Just had 2nd Ablation, 5 weeks ago, who has had af since

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Hi, I had a second Ablation 5 weeks ago, and have had two af attacks since.  I am also left with a misbeating heart mostly in the morning, fluttery,   I am curious to know how many people are fine after ablation and never get an attack of af and how many really do take weeks before they are ok  I understand I am still in the process of waiting for the heart to fully scar but feeling a low and worried I might need a third procedure. Could do with some optimistic feedback!

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    I had my ablation late October. It was the first one and I don't plan on having another one.   I'm stubborn that way.  I haven't had any complications really.  I feel great, like I am my old self.     give yourself time to heal and have faith.  Be positive...   

    • Posted

      Thank you for your feedback and glad you are feeling great.  Not so sure about yur comment on stubborness cos I do not feel my character has caused me to have af. , If only our thooughts could control the heart all would be well!  However much I tell myself 'no' to the af, it does not listen!

  • Posted

    Hi Shirley, it is early days for you! My eCardiologist reckons 3 months before making any decisions. I had quite a lot of AF at first, but it gradually calmed. Even at 5 months I was still getting the odd episode. I had my only ablation 2 years 9 months ago and still get what my eCardiologist calls "Ectopic Heart Beats," which an awful lot of non-AF sufferers get anyway and are no trouble to me. So, stay calm and  be patient with yourself. I trust that in a few months time you will be looking back, wondering why you worried about it.

    Best wishes

    • Posted

      Thankyou for your feedback.  After my first ablation I was quite poorly for the first three month and gradually the af happened for longer periods.  I have paroxysmal af.  11 minths after the first I had the second and am hoping it does work.  It is interesting to hear how other people have faired.  I am quite calm about it, and believe that whatever life chucks our way we have to get on with it until the day we drop! Fingers crossed!
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    It is my first but so far no attacks.But I was one of those people who rarely felt anything so I guess does not count. Been about six weeks. 
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      Thank you Betty.  I know exactly when my heart goes into af mode, I get it periodically, but it leaves me feeling very tired for next 24 hours. plus the attacks were getting longer abd nore frequent after the first ablation. I am really hoping second one  works  Feedback from QE is that they can have another go if signs are right.  Fingers crossed my heart will settle.  I know it is early days for me.
  • Posted

    Hiya. I had an episode the day after my first ablation! Give it time. Took me 4 weeks to even begin to feel normal but it slowly improves. For me, I knew immediately that I had to go back again as the consultant was able to tell me why, but for many folk, one procedure is all they need! Dont rush your recovery - you may upset that healing/scarring process. Good luck.
    • Posted

      After my first ablation my heart was very unsettled for first three months and over the next 11 months up until 2nd one, my attacks got more frequent and lasted longer.  I fully understand the heart has to scar up to block the rogue electricity, and the feedback from the team was good, which is why I am disappointed I have had 2 af attacks since the 2nd ablation 5 weeks ago.  Time will out as the old saying goes.
  • Posted

    Never had this myself, but am following discussions carefully.  This is your second, and I see others have had a third, so I guess it's not so rare.  Hope this one settles down for you!

  • Posted

    Hi Shirley. I had afib up until the 10th week after my ablation. I have not had afib for the past 10 weeks although my resting heart rate is 10bpm higher than it used to be which is normal but should settle down according to my EP.

    I get an occasional ectopic but not very often which my EP also told me everybody gets. It should also be noted I was on flecanaide for 3 months post ablation due to episodes of AFIB but no longer am.

    Your case sounds similar to mine. If you are not on antiarrhytmic drugs you are doing better than I was.

    It takes 3 months for heart to heal(blanking period). I wouldn't worry unless you still have episodes past the 3 month mark. You should start to see your episodes diminish , get shorter or go away within 7 weeks

    Best Wishes!

    • Posted

      Thank you Larry

      Glad all is well with you

      I am on flecanide and due to stop after 8 weeks from Ablation 

      I am experiencing ectopics every morning so it will be interesting what happens as I move along the recovery

      Really hope it will be a success!

  • Posted

    Hi Shirley, I had my first ablation 15 months ago,it was a very long job as they found I had floppy septum ,it took me many weeks to get over it ,but for 6 months I didn't have af then I have had numerous bouts of it.i am due to have a second ablation in 14 days time which I am very nervous about as the surgeon said it was very technically challenging first time.After my first ablation I had fast heart rate,skipped beats and chest pain,but I didn't have af.

    • Posted

      I was not keen to go down the ablation route, but after years of af and flecainide not really damping it I decided to have the procedure.  Now approaching week 9 after 2nd ablation and at last! I have had 3 clear days  with no problems.  How long it will continue who knows, but now I have started down the route, if I am offered a third ablation I would probably  have it.  Any chance at all of no af is worth it for me.  Good luck!


  • Posted

    After  ablation one I was no unwell for months that I put off Ablation two for a couple of years.   Ablation 2 took 9 months to settle.    I had AF twice in first 3 months then about 6 months later came off flecanide and apixaban.   I felt better after that.    Looking back now nearly a year later mine started to settle more at 9 months.    I still get 'threats' and perhaps ectopic beats and my body gets internal tremor if I try to come off the low dose bisoprolol which is a shame and BP and rate good.       I was advised when I had the first episodes after that it can take a year before they know how succesfull so my advise is at this stage don't be put off by what is happening and dig deep.  

    • Posted

      Hi Kate, I am at week 10 now and my heart has been very unsettled since week 3.  I have had af periods since week 3 occuring practically every other day.  Tend to last about 2 hours although last one was much longer. The flutters, tachy misbeats I was experiencing in the morning on a daily basis have now, for the most part,disappeared so one positive.  I have had 6 days between my 'mini' attacks and am currenty 5 days since that one clear. Time will tell, but fingers crossed am over the worse. Thank you for your feedback.

      I like the comment on 'threats' cos yesterday I had a bit of a run and thought 'Oh no'  Luckily it settled after a minute or so!

    • Posted

      Time will tell we are all so different.    My experience has taught me that patience  (that means patience of a saint) is required.   No one explained anything to me about 'ecoptic beats' so when I got these flicks and kicks which were just like when I went into AF I was nervous and you feel less 'confident' that all is well  but they are getting less and less.   Good Luck with your recovery.    

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