Knee hot after TKR

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I'm just over 5 weeks and today my knee has been red hot.

There aren't any red patches and no pain so I'm sure there's no infection, it's just red hot all over and I've spent most of the day with ice on it and with it up (not had ice on all the time, probably every hour for 10 mins or so).  But within 5 minutes of ice coming off, I can feel it getting hot again.  There is no pain, it is just hot and maybe a bit swollen as it is feeling very stiff and tight, but I am still doing exercises to stretch and relieve this tightness.

i did do a bit more than usual yesterday, but not too much, do you think it is just that, or does anyone have any experience of this?

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Theres so much that can go wrong but overdoing it is the probable cause.  Take your meds, ice, do the exercise and ice again.   Even at 5 weeks this can happen  but if the heat refuses to go then get to see the doctor.  My knee often feels hot and I am at 15 weeks.
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    i would be worried red hot dose not sound right i would check with the hospital about that a phone call to orthopedics should tell you the fact that icing it has not stopped it been hot  best to get it checked hope its ok
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    I'm thinking the extra pressure you put on it with the activity has inflamed it. Rest it for a day or so and take anti-inflammatory meds even though there is no pain. When you start adding activity you are going to increase soft tissue inflammation. This will come and go for the next several weeks.
  • Posted

    Hi  Susan , I'm just over 7 weeks pkr, my knee still gets hot, the more I do, the hotter it gets, when I went for the 6 wks check up, surgeon noticed it was hot, and said he didn't think it was anything to worry about, thought it was just me over doing it a bit. But like the others have said , if your worried just make a call, best to be safe than sorry, probably nothing at all though. Good luck.😀
    • Posted

      Last time I went to the clinic the nurse rubbed my leg and commented how hot I was. I told her I didn't think would ever notice with the 50 year difference in our ages. Sometimes I need to pay more attention to what's being said.
    • Posted

      Very good OFG was she a Hottie too ? All the very best for thursday and obviously I hope it all goes well for you .If possible come on here as soon as you can  under the circumstances as we want to know how your fared.

        You are deffo a veteran when it comes to knee surgery and the most experienced on here so what you don't know about TKR could be written on the back of a Fleas underpants.....In fact rumour has it that you occaisionally do the odd op. yourself as your'e so knowledgable, if that is still the case I might let you loose on my right knee and if that goes well perhaps my left also. smile

        Once again all the very best Mate!!

    • Posted

      Any one that age that doesn't look at me like a refugee from the obituary page is considered a hottie. I told her I thought an could make a liar out of my urologist and she just walked away. I'll check her out again this week.
    • Posted

      I consider anyone that age who doesn't consider me a refugee from the obituary column a hottie. I told her I thought she could make a liar out of my urologist and she just walked off. I'll check her out again this week. Sometimes pain meds and booze have the same effect on eyesight and logic.
    • Posted

      Bahaha OFG. So funny.  My surgeon is such a hottie that I always end up forgetting to ask the things I need when I see him as he has me just mesmerised.  I have to go for my 6 week check up next Monday, and am making a list to make sure I cover all my concerns.  Just have to remember to check the list. Hope he has to rub my knees as part of the process!!  At the very least,  he is a very pleasant distraction in this whole unpleasant experience.  
    • Posted

      My wife's oby/gyn is a good looking guy and the 1st time she went to him she wasn't sure she could go back. One of out friends actually changed docs because of that. She was absolutely intimidated by the guy.
    • Posted

      It's a well known medical phenomena OFG  known as rose tinted spectacles but also known as " Wearing my beer goggles ". Don't forget urologists have been known to write off equipment prematurely.
    • Posted

      Ha ha,  when I was in hospital after my surgery I asked an innocent question.   Is ........married?  The nurse replied, "yes, and if he wasn't you would have to get in the queue".  Enough said
    • Posted

      Sounds familiar Sue, you're not from WA are you, and had the hunk the nurses fondly refer to as the "cuddly Teddy Bear"  .....

    • Posted

      No, I am in Adelaide, South Australia.  
    • Posted

      I'll be borrowing that line I can assure you. Here we refer that as being able to drink her up to a 9 or 10 depending on the time of night and how close we are to closing time for the bar.

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