It gets better

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Hi Girls just wanted to remind you all the menopause does stop with don't go on for ever as some people think,I was one of these people couple of months back and thought my life was over and I won't get better and stuck forever in doors and loose my friends

But that has all change I'm now back to normal and no way feel how I all you lovelies will too that day will come nightmare will lift.I hope this message will be give you hope.

God bless and ((((((HUGS)))))) to all

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    hi maria so glad for u.  but please how did you achieve that, im struggling and the worse is on waking every morning im so anxious, sad and full of dread, it does improve as the day goes on but got usual sore boobs, another missed period and so miserable, any suggestions, its been around a year now for me.  thanks so much debix


  • Posted

    do you have any symptoms now at all Maria?  Are you taking anything at all?  how many months with periods?  I too feel a lot, lot better, but still have niggling symptoms such as palpitations at times and some lingering anxiety, but it is getting much better.  just wondering are we at the same stage?
  • Posted

    This is music to my ears πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜Š thank you for sharing this positive news. I hope it's the same for me ! 10 years of feeling crap is enough for anyone 😒

    Hugs xxx

  • Posted

    My goodness that is lovely to hear. Thank you, Maria! So, how long after your period stopped did the hot flashes and etc. stop too?
    • Posted

      Hi whino it's not the same for everyone I had a hysterectomy in the year 2000 and I went into meno ten years ago September just gone and I'm still having hot flushes and aches and pains and low mood and still sometimes night sweats I hope this is not the case for you to

    • Posted

      Hi whino, everybody is different with the menopause some people go through it for 6 months only and some people 3 years others longer to a my period started to slow down and get less and less I notice my symptoms started to do the same...I Did not do much cutting out like some people I just add on heathy things can't afford to take on meno to costly for me, hotflashes feeling weird vomiting anxious panicking I could not stand other symptoms not bothered to much other wise all go to your head and knock ya out...good support and prayers is all you need.

    • Posted

      Maria, yes I understand that symptoms etc. vary but my question was how long have *you* been in menopause? If your "symptoms slowed down as your periods slowed down," that would be addressing menopausal symptoms, not menopause symptoms. Menopause means no period for twelve months.  ?

    • Posted

      Gillian, just curious if you had a rough time in Peri? Ive read that sometimes women who skate through peri, have a rough time in meno? I'm having a rough time with Peri, and hoping to sail through meno and post. Don't want these symptoms for the next 20 yrs

    • Posted

      Hi Colleen no I didn't have too bad peri really so how knows hope you do sail through it

  • Posted

    thanks for the good news maria.

    even now many get lots of good days or even half a this hell cant be forever

    i was also scared into changing my diet but i know its not the answer

    leslie on the aches and pains thread also confirmed after getting well that it was only time...that cured

    if we react too much and fight too much then the balancing process just gets elongated

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