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Any ideas on natural products to help with joint pains please. Hips, knees just about everything. Thank you x😢😢

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Rosehip is a natural help for joints.

    Magnesium oil spray helps my creaky knees.

  • Posted

    Sorry I have to type fast and press reply before the page starts reloading and I lose everything

    Sorry you having so much pain

    Have you tried those lavender bags you can warm in microwave or over the radiator. Good for the shoulders and neck or I guess you could place over knees when sitting.

    Take care Lou x

    • Posted

      Thank you Maisie, yes I have one of those Lavendar heat bags - hurts bad today , sorry you're the same . Thanks v much look after yourself x

  • Posted

    Great question Lou.

    I too have stiffened up and it seems so easy to pull a muscle since meno.  😩


    • Posted

      Me too Ally...i have pulled a muscle in my back in 2 different spots over the last month.

      Seem to pull something frequently now sad

    • Posted

      Definatley, everything feels stiff and creaky, horrid.
  • Posted

    Epsom salts (magnesium again!) baths with a few drops of lavender, rosemary or frankincense EO are very soothing for joint and muscle pains.

    Essential oils (good quality ones) are also very soothing and warming as a massage. I dilute them with sweet almond oil (used neat, many will irritate the skin). I find a mix of frankincense, myrrh and ginger oils work just as well as topical ibuprofen. I think the massage itself helps.

    All these things help with the pain but don't prevent it. Mornings are worst for me. I'm like the Tin Man before I get going. Miserable isn't it?!

    • Posted

      Hi and thanks very much I'll buy some tomorrow. Yes mornings are awful for me too, takes a couple of hours for me before I can stand up straight and move properly but even then it hurts. Yes it is miserable, so sorry you have it too.

  • Posted

    Hi,lou I take cod liver oil capsules one a day they seem to help,hope you soon feel better.x
    • Posted

      Yes...  I was just going to mention that..   I take Cod Liver Butter Oil and it seems to be helping with my joints and other things as well!! 
    • Posted

      thank you I take it in oil from the bottle ( yuk ) sadly does nothing for my joints. 
  • Posted

    GM Everyone & Lou, ?

    I hav found tht [ TART Cherry Juice ] wrks wonders for joint pain, achy back, knees, inflammation etc- Look up its awesome benefits! You can purchase from a local Target or Rite-Aid (Sweet/Unsweet)

    I personally drink 6 ounce 2x's a day. I felt results within a day & was playfully karate chopping my boys the NEXT day😉

    Hope this works for you all as well!

    Feel Better Soon-

    • Posted

      thank you I'll do some research.

  • Posted

    Such good advice........I'm in peri meno an my neck shoulders back an elbows hurt so badly....knees have also started now.... someone told me gelatine also very good for joints....

    • Posted

      I'm hearing good things about bone broth. Think I might try it. Think it must be organic meat though - no AB's or GMO feedstuff.

    • Posted

      hi Michelle poor you, my elbows hurt now too - im so sorry you have it too.
    • Posted

      It DOES work!  It is the gelatin in it.  I use the dry unflavored beef gelatin,  google it.  I use it often for periods at a time and it really does eliminate any pain.


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