Jumpy feeling in stomach

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Hi Ladies!

Have any of you experienced a jumpy feeling in your stomach sort of like a baby kicking or a twitchy nerve?

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    Yeah, I was getting it all the time, and had a lot of gas and other bowel issues at the same time though so I chalked it up to that, was told I have GERD and that it could be a symptom of that and/or hormones.  I still get it every once in a while (just the other day) but I'm used to it now.
  • Posted

    Do either of you get that in your lower stomach? Mine feels kinda like a constant thump. Weird...
  • Posted

    Yes I get it. Especially in the lower part of the abdomen.
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      I'm to the point that everything about period drives me nuts..
    • Posted

      Yes! That's where I have it! I especially feel it when I am sitting. I have a bunch of fibroids so I don't know if that is what's causing this sensation.
    • Posted

      Its comforting to know there are others out there experiencing the same. I was thinking what in the world is wrong with me my anxiety already runs sky high. I have had a terrible day. Im perinoid im having stiffness in my back but only on one side. Thats weird to me. I feel like I went to having a couple of good days to totally falling apart!!
    • Posted

      It feels like little baby kicks or twitching muscles. It's weird but then again majority of these period sensations are weird anyways.
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     I got these a lot before I had my op. Still get them now but less often. I think they are called fasciculations - involuntary muscle twitches. For me it was upper abdomen and felt like a baby moving or kicking. I understand they can increase with anxiety or stress. Might not be the same thing as yours of course. X

  • Posted


    I get this jumpy feeling quite often. Its a anxious scared feeling. Get it mostly at night in bed. Even if my partner turns over I get it as tho I'm scared to death.. Glad I'm not the only one ...

    • Posted

      Hi Lornaj , was just reading your post. I have the same as you, feels like twitchy electric shocks- so horrible. I've also had it on my cheeks, I've booked to see doctor Friday about HRT as I cannot carry on like this. I also read that the more we become anxious and stressed the more it affects the sharp pains - cannot win !!
    • Posted

      Hi Deborah

      Mine are not sharp pains just feels like a really nervous tummy and as tho I'm scared altho I am not. The slightest noise or movement gets tummy going and heart racing. Also same as you going very red and blotchy even when I'm not having a hot flush. Very embarrass ing. Unfortunatly I can't have hrt sue to health problems been told by Dr I have to learn to cope with all the effects of menopause.. Great help

    • Posted

      Yes I do get it in my Cheek's as well I have chalked it up to this thing we call menopause especially when my anxiety is in full force like today my Cheek's twitching grrrrrrrrr I am not a true fan of anxiety at all

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