jaw pain

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Hi ladies

Newly diagnosed peri menopausal, had numerous symptoms, all tests clear apart from low vitamin d which I'm now taking a supplement for. I suffered for a while with rib pain but this seems to have worn off but I have jaw pain and pain in my sinus area..... Anyone else suffered with this it's not constant just now and then on both sides at different times. Sheena x

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sheena

    i have been suffering awful with my throa, sinus and ears it a started with peri, been going on 2 years in January, just been referred back to ENT for more tests, it's amazing the problems hormone imbalance causes xx

    • Posted


      I hear ya!! HaVing so many different symptoms never know if should worry about them . OR do I need to see a doctor! for me some of my symptoms last few months then go away others last several months! I'M so glad found this website!

    • Posted

      I'm exactly the same! It's reassuring to know others are going through the same and I'm not completely insane. I have blood tests this week but worried if they don't show anything because I will be back to square one. I am having the coil fitted too which apparently can help with moods but takes 6 months to see a difference. I can't wait that long as it will cost me my job!

    • Posted

      Hormones I would never have believed in a million years could cause so many problems. I've had rib pain, back ache, periods all over the place and really heavy, spotty skin, weakness in the muscles, throat and jaw ache, tiredness no matter how much I sleep, anger, mood swings, social anxiety, hair loss, warm all the time but more on a night, they all come and go and it's very annoying but I just think it's just a tunnel and we'll all get to the end eventually I just hope it doesn't take too long haha. I hope you have a lovely day with little or no pain. X

    • Posted

      I know what you mean, I've had every alone test under the sun and the only thing that came back wap raised FSH level and low vitamin d, I've had ultrasounds and internals and boob exams and under arm exams but all clear so I'm trying not to worry every time a new thing whacks me, hard though not to worry. Have a nice day and try for some relaxing time xx

  • Posted

    Hi Sheena

    I get sinus pain frequently. I double checked at the dentist too as I had the same pain with my wisdom teeth but my teeth are fine so it seems to be yet another joyful symptom to add to the list.!

    Hope you get some relief soon xx

    • Posted

      Jen it's frustrating sometimes when you don't know what it is or you feel bad then it disappears and comes back. I don't do poorly and this is the first time I've been to the doctors for years but they think it's all hormonal and I never thought you could get so many ghastly symptoms that can affect your life so much. Do you just painkillers for yours or a sinus relief? I'm not a tablet person so try to just battle thru but sometimes needs must. Squishy hugs x

    • Posted

      I use steam and painkillers sometimes when I remember to get them. I'm really unorganised these days which I hate because I never used to be!

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      Steam?? I'm not blocked just achy don't know whether that would work but I'll give it a shot. It's under my eyes this morning, oh the joys haha xxx

  • Posted

    yes my lovely and i also had a burning sensation on one side of my face i was convinced it was a stroke I know have pain in both my thumb joints wrists and knees  oh the joys of the menopause lol   
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      Yeah I also get the joint pain big toes, ankles, wrists, shoulder blades, collar bones but nothing arthritic showed up on bloods. It's nice when the tests come back all clear but frustrating because you don't know what to do next. Have a pain free day. Hugs xxx

  • Posted

    Hi join the club I have back ache, ribcage ached should,neck and jaw pain.... some days it's worse than others also my elbows have started hurting besides the anxiety that comes an goes....especially around ovulation an periods.... hormones are hectic....

    • Posted

      Hi it's awful isn't it?? My ribs were horrendous but that seems to have gone and fingers crossed it doesn't return. It's now my jaw, sinus and joints. God I wish it was over. Do you find anything helps?? X

    • Posted

      I'm using a natural pill prescribed by my gynae gt evening primrose oil l,vit B, vit E, zink an Magnesium. .... and calcium combo of calcium, vit D ,K2. ..... if you want I'll inbox name I can't put them on here it blocks me....

    • Posted

      I'm using vitamin d, cod liver oil and magnesium spray and think it's helping with the bone aches. I'm just finding the jaw pain a little strange as it's new, it's been fairly non existent today so fingers crossed that's it for now. Thanks for your reply. Squishy hugs xxx

    • Posted

      Hi I was told to not chew any gum....an dentist made me a mouth piece as I clenched my jaw at night while sleeping.....it really helped....

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