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I had Vivity implanted in my non-dominant eye 3 weeks ago. I have good distance vision as expected, I have good mid-range vision (to type on my Mac Air) but my near vision (to see my smartphone and read a book or textbooks) is blurry. I am disappointed. I have read that my near vision could still improve with time. I would love to know if anyone has heard this as well. As far as any halos at night, I don't notice them, but my cataract was so bad with such bad halos that anything would seem like an improvement. I also have a cataract in my dominant eye, so any slight halos I see could be due to that as well. I am noticing a slight waviness in my peripheral vision, but this could just be the natural healing process. At the one month mark, I have the appt with dialation where I will see how I'm healing. I hope I haven't wasted nearly $3k.
I really don't understand how my brother had multifocals implanted 10 years ago and he can see well without glasses at both near and far distances, but I get the latest technology and am stuck in readers.
I would love to have any feedback on anyone else's experiences. I contacted the FDA to see if I could get more long-term stats but they have not responded.
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richestwoman gayle14130
For 2 weeks I had perfect vision distance, intermediate and near with Vivvity lens in my left dominate eye. Put all my eyeglasses - progressive, distance, reading glasses in the garage. Then the sudden decline in distance and reading - blurry....intermediate great. The ophthalmologist said he could replace it or try lasik to correct. He said the lens must have moved in the healing process and is off center ever so slightly. He gave me a new perscription for distance glasses and when I wear them I can see perfect, but would have to now get progressive lens to see near and intermediate.
BUT I just got second opinion from an ophthalmologist that did a review on the Vivvity lens. There seem to be problems with these lenses. She said it would have been better to put distance lens in dominate eye and the VIvvity or another type in the other eye. I have not had right eye cataract surgery yet. She also told me if the eye has lasik fix on the VIvvity lens I would lose any near vision that I did get.
No halos....Spent $3,500 for the Vivvity lens - could have bought a-lot of gorgeous glasses for that price. I will go back to the original opthamologist next week to try and figure out what to do. NOT HAPPY.....3 months since my cataract surgery and IOL implant.
Guest richestwoman
Oh no. Sorry to hear about that. That sounds concerning! Did she specify exactly what these "problems" with Vivity supposedly are?
I've been debating between Vivity or Eyhance or just forgetting the whole premium thing and playing it safe with plain old tried and true monofocals (Acrysof). Have not had any surgery yet. Still deciding. And soaking up information and spending way too much time on this forum. LOL.
Hope you get things sorted out in a satisfactory way.
xen42188 richestwoman
If the loss in quality of vision is due to slight decentration then it seems the Vivity (just like the Synergy) is more sensitive to decentration.
How was/is your vision in dim light?
Guest xen42188
I imagine centration would be important with any lens that affects the wavefront, even a mono that's aspherical… but especially Vivity with its raised area.
RonAKA Guest
I believe the Eyhance changes the power of the lens from the edge to the centre, so it would seem to be susceptible too.
Guest RonAKA
Correct. Any aspherical lens really would need to be well centred. Even a ZCBOO. But I think the Vivity with it's raised bump may be less forgiving. I don't think achieving good centring isn't too much of an issue these days anyway but it does happen. And some lenses probably deal with it better or worse that others. The worst would be a difractive multifocal I imagine.
k02366 Guest
david98963 I am with you. I just left the opthamologist office today and have surgery scheduled in 2 weeks on my worst eye. He plans to put the Acrysof IQ Vivity in both eyes 1 week apart. I will have my eyes function as monovision ...R lens for distance and L eye for midrange to reading. After seeing this thread from gayle, sox and richestwoman, I am very nervous about the info we just settled on. I am looking at ~ $8000 out of pocket for both eyes.
RonAKA k02366
Another option is the monofocal AcrySof IQ Aspheric for the distance eye, and the Vivity for the near vision eye. That is kind of a hedge your bet solution.
How much do you plan to under correct the near vision eye?
Guest k02366
i imagine the majority of people are happy with it though and we just don't hear from them online… but I know what you mean. Whatever you chose please let us know how it works out. Hoping you get a great outcome.
tatiana58393 richestwoman
Hi there
both my husband and I had vivity lenses done in September last year
We are not happy at all.
We were promised all these great outcomes of no halos, better near vision and distant vision.
These lens have caused us nothing but grief.
We went to our optometrist today and was advised that our vision is worse than before the surgery, we also checked with our optometrist to confirm if we had cateracts
We were advised that neither of us had cateracts
I'm going to bring all this up with our surgeon
I would love the details of the person you saw that did a study on these lenses so that I can go see them for a second opinion.
I hope your eyes improve
Guest k02366
k02366 wondering if you have the Vivity surgery done and how the outcome was?
Sue.An2 tatiana58393
What? Did the surgeon say you had cataracts and your optometrist say you didn't have cataracts? That would be cause for lawsuit.
Keratos Sue.An2
Tatiana & Sue.An - There is no way the optometrist could evaluate your natural lenses for cataracts if they examined you AFTER your natural lenses were already removed during cataract surgery. How can they say the natural lenses look normal/clear if your natural lenses are no longer present? That is like seeing someone after an appendectomy and saying that the appendix looks normal when the appendix is already gone and not available to examine. If the optometrist is saying that before the surgery your natural lenses were clear that would make more sense however, except that ophthalmologists are a lot more capable of evaluating lenses than optometrists, since ophthalmologists are working on lenses all the time.
This also makes me wonder how old you were when you had the surgery. Younger people have more ability to focus their lenses in and out (accommodation) and they lose this with the cataract surgery whereas older people have already lost this due to presbyopia.
alli90987 k02366
its awful to pay so much and have to live with that outcome forever . I said to my ophthalmologist that I didn’t know which one to choose because I don’t have the doctors knowledge. And her technician told me that once you pick your lens it’ll be in your eye longer than you were live. No pressure! That added so much pressure to my choice and I asked the doctor what they would put in their eye or what they would put in their family members I and she told me that the Vivity would be what she would put in her eye if she was in my situation. I am hoping my eyesight clears up since I’m only one day out but seeing that some people have decreased vision because their lens moved? That freaks me out even more.
henry35359 k02366
hi K02366,
Can I know how your vision with Vivity lens in both eyes?
Do you able to see near immediate and far?