! I wait 2 weeks and call my doctor to find out what he wants to do next. I have an appointment with the gastrointestinal doctor on Friday. So this has lingered on for 4 months now and no resolution. Right now I am having a hard time with heavy breathing and constantly clearing my throat, coughing and an occasional headache. Hoping the GI doctor can figure something out.
ghoorah66378 Tinkerbell32
jbird68 ghoorah66378
Well, I'm still having issues. I'm taking taking Omeprazol for acid reflux and Lisinopril for high BP. Yesterday I had no energy and I still have to take breaths in the middle of sentences. Some days I still feel sick to my stomach and a little bit nauseous. But not as bad as it had been. I still don't know why all of a sudden this came on. It really sucks. I know there is still something wrong. Sorry I don't have an answer for you. I can't keep going to the doctor. Two surgeries and doctors visits have put us in a small financial hole.