Just Me?
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Does anyone feel like theyre losing it? Like legit going crazy- no joke.
Honest to god the tight pressure feeling in my head face nose eyes ears and tightness in neck feels like it paralyzes the rest of my body, fatigue, digestive shuts down, walking feeling like im drunk, yet im overstimulated and jumping out of my skin. Makes me wonder if im just a poster child for mental illness.
The envy i feel over ppl just living their life enjoying things is killing me. Which i know is wrong and im ashamed at myself.
This is all fking killing me.
Its like which came first the chicken or the egg- did genetics, anxiety and depression cause all these issues and throw off my hirmones or did hormones cause all of the above.
Im sorry just needed to vent feel like im going to explode. Im 48 i feel like im 88.
7 likes, 20 replies
pamela2016 susan39015
i can relate to everything you just said all the symptoms you have i have too everyday all day im sick and tired of it and people who os enjoying their lives makes me sick sorry but thats how i feel right now cause my life was taken from me dealing with this sh**. no e of us women should be dealing with this tormented curse.
becky53379 susan39015
Hi Susan, I'm so sorry that you are feeling this way. You are hormonal normal for sure! When I was 48 I felt exactly like you do. I thought that I was going crazy as well. It is very hard to explain that feeling unless you have been there. You are not going crazy. I am now 51 and still in peri but I feel so much better than I did just starting out on this roller coaster ride. I still have days when I am anxious and feeling blahs, but nothing like then. You will get better...I promise! My advice to you is to know it is hormones, you are not going crazy, be kind to yourself; if you need a nap, take one. If you need to cry, then cry, if you need to cancel plans, do it! Try to take a short walk daily if you can. Keep your mind active. If you need to chit chat let me know. I am praying for all of us in this season of our lives. We will get through it! Take care and hugs to you
Gypsy014 becky53379
Hi. Becky, what a lovely reply, you just gave me hope and I'm sure many others going thru this, I am 48 and still feel many of these awful daily symptoms, and all though they do come and go for the most part sometimes they can feel never ending like they are torturing me, so I hold onto hope one day I and everyone else on here will feel better..
nancys21 susan39015
Totally can relate to everything you said. I've become almost agoraphobic. On a positive note: being 2 years into menopause I do feel a bit better some days. Puberty, pms, endometriosis, and all the bs over the years was a hell of a lot easier to deal with. If I hadn't found you ladies, pretty sure I'd have checked myself into the loony bin by now. I talked to a woman on another forum who did just that. The golden years my arse!😒
pam90720 susan39015
me me me me me!!!!
bout to lose my mind!!!!
Guest susan39015
yes for surei have had a very tough passed couple of weeks exhaustion physically and mentally two migraines and today out of the blue awful stomach paini was just saying to myself how can i live like this? what a brutal existencethe hardest part for me is that just a month ago i was finally feeling really well i started bio hrt and things started improving and then all a sudden the good feelings leftright back where i was before so so disheartening
rebecca_68782 susan39015
Thank you Susan for posting. Oh my gosh...you described me today. Could not sleep, feel like I am dying. Just want to crawl in a hole.
rebecca_68782 susan39015
Thank you Susan for posting. Oh my gosh...you described me today. Could not sleep, feel like I am dying. Just want to crawl in a hole.
Gypsy014 susan39015
Hi Susan, I can definitely relate I feel all these same symptoms.. Its torture sick of feeling so bad.. Hopefully one day we all get some sort of normal life back.. Hang in there..
kimberly96221 susan39015
Hormones suck!!!!! I share your pain along with absolutely no appetite!! On our way for a 3 day camping trip and fearing it all. Trying to make the best of it. My eyes are so tired from crying all morning that I just want to sleep. I love you all and find comfort in this forum. Really the only thing keeping me from jumping off a cliff!!!
crystals51917 kimberly96221
My appetite sucks too and I'm losing weight I guess because of it and the brain fog is the worse for me. GOING on 2 weeks now. I'll take the sweats anyday over this mess (although I have those too at times). I can say the sweats have gotten better.. I told my dr aint no way menopause can cause so much depression and overwhelming feelings. She said yes, your body is changing and it's stressful. I'm like Cheech & CHONG on the movie "UP in SMOKE"... How long does this s**% last? 😃 I'm very thankful for you ladies
amy341731 susan39015
agree with everyone! it completely sucks...every effing thing annoys me!! I can only tolerate my sweet 9 year old who still likes to watch movies, hang out with me etc...everyone else for the most part, husband included gets on my nerves...And while that reaction is certainly partly hormonal, I am just sick of everyones shi# and am tired of cleaning up after others and doing for others for 25 plus years! Time for me to do what I need to do to feel healthier...better diet, walk, etc..it does help when I do..so feel free to take time for you if you dont already! thankfully I found everyone here and hang in there… Sending hugs to all!!
hopeforever amy341731
try to appreciate those around you. I no its hard but try too. I live alone. My son now moved out and have no husband or boyfriend. Living alone can be scary with all these symptoms. It at times gets quite lonely especially the days when i am unable to function and leave the house. I wish for the days of a noisy house filled with laughter and voices, just something. It can get quite lonely and i cannot wait to get healthy again and start dating. I hate what i am going through. I can scream. I already did. Hugs to you all
hopeforever susan39015
I know exactly how you are feeling. Today i was suppose to start my bioidentical hormones but got a call from my Dr this morning saying that she couldn't make it to the office because of a family emergency and postponed it till next Thursday. Yesterday was so terrible for me, I thought i was losing my mind literally. It at times feel like i have mental illness. My mind wonders and it gets scary. When i feel that way i quickly turn on the tv or do something active. I cried all day yesterday and today. I feel so alone in this mess. My anxiety is through the roof and i do not feel well. Thanking God for this site everyday and you ladies.
Vodlsabine susan39015
Good morning Susan.
Yes, that sounds just like me. I thought for 3 years straight that I'm in the verge of a mental break down. Exact same symptoms for 7 years now. Since 2 months now those have been somewhat milder. Usually d dizzy, off balance and migraine and head pressure, tingling and muscle pain almost every single day. This is only second cycle where symptoms have refused to a few days per cycle and thus have been bearable. It hopeful, that this is the beginning of the end of this mess. Looks like I might not be a nut case after all!? Stay hopeful and hang in there, dear. Been suffering since I was 41. Am 48 now. Love, companion in the battle