Just wanna numb it

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I have 2 weeks without drinking. I went through the withdrawals. Of course I still have cravings. Problem is the past three days I haven't been feeling well. I quit to feel better!! I made an appt with a specialist. I think I know why I'm having nausea, stomach pain, dizziness etc.....point is I'm just tired of feeling like this. I just wanna drink and numb the pain for a little. I know deep down in the long run I'll regret it but my insane mind is thinking of this moment. Please.....need advice!

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    Your body is still dealing with the withdrawal. It is over the violent cold turkey stage, but it can take many months for your body to adjust. It's been changed by the alcohol, it doesn't just change because you have stopped drinking alcohol.

    Medication is usually the solution.

  • Posted

    Congratulations on getting to 2 weeks without the drink! How much were you drinking per night before? 

    Is there a meeting you can plug into for some face-to-face support? AA, SoberRecovery, Moderation Management? 

    Are you using any meds to help you quit/stay quit? 


  • Posted

    Hello Kelly,

    I am so pleased to know that you have achieved 2 weeks without alcohol.  Congratulations !  Oh, how I would love to be able to do that.  Please don't give in to the cravings and low health feelings.  You already realise the regret factor.  

    Do you have any medication, such as Diazepam, that might help you through this rough patch?

    I wish you WELL.  Take care of yourself.

    Alonangel 🎇

  • Posted

    Well done, Kelly, you are amazing and have done so well. You know that if you have a drink now you will undo all the hard work. So please don't. Find anything you can do to distract yourself. And if you can get to a doctor that might be good to see if they can prescribe something to help. Good luck and stay strong
  • Posted

    you are amazing Kelly!! well done and YES this is normal that you feed exhausted and ready to just collapse..your body is reacting to heavy withdrawal symptoms....lots of liquid and lots of soups or any healthy foods as well and vitamin supplements etc...Best of luck!! Robin
  • Posted

    Ahhh...Kelly..I feel the same EXACT way...and I guess alcoholics feel this way when any discomfort comes their way.

    ​I had a migraine on Tues...it is Saturday and I still have the after effects of it...tired...sluggish..aches and pains....its not the flu..it is a part of the migraine process....and I said TODAY..forget this..all these Drs..all these therapist...I'm giving UP....I'm drinking....I just want to FEEL good for an hour.

    ​I gave up drinking to FEEL GOOD!

    ​And my boyfriend reminded me..that...when I drink I don't feel good either...True....so I didn't drink yet today...its 4pm here.

    ​But, it struck me when you said...you just want to "feel" good if you are going to be sober.  I've said that so many times over the years.....when I had 8 years sober..the first 3 months I couldn't sleep...I was so angry..and I said the same thing to my Dr....If I'm going to feel crappy....I might as well drink.

    DONT....this will pass.

    • Posted

      I wish I'd seen this before I took that first drink. I can relate to you 100%. Thank you. Keep the info coming. I need it.
    • Posted

      I think even if you saw it Kelly you would have drank.  I could tell when I read your post THAT mindset...once one of us gets that mind set..if we don't change it immediately...distract ourselves...or eat something...we are DONE.

      ​And sometimes we are not even willing to take any steps to prevent having the drink....now next time you will hopefully...

      Distraction has worked for me today...but it was a JOB...truly...I was almost in tears 2 x...very close to drinking....

      ​I'm sorry it happened to you....just get up again sad

    • Posted

      hi smile..yea...love giving advice...trouble following it...just like many of us smile
    • Posted

      Yea, advice schmice... Oh how I wish I could take my own... and everyone else's ,  to heart.  

      Freaking fed up !

    • Posted

      Lol. I am a lot like you. Love giving advice. Tough taking it. You are correct in everything you said about me. Im just frustrated because I'm trying so hard this time. I had 11 years sober and keep beating myself up over it. Trying to remind myself relapse happens for a reason. Ugh.
    • Posted

      Kelly..I had 8 years too...and I keep repeating that to myself and others...LOL...but it is truly scarey when we realize we can't stop again like we did before...that is why anyone reading this with ANY time behind them shouldn't give in to that one drink.

      ​You should be sleeping sad.

    • Posted

      Angel...you need sleeping pills!  smile...your up too!
    • Posted

      I am in bed... but I don't sleep much.

      I had sleeping pills, in the past... got them mixed up with other meds... ended up in A.&E. at hospital !

      How are you feeling, now?

      I didn't hear back about the old Apple Cider Vinegar "cure all".

      Angel ( of the morning )

    • Posted

      Well, they didn't call me for a drug test until 7 days passed...I took my chances...ate healthy...drank...etc. I passed I'm sure...since the test can only identify up to 5 days..

      ​How do you function on so little sleep?

    • Posted

      I sometimes wonder how I function at all.  

      Lack of sleep.

      Surplus of alcohol.

      Recipe for disaster.

      I do have the good grace to feel really sh*t !

    • Posted

      i also feel like I'm keeping you up by typing...because you like to chat..just like me smile.

      I was just going to post a post about that...how does everyone function when they drink?

      ​I cant function when I drink at all....AND I can't function very well sober either..its really hard to live with this condition always hoovering in waiting....try to sleep...

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