keep worrying!

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Hi ladies, i am the keepsmiling lady that is not smiling lately. I guess it is really good to talk to other ladies, but my problem is i recently had a sacrohysteropexy and i keep worrying weather it is going to last me for the rest of my life! i am 48 years old at the end of the year and my surgeon said it is a very robust repair and will not need re doing. My problem is i keep worrying and i am going through menopause which is not helping. Are there any ladies out there who have had a sacrohysteropexy at my age or younger or someone that has this surgery done years ago?I would love to chat to you about your experience etc. I have this fear that in the future i will have to have a hysterectomy still and a anterior and posterior repair as well. I have a mild bladder prolapse and wonder if that is going to get worst in time! I am doing pelvic floor exercises to help with this but i am fearing the knife again. It does not help when i keep reading all the pain and suffering that is going on with repair jobs. Are there any ladies out there that is doing well after a bladder/posterior repair? Perhaps you have had it done years ago? How are you feeling now? I really suffered bad mentally with my recent surgery about 10/11 weeks ago. I feel alone and scared about the future. My doctor said i will just have to put up with the menopause symtoms but it is affecting me so badly! I feel anxious, depressed, and sometimes just want to switch off from everything. I am not sure if all the prolapse problems started it or did the menopause? Does anyone have some wise words of wisdom to help with my worry about prolapse and menopause? Perhaps i am having a bad menopause moment maybe?

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Keepsmiling

         Try to relax as you are doing the right thing by doing pelvic floor exercises. I am still having hot flashes and my menopause started 10 years ago, so menopause is different for everyone. I have never had prolapse surgery and I can assure you I have had my prolapse bladder condition for over ten years now and I am living proof that you can lead a normal life with prolapse bladder if you continue to do pelvic floor exercises, eat enough good food for fiber so you never become constipated, which causes a lot of pushing out of prolapse. Just live each day for the day you are given. Don't worry about the future because you will waste today if you keep worrying about tomorrow, that is promised to none of us. No one knows what the future holds regarding our health. We have to deal with it one day at a time. I am 64 years old and I had life saving brain surgery several years ago. They didn't think I was going to make it but I did. We have to learn from those experiences and think of it as something incredibly special that we went through and try to help others along the way who are also having tough times. Just you talking about how scared you are is helping others who are scared too. They will feel that they are not alone either when they read your posting. I am going to post you a private message as well and keep smiling , keepsmiling15.

                                                Blessings to you


    • Posted

      Thank you Lynn for all your advice. I am having such a bad day today. I am in tears all the time. I worry so much. I really do not feel like me anymore. I guess i am fearing further prolapse and i really want my old self back. I hate having to go through this and i know I am not the only one going through it .I will take your advice on board, Thank you Lynn. I am usually a very strong person but hormones are taking over! I know i will have to fight this thing and keep battling on i guess. Life is never plain sailing and i am so glad i have people to talk to on this forum. I will try and get the old me back and get back to keep smiling! XX
  • Posted

    Hi. Hope u get some peace of mind soon. I not had what u have but wanted to reply as I do know what it's like to feel alone with it. Had A and P repair nearly 5wks ago. Went thru menopause at 39 . I am now 50. There is no follow up appointment on offer for me but went to doctors for advice after 3wks as had infection. Had cause antibiotics and trying gain help too on this site for further info. Sending u hugs. Xx
    • Posted

      Thank you Jill. I guess we all feel alone at times. I had my surgery done privately as it was the least invasive surgery. I could of had a hysterectomy done in my home town but felt it was not the right thing to do. I sometimes regret the surgery and wished i thought about it a bit more longer. I guess i was scared of my uterus coming down further and i really felt like an alien with things happening to my body and opted for surgery to save my Uterus.  I know there are alot of ladies that have gone through a hysterectomy and live normal lives. I just find the whole prolapse thing so scary. I hope you feel better with the antibiotics. You are a brave lady. Let me know how you are getting on with things later. Get well soon XX
    • Posted

      Hello Jill,

      I hope you are feeling better after the antibiotics. How are you feeling now? Get well hugs to you too!

      Keep smiling X

  • Posted

    Hi, I appreciate your message. I recently had A & P surgeryy with an ablation. I know I have to take it easy and even then my recovery won't be like anyone else.

    Lynn's response was encouraging even to me. We are promised today. Take care in living today.

    I believe in the power of prayer and would consider it an honor to pray for you to find the answers you need to heal.

    • Posted

      Janice, I am glad that we can help each other and words of encouragemetn are very important. I also believe in the power of prayer and have received many blessings over the years. The entire church was praying for me when I was having my life saving brain surgery. So I will also pray for you and will pray for keep smiling as well.

                        Blessings to both of you


    • Posted

      Lynn, The extended arms of a praying church is a blessing. I pray as you continue the healing you must still need from your brain surgery.

      We also have been blessed with a church family that supports in prayer. My husband has had 2 cranials due to a brain tumor and support is very important.

      Continue to be blessed as you've been given the gift of encouragement.


    • Posted

      Thank you Janice so much. Yes Lynns message was very encouraging and i appreciate everyones support on this forum. I have heard of ablation. I have a fibroid and  a slightly enlarged womb and my gyno mentined it to me. But the first gyno said it would be better to have a hysterectomy. But there are all sorts of treatments out for your uterus and it does get all confusing! I went to 3 gynos and they all told me different. You just never know what are the right choices are and if you have made the right choice. I worry so much and just need to chill i think. I wish you a good recovery after your surgery. I wish sometimes i could actually see all you ladies for a chat. But we are from all over the UK. USA. and Canada, Australia & New Zealand and loads more  countries i guess. I feel i cannot speak to my family about prolapse as they have not experienced it and it is not a subject you can just come out with. My own family do not even know the exact details of my op. I just keep it all to my self and husband. But i wish there was a meet and support group like the diet clubs etc. It could be for prolapse and menopause. But thank god we have this forum as some days i feel so low. Thank you for your support and i wish you well. XX
    • Posted

      Anytime you feel low just remember we are here for you keepsmiling. I check the forum regularly to see if any of the ladies need support in anyway. If we can help we do. I know what you mean about prolapse. I am still trying to form a support group and pelvic floor exercise group for the ladies here in Canada, but so far its like pulling teeth. Most of the ladies are too embarassed or just don't want to let anyone know about this prolapse. We have to change that thinking and let them know that there is life after prolapse. Its not exactly the same life we had before, but if we learn to adapt to the way we live with prolapse, it will help a lot. Talking about it is a huge importance, because keeping it locked up inside is not healthy for anyone. We are all walking in the same shoes when we have a prolapse. Again, keepsmiling don't worry about it, just think of all the things you have to be thankful for instead of concentrating on what if, what if. Just say to yourself so what, so what. The good Lord will take care of you and he always does. So hang in there and just meet your prolapse head on and do everything you can to keep it from getting any worse.

                            Blessings to you


    • Posted

      I feel very sorry for your husband and I know how he feels about having this type of surgery. Even though my surgery was completed several years ago, I still have side affects. For instance, I can never, ever again, sleep on my heart side because the whole room spins around. My surgery was in the centre of the cerebellum, which is the balance. I can't take a bus and my husband has to drive without turning corners fast etc or I get sick and nauseated. I also have pressure and numbness sometimes in the area of the surgery. However, that is to be expected. No one gets a way with having brain surgery and expects to have no after effects. I don't know about your husband, but I had to learn how to walk all over again. It was like baby steps. Again, just glad to be alive. We should always remember there is someone out there a lot worse off then us, who is having chemo or just heard they have two months to live or whatever. So just think about today and never think what if, what if? Say to yourself, so what, so what and enjoy your day. So lets just keep people in our prayers and the Good Lord will take care of us if we believe and have faith. Please say a prayer for my mother tonight Janice. She is 85, has dementia and she broke her hip. Tonight she is having a blood transfusion and the surgery went okay. You are so right Janice the extended arms of a praying church or anyone prays for another person is a blessing.

                                Blessings to you


                          Blessings to all of you and stay calm and relax

    • Posted

      Lynn, Will continue to pray as your mom goes through her procedure. My parents are early 80s and are are slowing down considerably.

      I pray you see continued improvement in health and that your gift will show you the blessing you are to others as you have shown such compassion. The brain is such a complex organ and to have it tampered with; even with skilled hands is scary. My husband did not have to go through the physical recovery you have. We will have to go back for some other "surgery" as the tumor has returned. Our simple trust in God's promises is all He asks but I have to be reminded daily.

      again Blessings to you


    • Posted

      Thank you Lynn. I am still feeling sick with worry and feeling so depressed with the menopause. I do not go out for days sometimes due to the depression. I do not have many friends really that i can talk to and i do not want to keep going on to my husband about it. The doctors have given me sleeping pills and they do not make me feel very good, so i stopped taking them. I know i will get through this in time. I just need to find my old self somewhere,Thank you Lynn. XX
    • Posted

      Tonight I am going to church Janice so I will keep everyone in my prayers including everyone on this forum who needs a few hugs and a few prayers. I will prayer for sure for your husband so that your husband can return back to the way he was before it returned. Hopefully whatever they did last time to get rid of it, they can do it again.

                                                    Blessings to you always


    • Posted

      Keepsmiling, there are some natural remedies that other ladies try so they can cope with the menopause. I will do some research for you and see what the other ladies say that get depressed because of their menopause. Sleeping pills is not a good thing for anyone, because they are just a bandage, they don't solve the problems that you suffer from. Hang in there and I will get back to you soon with some natural remedies and you can tell me if any of these appeal to you or if you have tried any of them. You have to try to get away from yourself and not concentrate on being sick with worry. The only way to do that is to engage yourself in a good book, do a jigsaw puzzle, crosswords, long walks outdoors, gardening etc. Is there anything that you can do that you are interested in that will take your mind off yourself. Thats the first step to getting better. I can assure you of that. We will talk soon as I have to go to church tonight and do some serious prayers for my mother and others who really need them.

                                    We will talk soon

                                    Blessings to you


    • Posted

       To Janice and Lynn. Lynn you are an incredible lady. I feel bad for putting my worries on you. I will be thinking of your Mum. I hope she gets better soon. You are such a brave person to have battled all your health troubles. Mine problems are nothing to what you have gone through.And Janice i wish your husband, you and your family strength and peace to battle the tumor.  My niece had a brain tumor at it was such a terrible time in our lives.She too survived surgery and is living life to the full.  I do not go to church but sometimes i do pray to God. I will pray for you all. This forum has really opened me up . I am usually a very reserved person and do not talk about my inner feelings. I will be thinking of you  all. XX
    • Posted

      Hi Janice, Thanks for the info. I just hope i will not have to have a hysterectomy in years to come. And it is useful to have the info to hand about the A & P repairs. I know i should not keep dwelling what if what if! But some days i cannot help it. I think yours and Lynns comments recently really uplifted me and made me appreciate that i am alive! Perhaps that is what i needed. I hope your husband will be okay with his surgery. I have been thinking of him today. I also hope you are doing well. Thanks again for all your advice. Much appreciated. Take care xx
    • Posted

      Janice it was a great church service last night and I did say some prayers for those who are having a tough time these days. Your husband was in our prayers and I hope he gets on a road to recovery again. Let us know how you are doing and keep in touch. Anytime you want to vent or need some support we are here for you. Also how are you feeling Janice? Exactly what kind of surgery did you have? I have a prolapse bladder, so I didn't have surgery. I am dealing with it by doing pelvic floor exercises etc. Talk to you soon.

                                                 Blessings to you and your husband


    • Posted


      Thank you for adding us to your list. I love that we are abl to intercede for each other.

      I am feeling better every day. Feel so guilty when I do and then don't get to accomplish other than "resting".

      I had A & P repair and ablation. I work at a school so I have until August to be ready. smile

      How is your mom?

    • Posted

      My mother is doing okay and was brought back to the retirement home today by the hospital transporation. She was a little disoriented from the ride because she has dementia, but otherwise she was happy and smiling. Each day will consist of physio therapy to get her back up and walking. She never had a cane or walker because she didn't need one. So she will want to walk again as soon as she can.

      How is your husband doing? I am glad to see you are doing as you should by resting and helping your body repair itself from the surgery. Some people do too much too soon and they live to regret it. There is a reason why you are suppose to rest so listen to the doctors order as you are and get better so you can go back to the school in August. Rest is so important for repair. Talk to you again soon and take care of yourself and your hubby too. I will keep you both in my prayers. The list is getting quite long, but thats okay. Prayers are important and the power of prayer is very special indeed.

                             Blessings to both of you


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