Just wondering how many ladies
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hi all,
Just wondering how many of you lovely ladies are like me? I used to wake up with so much positive energy for the day just a couple years ago. Start off the day with yoga before heading to work and looking forward to relaxing in the evening and fun things to do on the weekend.
Now I wake up and it takes a moment for it all to sink in. Then I am like the tin man ..carefully relax and get out of bed to check what hurts today. From shoulders, arms, wrist, fingers ..knees. Usually its something every day and then head to the mirror to check for dry face. Its so hard to deal with the anxiety crashing down every morning. I expect to wake up one day and see an old woman looking back at me very soon
1 like, 21 replies
kelly55079 patti56271
Yep, I used to pop out of bed... eager to take care of my toddlers or whatever it was I had to do for the day.. No problems... Now years later It's just different.. Today I woke up with doom and gloom with aniexty which leads to a headache.. : ( My left elbow is achy for whatever reason. What is going on with me? Ugh... I think I'm ready for the old folks home at the ripe age of 50.. Hope we feel better soon!!
patti56271 kelly55079
Ya ... I know what you mean. I am 47 and what really saddens me is how sudden it was. I wish I had been better prepared for what was to come. I used to think menopause was just hot flushes
Jaynie12 patti56271
me too...i was fine sipping wine in florida the next thing i know i was down. all these things happening. been to several drs. ers. what the heck!!! im so tired of it all feeling like crap or in a panic. this is crazy!! nights and mornings. forget it. aggghhhh!!!
pam90720 Jaynie12
pam90720 patti56271
bingo!!! you just described me perfectly !!!
Jaynie12 patti56271
yep. if im not up waking with panic in the middle of night then comes morning. it takes a bit then i maybe have a few hours of somewhat ok til about 4 430 pm then it goes downhill ..night is bad for me..i used to love laying in ved reading or sometimes watching tv or even a long hot shower but i feel so vad i cant even eat dinner i do tgat during the day..my god im sick of this. i am used to my life as was now i dread whats next..drs look at u like u have some mental breakdown theres no relief.prozac and byspar. tgen some dr orders gabepentin?? really?? turn me into an addict too?? well enough of my griping. yes i feel judt like u. hi there. welcome to womapause. lol......hang in there. oh have u trued magnesium?? im going to try it
patti56271 Jaynie12
I understand and it is okay to gripe. Thank God for this forum. I have friends who are 47 like me and none of them have such severe synptoms so noone really understands and the only support I have is reading posts on here
pam90720 patti56271
same here... i have my mom and two older sisters.... 😦
claire38123 patti56271
omg yes thats me and more i had an hysterectomy 7 years ago but kept my ovaries iv had hot flushes since the first day then in jan a week before my 46 birthday i woke up shaking,sweating,feeling sick and the most horrid palpitations i thought i was dying or having a heart attack my hubby rang 999 and there was nothing wrong with me i then went to see my gp and after blood tests got put on the sick for nearly 3 month with peri menopausal anxiety i now wake every morning with anxiety and feeling dizzy and aches and pains all over i feel 96 not bloody 46 its horrible i just want me back i want to jump out of bed and face the day ,not crawl out feeling like a bag of sh@t and face the day at work with anxiety and dread i want to see the sunshine back in my life not the big black clouds menopause brings but i do see a glimps of sun when i read all your posts and remember iam not along in the bull crap they the call the menopause so big hugs to all of you and lets hope the sun shine soon xxx
sherri87081 patti56271
All of you ladies described me perfectly. I dread seeing the morning come because I know it will be the same old crap as the day before. Hoping to see the light at the end of this long tunnel.
pam90720 patti56271
boy!! one of the best threads yet!!! you ladies dont know how much i feel every bit of what yall are feeling and posted... i tremble like a bloody alcoholic... heart pounds out of my chest... body hurts... head hurts... cant think straight... every f'n morning!!!!!!
i am with you all and pray for us all!!!! I GET IT!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
patti56271 pam90720
I know I hope and pray that things settle down soon
pam90720 patti56271
me too friend, me too ❤
its a depressing struggle.... i look in the mirror all the time and ask "who the hell are you anymore" 😦
hugs and prayers ❤
edna29227 patti56271
Dear Ladies,
Hang in there, you are not alone. So many of us are feeling all these ....'feels like crazy dont know whats happening' kind of thing. I have been on the forum for some time now and some of you may have read my post. I am a Christian and after long travelling, back and forth to so many specialist doctors, so many pills, I discovered PRAYING and asking God to help me and provide for me is the only answer. Nevertheless, I am human too and sometimes I forget how awesome He is. My thoughts take control, and all negativity sets in. Thats when I feel pain on my breast, my insides, muscles, both arms, neck, head and even eye. Then I will remember, WHY DO I FOCUS ON ALL THE BAD THINGS HAPPENING TO ME? I Will then remember to pray. Parying is talking to God in whatever situation , whatever I am doing. 2 nights ago while cooking dinner, I can feel I am slowly feeling bad. I took my BP,its normal (for my age, 58). I was light headed, nauseous, gassy, but I have to cook for my family. So in the kitchen, when I looked out the window, I saw it was getting dark already,but there'sa tiny light still peeping. That triggered me to remember...MANAGE YOUR THOUGHTS EDNA, YOUR BATTLE IS GODS BATTLE. ASK HIM FOR HELP. So I prayed. I talked to God while I was cooking.
By dinner time, I was feeling myself again. I fact, I felt so good I wanted to go out to the pub.😅
These too will come to pass ladies.
God Bless us all.
patti56271 edna29227
I agree sometimes when it feels hopeless prayer helps