It gets better
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Hi Girls just wanted to remind you all the menopause does stop with don't go on for ever as some people think,I was one of these people couple of months back and thought my life was over and I won't get better and stuck forever in doors and loose my friends
But that has all change I'm now back to normal and no way feel how I all you lovelies will too that day will come nightmare will lift.I hope this message will be give you hope.
God bless and ((((((HUGS)))))) to all
6 likes, 28 replies
Marnee313 maria101
I found that by stopping eating meat because it has so many hormones in it, that I wasn't having so many problems - lots of water to keep the kidneys and bladder flushed - I drink 4 16Oz. bottles of water a day - my skin is itchy all over with some areas worse than others if I don't drink that much water - every day is a challenge but it eventually eases up
bobbysgirl Marnee313
Check the calcium content of your water, some of them are very high and it is not well absorbed in that form. Better to drink from a good filter.
susan556 Marnee313
I notice you said your skin is itchy, im having severe itching after having showers, even using just water does it, do you think its lack of drinking water then maybe and eating meat? What about to much sugar too?
colleen90305 Marnee313
Too bad the hormones in the meat were the ones we lack😃
Marnee313 susan556
Definitely a lack of water - not juice and coffee and tea and sodas but water - the toxins need to be flushed from your body - first I did the water then I kept getting hot flashes and it usually started after supper - as I began to narrow things down I realized it was meat - when I didn't eat meat I only had mild flushes or very little so I started eating meat again and it started all over again - most meat has hormones - lunch meats with all their chemicals were bad - if I ate a little bit of hormone free chicken I was Ok - if I eat something sweet I make sure it is low carb - you will adjust to not having sugar - a piece of fruit is better than a cup cake or cookie - watermelon is very good - reduce your caffeine intake or drink caffeine free - it is a whole new lifestyle - lots of rest and light exercises
metamorphed Marnee313
colleen90305 maria101
Great news Maria! This nightmare just stopped one day? I'm Peri approx 3 yes. My periods come regularly but are short and light and suspect I have a long way til the end. I'm glad to hear there is a light at the end of the he tunnel! Congratulations to you💕
Fairy28 maria101
Thanks for the reasurrance Maria and really want to believe it - three years in and I still go through so much flipping misery every day , despite trying to stay positive it's so hard. So glad you feel so much better x
Sochima822 maria101
Hi Maria, happy to hear you're doing well. Can you please tell all the lovely ladies what you took to help you get out of the dark tunnel?
maria101 Sochima822
Hi Sochima8,I have not change my diet or took any vitamins,I did try HRT for 3 weeks but stop it just to scared to take it.....the hotfushes was the first to settle down then the symptoms
I did heard as well if you take HRT and stop it the symptoms will come back
For me it is best to go through mother nature naturally....
Menopause is not a life sentence all I know we have lost the most important hormones in the body and this is for life,but because somebody still get hot flashes in there 80's don't mean you will too.
Gillian1956 maria101
HA I've been in it for ten years and still getting the hot flushes and other symptoms and my mother shill had hot flushes to till the day she died at 86
susan556 Gillian1956
bobbysgirl maria101
I need some good news - I'm going for a TV scan today - not something I'm looking forward to.
2chr2015 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl 2chr2015
I'm going to post about the other appointment when I have calmed down - I am SO cross about it!!! It is not connected with meno but I need to vent to nice folks who understand my frustrations.