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Any ideas on natural products to help with joint pains please. Hips, knees just about everything. Thank you x😢😢

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lou. i find glucosamine gel very effective on my outer right hip, knee & calf.  you can buy it from a well know health shop H & B.  x

    • Posted

      Hi looloo thanks v much for that - I'll get some.

    • Posted

      Hi Lou. the gel is non greasy & absorbed really quickly. something else - i had a blood test in august & my vit d was found to be insufficient. my doc put me on a vit d supplement in september to get my levels up. these last couple of weeks (on the vit d about 2mths now)  i do have noticeably less aches & pains, particularly in my right outer hip/knee/calf which would wake me up every night. so might be worth getting your vit d levels checked. i now buy it myself - my doc said to take at least 1000iu/25mg daily. I'm sure it must be what's helped my chronic pain in my right leg.  x

    • Posted

      Thank you, im glad you feel better Thats good news. I'll look I to it x

  • Posted

    are you using fish oil? it works wonders!!
    • Posted

      Hi dee and thanks for that , yes I do actually - I have one teaspoon of cod liver oil every morning ( yuk ) it sadly does nothing for my joints but without it I couldn't go to the loo !

    • Posted

      Magnesium helps with that, as do flax seeds. I have fresh ground flax seeds every morning on my porridge. I also have them with live yoghurt. I use a pestle and mortar which means they are not all ground. The ones that are still whole go right through the digestive tract a bit like a brillo pad.cheesygrin

    • Posted

      i give salmon oil to my dog and her joints were terrible before it. She is like a puppy on our walks now and her coat is sooo slick and soft compared to the straw like feel it used to have. i know I shoud use it too, it is good for the heart. the flavor is just too much for me to stomach.  i burp it up all day.  yuk is right 😝

  • Posted

    Unflavored beef geletin!  It saves me from a LOT of aches and pains and fibro symptoms.  It is cheap, and I put two level teaspoons in my coffee in the morning.  Your pain should disappear within a week.  Do this for two or three months and then stop and use as required after that ( I find I don't have to use it often anymore, a week here and there.  It also helps with energy and bowel issues.  It has been a lifesaver for me in that area.  Now if only I could find something to stablize my moods!

    • Posted

      Thanks very much for that, do you know where I can buy it from ? X
    • Posted

      I buy it at the bulk store, it is cheaper there, but you can buy it in envelopes at the grocery as well
  • Posted

    Hi Lou 

    try magniseum girl it has help so much through this crazy ass change. Good luck girl… hugs

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