Just been diagnosed with gentile herpes 2 help!
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Hi all I have just been diagnosed with gentile herpes 2, I have been with my new partner for a few months and we have unprotected sex I was all clear of sexual transmitted infections as I thought but doctors don't test for herpes
We hadn't seen each other for a week or so then had sex after that I thought I had thrush and a urine infection took some tablets and seemed to help a few days later had sex again after my "thrush " was gone was abit painful but thought nothing of it just rough or nnot enough lubrication two days after that I found a ulcer on the inside of my labia ran to the doctors and she said you have herpes, shocked confused how could this happen to me I haven't been with anyone with ulcers on there gentiles.
3 agonizing days later of googleing and stressing results came up positive .
The doctor wasn't helpful at all gave me a sheet of paper and sent me on my way . I asked if I have now given it to my bf and she said no because there was no ulcers present but I don't believe this can be true there is so many different things on the Internet .
I haven't told him yet I don't no how to or how he will react I'm scared I have ruined his life has anyone been in this situation if so please help I'm having a really hard time excepting this and I don't no how I could be so unlucky !!
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BestOfAll carla_11791
I'm in the same place at you now. I was diagnosed last wednesday, couple days before the Valentine's day. I know.. what a bummer. Its possible that you boyfriend already got it or could have given it to you. Its very important to tell him and get him tested too before anything. He won't take it very well but he will appriciate your honesty.
Good luck and stay strong.
carla_11791 BestOfAll
How do you know if you have always had it or just been infected?
BestOfAll carla_11791
I thought i got it from my boyfriend because he had the rash just before me but his test came out negative. It all doesn't make sense so we plan to see my doctor togther, ask some questions and get tested again in a month.
I think you should get your boyfriend tested. Bring both of your test results togther, talk to someone helpful and figure out what to do.
carla_11791 BestOfAll
I honestly don't no how to tell him I have it iv been racking my brain I'm so scared he is never going to talk to me again and if I have infected him I don't no how I could cope with it.
feelbroken BestOfAll
Your doctor is ridiculously ignorant. Not everyone gets sick or has a bad ob.. I have a friend who was infected for awhile and it wasn't until she deployed and was under stress and she still had a minor ob, being her first ob ever.. Like 3 sores.. It's all about your immune system. Your bf needs to go get tested.. I'll be willing to bet money, he is positive and asymptomatic
carla_11791 feelbroken
feelbroken carla_11791
I see.. So she thinks you had hsv 1 w out knowing on your genitals and have now also contracted hsv 2 genitally as well?
carla_11791 feelbroken
because I'm not really sick she said iv always had it n it's just come out now, but only a swap was taken no blood tests or anything
feelbroken carla_11791
Does your bf get cold sores on his mouth? If you test positive for hsv 1, I'm almost certain you got it from oral sex. There's a chance he has hsv 1 on his genitals as well. 85-90% of people w genital herpes, are asymptomatic and have no idea they have it.
carla_11791 feelbroken
feelbroken carla_11791
saw a wonderful doctor who has explained everything to me and is quite admit that my partner has passed it on to me without knowing, took blood tests and more swaps to be 100% .
I'm feeling alot better emotionally my first doctor made me feel like absolute sh*t after she told me I have always had it , which she doesn't know because she just took a swap that tested positive and that's obviously only positive of the ulcer and not the blood tests.
feelbroken carla_11791
carla_11791 feelbroken
But very anxious about the talk and I hope he has given it to me rather then the chance of me giving it to him
feelbroken carla_11791
carla_11791 feelbroken
feelbroken carla_11791
carla_11791 feelbroken
feelbroken carla_11791
I am so sorry that was your experience. My gyno was amazing and sweet. My general practitioner who I had a follow up w, was Indian and she was folder than a marine drill sergeant when I broke into tears and was nasty as all get out. She had no pity on me for going two urs no sex, have sex and get heroes. In her mind, as a woman, I shouldn't be having premarital sex.
Unfortunately the medical field will not negate you from. Ignorant personnel and it will not negate you from People who are judgmental, because of their religion and culture just because they have an educated.
Jopefuwyou have more support from here on out. Have you told your bf yet?
carla_11791 feelbroken
Still haven't told him I don't exactly no how don't no if iv previously had it or its a new I infection the doctor said to hold off untill I have all the results back also seeing the counselor tomorrow so he can give me some pointers.
The more I think about it I start thinking iv had an lump before but I don't no or I'm just convincing myself if always had it.