Just had Botox for my fissure

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Has anyone had Botox injections for anal fissures? Just had procedure today. When should I start feeling relief? I'm in PAIN and am so tired of it! Been dealing with this for almost a year. Help!

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114 Replies

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    hi all new here and like most suffering excrutiating pain almost 24/7 had botox injections almost 2 weeks ago privately as nhs and GP really not able to help but as of today im worse than ever Revisited private surgeon who just offers either more botox or lateral surgery

    i think i would just like respite from the constant pain as im not sure anyone who hasnt had this understands the pain

    sat here at 7am having been awake since 5am sat on a hot water bottle as its the only relief i can find

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      sorry to hear your struggles. I went through the same for 3 months constant. my surgeon gave me botox which helped but after two months i was back to the same pain. i finally had the lateral surgery and it is the best thing ever. two days after the surgery no more pain (only pain from the incision). ask your surgeon to do endoanal ultrasound and anal manometry. this will confirm whether the pain is due to the tight sphyncter because if not then the lateral surgery would not be much help.

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      good info thanks i will ask as im due back in surgery next thursday and i think he wants to do the surgery

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      the pain now and since the botox injections seems ti be directly from the schpincter being so cramped and tight

      Just so debilitating 24/7

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      After I had the botox and for like 9 weeks after it was hell on earth and worse than before the op.

      I had mine in October.

      Wasn't healed and booked in for more on Tuesday just gone.

      The surgeon called off the operation at the last minute, after my pre op and wee sample! because he said he saw progress... So I'm confused because I am obviously still in pain.

      Even though my life is currently ruined with no chance of exercising or getting in to work at the right time or being able to do all my normal things, the pain is no where as near as bad as after botox. You need to give it time I guess.

      As someone said on here, the body wants to heal.

      I found also on Tuesday that it is intrusive to do botox, as in I just nievely thought a needle goes up your bum. Well no. They have to open it, potentially causing more short term damage.


      Ps everyone I have Just spent a small fortune on the fissure oil, I am waiting for the post man now.

      What has my life come too? Oh and a little bath that clips on the toilet...

      Will update if anyone is interested.

      Can anyone answer this question :does any one have coccyx pain? Like horrendous?

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      yep i think i rather blindly expected a miracle from the botox

      double dosing pain killers for now

      surgeon wants to do mri as well to ruke out any internal infection

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    Hi. Where do you live? I've been told I can't see anyone about my fissure in England.

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