Just about had enough!
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I am so fed up, today has been horrible my head/neck hurts, my ears are ringing, I feel lightheaded, moments of panic its never ending, what I would give for one day of feeling normal! I am really finding the lead up to christmas hard this year, I lost my mum 5 years ago and my dad in June of this year, with perimenopause on top of it all christmas is just a nightmare. Everyone is happy and excited and im anxious thinking how the heck am I going to get through each social event. Please tell me there are other people dreading it as much as me xx
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Guest caroline62395
Hi caroline, Bah humbug! I am not in a merry mood either...as far as I am concerned 2018 cannot be over fast enough! Still feel lousy, still not working...seriously...I would have to be delusional to be happy about that. Some would say we have our health! OK! if you call this healthy...ha! Anytime people see me I get the sympathetic head tilt and questions of how I am feeling...so glad it is just my hubbie and kids.
You are not alone on this...I suspect many of us will be faking it to make it!
caroline62395 Guest
I think if we could all have some reassurance that this wont last forever it my help but lets face it nobody is going to give us that. x
ampat1 Guest
i couldn't agree more about 2018 can not be over fast enough.
staci88515 caroline62395
Hi Caroline,
We aren't bug Christmas people as it is just my mom and I for the holidays, but I can sympathize with the panic. I have had a few episodes today. I am still feeling anxious now as about 30 minutes ago, I caught a bit of light in the eye. I tried blinking several times and could still "see" it. I immediately thought it might be a migraine aura started and went into full panic mode. It's a terrible feeling living in fear and being scared all day. It is exhausting. Just think, Christmas will be over in two short weeks.
BIG not bug ^
caroline62395 staci88515
Thats it living in fear, every twitch, ache, noise makes me feel panic, what the heck has happened to us? x
Sassyr12a caroline62395
Good God yes Caroline, I think we all feel that way even if you have the hormones of a 20 year old. Christmas is super stressful, but when you feel lousy but still have to shop, wrap, stuff, wrap, smile and make nice it's made even harder. I always think I can't get through it, or worry that I won't get it done but it always comes together regardless of how I'm feeling, and it will be the same for you. Think when you're menopausal you go into anxiety overdrive, when in reality you'll cope cos you always do! My plan is to get everything done by next week, and just spend the rest of the time drunk.... It seems to work 😃 I had a day like you today, throttled in the grip of the ghost of Christmas menopause, thought I'd faint, then crying, then shaky, then tired and somewhere in the middle I pickled onions so can't be much wrong with me! Try this year to see the faith in yourself that everyone else has, pickle some onions and if all else fails get drunk ♥ xx
caroline62395 Sassyr12a
Love this! I think one of my big issues is that I have lost faith in myself. I used to be a really together person but now Im just a emotional wreck! You have inspired me to wrap my presents today. x
juanita93228 caroline62395
Caroline you are not alone. Right now I'm on stress/depression/burnout leave. This year has been really bad for me with menopause. Usually I have enough good days where I can push through. I've been on leave since November 28. I'm scheduled to return to work January 2, 2019. Already know I don't want to return. I had already been thinking about leaving before I had a meltdown in my Supervisor's office. I see a therapist once a week. She said to use this time to heal and let it out. If that means crying all day, do it. If it means staying in bed all day do it. She said my body is going to do what it needs to heal. Woke up Tuesday with frozen shoulder. It's better now, but if you Google it, it says it last for years. I was scheduled for a massage and she must have worked that shoulder 30 minutes. Today it's a little sore but I can lift my shoulder over my head.
Caroline do you ever feel like you're slowly dying inside? I'm dealing with that now. I talk to God all day. He saw I was hanging by a thread and this time off is a HUGE blessing.
As far as Christmas, my sister is having brunch and she said we could even come in our jammies. That helps me. No all day thing and I don't have to dress up.
pam90720 juanita93228
hi juanita... praying for you.. im post meno 😦 felt like crap for 3 years now... i had frozen shoulder too sadly mine lasted a year... could not move my arm at all .. it was fun getting dressed, washing hair etc... the bra was the funnest.. had to clasp it in front then somehow get it turned around... hugged with one arm.. etc.. it did finally got better... still a tiny bit sore but a million times better
hang in there!! hugs
caroline62395 juanita93228
Im not working at the moment I just find it hard to do everyday things, I have been thinking about seeing a therapist for some advise, I like the healing yourself thing I never thought of it like that. I just wish I had a friend who is going through the same thing but nobody seems to be experiencing anything like me that I know. Love the idea of having christmas lunch in you jammies x
staci88515 caroline62395
Caroline, I feel the same way. I don't have anyone in real life who I can talk to about all of this nonsense. When I tell friends and co-workers that I essentially went blind overnight, they look at me like I am crazy. In some way, it is good that I had my first migraine with aura at work. At least people know, I am not making it all up. Thank goodness for the ladies on this forum. I honestly don't know how I could handle any of this without knowing someone out there has/had the same symptoms.
juanita93228 pam90720
Yes, the bra was the worst! But I think mine was brought on by my Supervisor. Every darn week she texts me to "see how I'm doing". She may mean well but I don't want to speak with anyone from my job.
Thank you for the prayers and I will pray for you also. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏
pam90720 staci88515
ditto to everything you said staci
this forum has helped me so much...
juanita93228 caroline62395
Hang in there Caroline! I will pray for you. I know you will get through this! I wish every good blessing on you.
God sees your pain and he will not let it continue. Nothing wrong with seeing a therapist.🤗🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏