Jelly like painful legs😭

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Helloo Friends.

Anyone there having jelley like painful legs..

sometimes its difficult to stand long ( Start vibrating if i stand long ) and having pain while walking too. I feel as if i am walking in bamboo sticks..its soo hard to walk some days.

Anyone feeling same in Peri ??

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I do....Been feeling like this for a bit.......I also been under a Drs. care doing detoxes from Heavy could be the metals or Perimenopause not quit sure....also getting my Adrenaline Salivia Test Back this really hard to this point if my legs are feeling this way because of Perimenopause.....

    • Posted

      Hi Shana what is the adrenaline saliva test? I mean other then the obvious haha wthout sounding stupid like what are the specifics? 😃

  • Posted

    I am having ALL kinds of leg issues! If I stand to long they start to go numb, I have to get to a chair quickly after I sit a bit they feel fine until it happens all over again. I get this feeling like its raining inside my legs this one is REALLY hard to describe, and then feels like the same on outside of legs, Some days I feel the weakness feeling like a tickling but weird tickle. I have days the feel like jelly! AT night I have to keep moving them (not every night) they feel so weird and uncomfortable I try to keep moving them in hopes it will go away. I get what I will call dancing and swinging spasms the big calf muscle just swings and jumps all over the place, also horrible twitches and some times my leg will just jump up like jerk and move when laying down. My legs will also feel fat, swollen and tight . To sum it all up "My legs got their own thing going on"

    • Posted

      hi crosodo 8 - OH wow! when i just read your post i thought this is me!!! Overnight this leg issue happened to me back in December & i have been dealing with it ever since. There are days that my legs hurt so much i could cry. My legs also feel "puffy" & i have developed a "fatty deposit" below my knee caps on both legs - i showed my dr & she just said that was fat deposit not a tumor, but odd it all came on at the same time - when you said your legs feel like its raining inside that really struck me because many times during the day i feel like water is running down my leg & it isnt. Also, there are days were my legs dont feel like they are operating well - my pain is difinitely muscle, tendon& ligament pain not bone - ugh!

    • Posted

      Debra, I'm glad you can relate although I am very sorry you have to deal with this too. When you tell someone it feels like water running down your legs they think you crazy BUT its true, I look every time to make double sure. It is horrible/sad how all this affects ourlegs so horrible and joints and such since menopause I have every type of inflammation there is with so many other symptoms . I heard that back in the day women didn't live much passed 40/50 due to menopause so this time in a woman's life is very scary period! I know that thanks to technology today us women have a more fighting chance.

    • Posted

      hi crosado8 - Yes, my C reactive score (which measures inflammation) has been elevated my last few visits to the dr - & now i just tested positive on my ANA bloodwork which tests for auto immune - i have to see a Rheumatologist - i am trying not to freak out but the leg pain is very concerning to me & has completly rocked my world - Do you also have a "puffiness" with your legs - not really swollen, just feel full & puffy? i just wish i knew what was really going on, like definitive answers - ugh!

    • Posted

      hi debra dont freak about the ana positive i tested too and it came positive but along with this test there are other blood test ena and esr and another one which all came negitive i was so scared too but my doctor said 15./. of human have positive ANA BUT that dosnt mean they have autoimmune problem best luck

    • Posted

      hi May - oh thank you for that - i dis read that online & a friend who is an Urgent Care dr said the same thing, but with all these stupid symptoms you cant help but going to the worse case possible. On top of my leg issues, i have really bad burning body parts happening at early morning onset - i feel like my nervous/inflammatory system is on overload - i am pushing myself thru with exercise & try to eat an anti inflammatory diet but nothing changes - all i can do is leave this up to a higher power - i cant take the constant worry anymore -

    • Posted

      me too i have the same problems the burning sensation is very sever but i remamber i use to have it when i was pregnant with my kids but what bothers me the most the sensitivity to cold which brings tingling to my feet ,hand and legs ,but i am waiting for that day that all this is gone ,hope some time soon

    • Posted

      Yes that puffiness is what I call fat feeling! I never had blood work done for inflammation but I bet its high, because I have diverticulitis , bursitis , and whatever it is in my lower back and legs! 😦

    • Posted

      wow May - you & I have similar symptoms - i just wish i could go to a dr who would validate what i am experiencing & tell me exactly what is causing it - very few people seem to experience this so it makes it that much more mysterious - i am so sick of my dr saying "You have no more hormones left so it is not menopause" ugh! praying for an end to this madness -

    • Posted

      hi crosado 8 - yes, just another blood test to have & something else to worry about - my dr told me a toothache or a sore muscle can elevate your C REATIVE SCORE, so why worry about it -

  • Posted

    I forgot to add to my leg list that my hips hurt like a mug, especially when I sit down , and right now the lower end of my back is so bad and has been for weeks, very painful and sore and unable to bend or sit to long because of the pain, and soreness i'm on hot and cold treatments for it right now . Still can't bend its too painful to do so. Its on the very lower close to tail bone deal but just a little higher.

    • Posted

      hi all - something that does seem to help me a bit with the non-stop leg stuff is I have doubled up on a really good quality fish oil & i do take tumeric - tumeric does make me flush & seems to trigger my rosacea, but when my leg pain is intense, i dont care - also, magnesium glycinol at night -

    • Posted

      I have , I guess you would describe it as restless leg. achiness, tired, pain. came on over period of time. worse around cycle. I also take tumeric for inflammation, thanks for talking about correlation with rosecea. I have noticed it, but did not relate it. Hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      hi rebecca - sounds like you are also a ROSACEA sufferer. i have also learned the hard way not to take tumericbefore i exercise...oh boy did i have a ROSACEA flare up! I still suffer a great deal from hot flashes even though i am 7 years post menopause, my acupunturist says i have a lot of "heat" in my body. obviously tumeric also produces heat in the body so i only use tumeric when my leg pain is unbearable - i try to use a lot of fresh ginger in my water & smoothies to help with inflammation -

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