itchy rash
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Please please please is there someone out there going through what I am going through, last Sunday I devolop a rash over my operated leg. Phoned 111 told to go to,pharmacy get anithystermine, no good. Tuesday due physio they looked at it said have bloods done. Nothing showed up. Wed went too a and e doctor looked said he didn't know what it was or why I got it an alergic reaction. Made app to see surgeon, Fri saw surgeon he said he had done over 2000 operations and never seen this. A it hystermi e and quaterzone creme. Been woken up by this bloody rash again, hence this blog has anybody else suffered by this rash. Very itchy, raised like blisters. Burning. Now I have to wait till I can see a dermatologist. Please help some if u have any comments or ideas to sort this out
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johnny17592 chris60619
Hi Chris
I have heard of people having an allergic reaction to the metal in the knee but this sounds so bad if your in the UK i would go to A&E and wouldn't move until they have sorted it out.
Good luck i hope all goes well.
Linda_ann johnny17592
cheryl90571 chris60619
Is this rash JUST on your operated knee?
Were you using any different lotion, soap, or substance ON the area?
Could you have rubbed against any plant such as poison ivy or poison oak?
Do you have a fever?
A skin rash often is the result of CONTACT WITH some substance, plant, lotion that causes irritation. If the rash is ONLY on your operated leg, it doesn't sound like anything you may have EATEN.
To me it sounds like something you have rubbed on gotten near, or placed on your leg that irritated it.
I became allergic to Neosporin and Bactyricin one summer after using it for many years! Our son had a similar reaction. We think they may have changed the formula somehow.
Let us know what you discover. There are MANY things that can cause rashes unfortunately!
chris00938 chris60619
I'm pretty sure someone else had a rash over their knee (I think it was just over the knee) over this past week. Was it the lady with the spot looking like a little boil, who's doctor put her on antibiotics? I know the rash went down after that, but that's all I can remember. Hers sounded the same. I don't know what it can be though, unless it's heat coming from the knee as it's healing, so a sort of 'heat rash'. I don't know if you had oral tablets but if not it might be worth trying Piriton or something like that. I know I would be very anxious though - we just don't know how wide the range of 'normal' is!
Laura3333 chris60619
I drove myself mad rubbing it, the only time I got relief was when I was icing it.
Eventually the very top layer of skin peeled, a bit like sunburn does, and that was the end of it.
chris00938 Laura3333
My hospital, when I went for 'pre-op day' swiped two different substances over the inside of my wrist to see if I was allergic to anything. Did anyone else get this?
Laura3333 chris00938
No, miy hospital didn't do anything like that.
chris00938 Laura3333
I wonder if it's generally done then? I had to roll my sleeve up and they swabbed with two different things to see if either came up red.
Laura3333 chris00938
Don't know, but I was covered in the stuff when I came round, and the itchy rash lasted a few weeks.
chris00938 Laura3333
Mine had been cleaned off when I got with it again, but it does seem a good idea for hospitals to check that people aren't allergic!
Laura3333 chris00938
It does. My itching might not have been down to that, but that's what I thought at the time, because one of my visitors thought it was my leg that was inflamed and asked a nurse, who xplained that it can dye the skin for a day or two.
chris00938 Laura3333
It sounds as though it could have been that then, doesn't it.
Laura3333 chris00938
Yes, hope you get yours sorted out, itching is awful at night especially, when you get warm in bed it won't let you sleep.
When you say, raised like blisters, are they fluid filled? Or just bumps.
If fluid filled, try not to break the skin..
jan01779 chris00938
chris00938 jan01779