Just wanna numb it

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I have 2 weeks without drinking. I went through the withdrawals. Of course I still have cravings. Problem is the past three days I haven't been feeling well. I quit to feel better!! I made an appt with a specialist. I think I know why I'm having nausea, stomach pain, dizziness etc.....point is I'm just tired of feeling like this. I just wanna drink and numb the pain for a little. I know deep down in the long run I'll regret it but my insane mind is thinking of this moment. Please.....need advice!

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    You guys are so awesome. I blew it. I for feel good for 2 weeks. I just wanted to feel good for a few hours because I felt awful. I'm not happy with myself. I didn't realize I could feel so bad after 2 weeks. I'm 2002 I went to rehab and stayed sober 11 years. This time I'm doing it on my own. I have some help from my doctor like anxiety and blood pressure meds. I don't know what type of med I need. Can you really hit a withdrawal period after 2 weeks?
    • Posted

      A withdrawal period is usually no more than a week, but we are all different and we all act differently. If the anxiety tablets are diazepam then that will help.

      If you're going back to abstinence, then you might want to try an anti-craving drug to help in the medium term.

      As for starting drinking again, nearly all the people involved in alcohol recovery (people who work in the industry) say that most people 'test' themselves when they have been sober for a long time and most fail.

    • Posted

      I knew when I drank today i would fail. But, I do plan on picking myself back up and trying again. Like I said .... The first two weeks were tolerable. Then I started getting nauseas, dizzy and stomach pain. Of course it went away when I drank today. I just do t know if I have something else going on or if it's alcohol related that I feel like this.
    • Posted

      Hi Kelly...like me (I drank a week ago for 2 days)...if you have only drank a couple days...the withdrawal should be milder..and the medication you have for anxiety...should help you thru it..you will just have to take more than prescribed.

      ​If you have vitamins...any..take them...B's are the best.  And drink alot of water if you can.

    • Posted

      Kelly, check the link here, you can take it down gradually:


      Also, the alcohol works on your GABA and Glutamate receptors in your brain. Agonizes the former, antagonizes the latter, that's what lends the relaxing feeling that alcohol can impart. When you quit suddenly, it takes some time for those receptors to normalize. Google "Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome" for additional info, you'll see the nausea is to be expected, other symptoms too. 

      If you're going through 2 liters a week, that's about 80 UK drinks per week (about 65 US drinks). You'd likely feel a lot better if you could get that down into the low risk numbers. 

    • Posted

      I went through the withdrawals within the first week.  Felt good the second week.  I've been taking Baclofen (which I stopped) and probably should have kept taking and Lorazapam (which I stopped)  I'm worried about substituting one addiction with another.  I suppose I need to get back on one.  I do not want diazepam.  When my doctor prescribed the Baclofen I didn't believe it would help until I did some research on it.  

      I might need to ask for an anti-craving med.

      When I tested myself after 11 years I didn't know I'd fail.  When I just tested myself after 2 weeks I knew I would.  Wiser but weaker the 2nd time around. sad

    • Posted

      I quit for 11 years and started up 3 years ago.  I quit on April 9th.  Went through one week of withdrawals and felt good the 2nd week.  Then started feeling terrible.  Not sure what it's related to.  I am taking B complex and also drinking a lot of water.  I suppose I might have to up the dose of my medication.  Maybe stopping it suddenly gave that terrible feeling as I was taking Baclofen and Lorazapam and after feeling good substituted them with a sleeping pill.  Thank you for your input.  
    • Posted

      Lorazapam is a benzo...I take them..you can't (if you have been taking them for long)...just STOP those.....Benzos and Alcohol are the only two "drugs" you can die from abruptly stopping!


    • Posted

      I was taking the Lorazapam for 2 weeks.  I'm in the health care field and work with medication.  Funny, right?  I take Clonazapam every day.  The doctor added one Lorazapam a day for 1-2 weeks.  I think it was about 12 days that I took them.  
    • Posted

      I'm not surprised you are in the health care field...I studied to be in the health care field...and between drinking, working and 2 kids...I never finished.

      ​Most alcoholics are compassionate souls. 

    • Posted

      I also have two kids.  And you're so right. We are pretty compassionate, lol. I love my job and don't want to lose it.  I'm out of sick days for the year which really prompted me to quit again.  I took a pay cut to go back into health care.  I love helping people!
  • Posted

    Hi Kelly!  I'm new here too and tomorrow will be one week without drinking for me.  I am still feeling crappy and have had a few panic attacks but I plan to power through!  I have a dr appt on Thursday and I have just been setting a goal to accomplish each day. I am still fighting bad feelings about myself and crave the numbness as well.  I hope I make it and that you do too!  Getting exercise and spending time with my pets has helped the most. Also just getting away from my house where I do most of my drinking. Try anything but don't give up!  People on this site have been really helpful. 
    • Posted

      HI Leslie. YOu are right in trying to get away from where you normally drink and you get out of the house since that is where you drink....sorry for interferring with Alonangels forum...best of luck to her and to you. Robin
    • Posted

      Congratulations Leslie!  I could deal with the withdrawal symptoms.  I had one week full of them.  The second week I actually felt really good.  Then I started getting pain in my stomach, nausea, heartburn and dizziness.  Not feeling like exercising while feeling like that!  Cravings are different. But being literally sick and not knowing what's going on sucks.  And I cancelled my plans yesterday with friends. We were to go to the casinos.  I didn't feel I was strong enough.  I also do much of my drinking at home.  So, my husband and I decided to take a trip to Gettysburg, PA.  Didn't matter that I was away from home.  I wanted to numb those physical symptoms fully knowing I'd wake up today and know I'd have to start over.  So, today I'm going to spend time with my husband and tomorrow I'll go to work and then hit the local AA meeting and tell everyone I screwed up.  I wish you the best of luck.  I plan to be on here as often as I can as I know talking to people on here and the AA meetings help me.  Stay strong!
    • Posted

      Getting away is what I did yesterday and that did not help.  What works for one doesn't always work for another.  Although I did most of my drinking at home I'm also doing most of my healing here also.  I should have stayed at home knowing full well I was too weak.  I guess that's the same as AA.  Works for some but not for everyone.  It did not work for me first time around when I quit for 11 years.  Now I need those people.  I want what they have.  Funny how we're all different.  

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