ive had balance problems with perimenopause
Posted , 14 users are following.
Hi all you nice ladies out there has anyone had this horrible balance feeling drunk feeling its driving me mad
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Posted , 14 users are following.
Hi all you nice ladies out there has anyone had this horrible balance feeling drunk feeling its driving me mad
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debbie12340 karen71465
Yes I've had that for about 6 years on and off ! It was one of my first Peri symptoms. Had an MRI scan at the time but thankfully nothing was found ! Totally sympathise with you it's vile isn't it. Sorry I can't offer any advice about treatment, it just comes and goes. Sending you a big hug x
karen71465 debbie12340
brendababy karen71465
I think I have a virus just now and it has became even worse I can hardly lift my head
Sorry I can't give you any positive news or remedies but just wanted you to know your not on your own, I even struggle to wash my hair because any head movement makes it worse
I hope we can get over this soon
Take care
Brenda x
karen71465 brendababy
karen71465 brendababy
brendababy karen71465
Sometimes I just feel like throwing the towel in as I feel totally helpless with this and dont know when it'll get better
Sorry for being so negative X
debbie_18471 brendababy
Be encouraged, you are definitely not alone in this. I have struggling with it off and on since April of this year. It does make anxiety so much worse. I know how you feel. Some days I just cry because I want my old self and my old life back. I will turn 49 in April, so I'm hoping I'm close to the end of perimenopause. I try and really cherish the few days during the month that I do feel normal. Like everyone else I have had every blood test and scan done on my body. I am perfectly healthy in every respect. I eat really healthy and take tons of natural supplements and amino acids. I walk everyday with my husban. I do acupuncture and essential oils. Even after all this I still don't feel myself. I guess it's a waiting game. It's just nice to be on this site and realize that we are not alone and are going through all the same horrible symptoms. Take Care
brendababy debbie_18471
I wish I was less scared and able to get on with things like other woman but my symptoms are so severe
I'm 51, haven't had a period since January this year, have had bleeding however due to starting and stopping different HRTs. I've now Been on livial for 3 months, haven't really been bothered with hot flushes , my main symptoms are balance problems, anxiety and low mood
I'm just worried I'm going to be left like this
Take care Debbie & thanks xx
debbie_18471 brendababy
I am exactly the same. No hot flashes at all. Just extreme anxiety, panic attacks and balance problems. Believe me I have had many days of crying while my poor husband had to go to work. My daughter is away at college, so yes the fear of being left alone feeling like this is very very scary. I too sometimes feel like I will always feel this way, and it's scary. I know in my heart that this is all hormones. I have talked to a few women who are finally over it all and they have reassured me that when this is finally over I will feel like I got a second life. They said I will feel better than my old self. I see those ladies now and I know there is hope for me and you too Brenda. It's okay to cry and feel really upset about what we are going through, but just know that there will be an end someday hopefully sooner than later. Lately sometimes I just curl up in bed turn the tv on and just watch hallmark Christmas movies. It makes me feel better. Take Care Brenda and we will all get through this and we will have that gold that is waiting for us at the end of the rainbow 😊😊💛💛
brendababy debbie_18471
Take care & speak to you soon x
monique_93857 karen71465
susan21149 karen71465
i have at times i feel like i am going to lose my balance there are times i get dizzy and just don't feel right
There are times i feel like i am going to pass out
ursulauc62 karen71465
anxiousface karen71465
karen71465 anxiousface
anxiousface karen71465