It’s official!
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Hi ladies! Just came back from my new obgyn. I have finally been heard. Yes, indeed I am in perimenopause. Estrogen deficient for sure! It is looking as if I need to be on a combo BCP. It is a 90 day regiment, basically a period 3-4 x per year. She is just contacting my cardiologist because of some prior heart testing, but that should all be fine! I went back afterwards and saw perimenopause listed as a diagnosis...I cried a little 😊
For my dizzy friends... I am going to try (again) lower dose amitripyline 10mg. The thought is if the migraines can be controlled and I get more sleep...hopefully the vertigo will lessen. Apparently, he wants me to try vestibular physical therapy too. It does appear to be associated with either the migraines or the any event it is upsetting my inner ear ( vestibular system). I am going to give that and the BCP 3 months. If my vertigo is not solved...making an appointment in our major city to see a nuerotologist and get proper balance testing done...spinning chairs, etc.
You will all be proud of is raining like crazy here...I drove in terrible downpours and didn’t have a meltdown! Today...good day...check 😉
6 likes, 25 replies
audra86673 Guest
I'm so happy to hear you have the diagnosis and a plan to hopefully feel better! Woohoo! And driving home in the pouring rain!! A very good day indeed!
Louise4586 Guest
Please keep us all posted with how you get on. As you know I am in the mini pill which I think has helped a little. I do wonder if a combo pill would be better.
Good luck with it all xx
Guest Louise4586
Thanks Audra! Fingers and toes crossed! Just a little relief is all I ask 😀
juanita93228 Guest
So glad you're having a good day! ((((hugs)))).
Guest juanita93228
lori93950 Guest
And yes I’ve driven to appts nervous exhausted but just knew I had to get there !
Guest lori93950
thanks Lori! I did ask “the question”. How long does this s**t last. Answer: Some have a rough time even after periods stop...then HRT is recommended. Sorry Lori...she wasn’t very specific 😂😂😂😂
Sassyr12a Guest
So happy you were heard, and so well-done to you for driving! Onwards and upwards for you now ♥
Finny2018 Guest
Lou - I am so happy that you found a new doctor - wonderful! How validating...even though you did say you felt a little tearful when seeing the peri diagnoses. I am feeling confident that you are going to start feeling better on the new combo pill!
Any chance you can PM me with the brand name you are going to try? My doctor actually asked if I wanted to try the BCP first to see how I would do...I'm going to be 50 in November so that recommendation seemed a bit surprising given my age vs just starting the BHRT to begin with. HUGS!
Guest Finny2018
Hey Finny... I can’t figure out how to message... anyways! It’s seasonale or seasonique... but probably generic...I am picking it up tomorrow. It is a 91 day regiment. Extended cycle. Basically, 84 days straight hormones...then 7 for withdrawal bleed. I will start hopefully this Sunday. My period should be due any minute. This is a new one for me the other one I was on for 20 years was orthotricyclen. But, that was a higher dose combo. It is to my understanding that if you are still menstrating, non smoking, healthy, no family history of can stay on BCP until you are in menopause. It was nice to cry tears of relief while I was driving home today, so sick of thinking I was cuckoo! I hope something gives here...would be nice to feel little normal. Give the BCP a really cannot hurt. If they don’t agree with you, there are hundreds of other brands. Are you still on the progesterone cream? Is it doing anything? 🤗
Louise4586 Guest
Was wondering how you are getting along with the amitriptyline?
Guest Louise4586
Hi Louise! I haven’t started it yet...I am such a chicken about side effects...I swear I think I am going to die in my sleep or something! Also, waiting on my period to come so I can start the birth control. Figures, it’s been coming every 21 days. On day 26...not yet! I was thinking of cutting the pill and just doing 5mg... I need to stop my nonsense and take it really. My vertigo is bad. Made an appointment to see a neurotologist in the city...who specializes in vertigo...and get balance testing done. The appointment is a couple months out, so I am hoping I can guage if the pills are helping. Of course... I need to be taking them! How are you doing on mini pill? 😊
Louise4586 Guest
I am really sensitive to medication. I am still trying to start on citalopram-only made it to 2.5mg at the moment. I have found amitriptyline totally different to the ssri’s, maybe it’s because I was taking it for headaches and didn’t realise it was an antidepressant. Get a pill cutter and just try the 5mg to start with. Although for me it hasn’t stopped the dizziness it has certainly reduced headaches and I sleep so well. So many ladies complain they cant sleep on here.
The mini pill isn’t going too well. The main reason I was giving it was to reduce/stop the bleeding. I now seem to have a never ending period. However, before taking it, I used to feel like the ground was moving - that has now stopped so must be hormones. May look to move to the combined pill.
Good luck xx
Guest Louise4586
Did you stop the amitripyline and go right to citalopram? I tapered off and officially stopped Lexapro 9 days ago. Apparently I am ok to start the amitripyline. The other should be out if my system...I hope! haven’t had any weird stuff happen! I think I will just do the 5mg tonight just to get the fear thing over with.
Definitely give the combo a try...the mini pill is always the first go to as it carries less risk. But, some of us really need the estrogen. I was a crying mess on the mini pill. I will update you on the combo pill once my period finally comes and I can take it! 😊
lori93950 Guest
I’ve had vertigo on and off for ten years they just give you mezclinine a drug that knocks you out ! So the only cure really is the Epley manouver ... you should have them show your significant other ( if you have one ) how to do it . I’m single now so I try to do it myself . The purpose is to get he crystals back in their place . Sometimes it works sometimes not .
Louise4586 Guest
I am taking amitriptyline and citalopram together. The amitriptyline is purely for headaches as such a low dose. The citalopram is for anxiety as the doctors keep telling me that’s why I am off balanced.
Guest Louise4586
Hello! Ok, gotcha! I took 5 mg of amitripyline last night. I woke up, so that’s good news. I just do not know about the anxiety theory. In my case, I have been having this problem for about a year. Really bad since Dec...stopped working. Even my dr agreed that if anxiety were my issue... after 3 months Lexapro would have made a difference. I get very fatigued too, I read on the website of the Eye/Ear hospital where I am seeing the neurontologist at...fatigue, depression, anxiety along with balance issues are symptoms of a vestibular issue. You can also get viruses in your inner ear. Basically, vestibular system becomes overworked trying to compensate for overactive signals. If you are in the UK...the Royal eye/hospital has some good info too. I am in the US. In any event, I hope the med combo brings you some relief. My plan is to keep going with amitripyline to control migraines and sleep better and start my combo BCP. Still going to get balance testing. Please keep me up to date...I will do the same! 🤗
Guest lori93950
Hi Lori! OMG! Meclizine...I took 1 (12.5mg) a couple of weeks ago...knocked me on my ass! It was prescribed back in May up to 3x per day as way! I have had the Epley done before for the BPV...honestly did not help. Somethings going on with me... I wonder too how right after a bad sinus infection last Dec, the vertigo got worse. Also, had strep a couple of times in the last 3 months. Of course hormones started the ball rolling with the migraines. I feel like She-lock Holmes...bad joke! 🤪
Guest Louise4586
Hi long did you take amitripyline 5mg before going to 10? I was thinking a week...I am foggy headed now, not exhausted though (took 5mg last night) 🤔
Louise4586 Guest