Knee replacement.

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Hi, I am three weeks post op having had a full knee replacement. My recovery is going well and I'm not using crutches or a walking stick but am still in a lot of pain and having to take painkillers. My question is I have developed loose bowels only once a day at my normal time but it has been going on for over a week now, I have no bloating or abdominal pain with it. I can only take paraceutimal as I'm allergic to codeine and Neurofen I felt might be causing the upset stomach but I haven't taken them for nearly a week now. Has anybody else suffered diarrhoea after a TKR? 

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Not familiar with your meds under those names but the usual problems are just reverse to your situation and the paid meds are the culprit. As uncomfortable as it may be for you right now, you can be thankful you aren't fighting the constipation problems as they be much more uncomfortable. My suggestion would be talk to your primary care dr. He/she can look at meds and diet and get you on the right reason to fight things like this as recovery is hard enough when its text book perfect, not that I've ever been fortunate enough to come close to one of those.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your input, I think I'm now over the worst after an awful week! Even did some housework today so must be on the mend lol!
  • Posted

    Actually, I did experience that. . but never sure whether it was connected  with the op or not.  Just discovered that the ankle pain I thought was connected is in fact poyneuiritis, so better to discount other possibilities as well!  Still, as OFG says, certainly better than the terrible consitpation which codeine tends to give you.  You say you are allergic to codeine. . have you tried tramadol?  it was very good for me. . . My physio insisted I use the crutches for six weeks although I didn't feel I needed them . . they all seems to have different ideas!
    • Posted

      I'm so touched that I had so many messages about my problems. Feeling much better today and will definitely ask my doctor about taking Tramadol. I have heard though that it can cause side effects but glad you didn't experience them. Re the crutches my surgeon said I could fully weight bear straight away, I suppose they all have their own ideas. I do take a stick with me when I go out and about for reassurance more than anything.
    • Posted

      Yes, tramadol doesn't seem to be for everyone.  I was on a low dose. . 37 mg mixed with paracetamol . . no problem while I was taking it.  Helped a lot with the pain and with the depression too!  I kept a crutch with me for a long time more to ward off other people, boisterous children etc. than for myself!  People give you a wide berth!  
  • Posted

    I can't comment on the bowels but am surprised you are not using walking aids. Make sure you are not limping or compensating with the other leg. I was also advised to use at least one crutch until I was walking normally and at least for the six weeks. You might have a tummy bug unrelated but get checked anyway

    • Posted

      Hi there Caroline thank you for your message. I'm definitely on the mend today and feel a lot more positive, even done some housework lol!!! 

      It is strange though how consultants have different ideas on using crutches or a stick, the physics couldn't believe I was quite happy not to have to rely on walking aids right from the start, I suppose it is down to the individual. I do take a stick with me when I go out more for reassurance than anything.

    • Posted

      Great to hear but don't overdo it with the housework - keep hydrated and keep positive. There will be ups and maybe a few downs - early days and sounds like you're doing really well compared to lots of us!
    • Posted

      I too, at three weeks, was walking w/o crutches, cane, or a walker. Felt so free. I did take my walker with me when I ventured out, just for the security, not knowing the terrain and to keep people from bumping me. I had the opposite of diarreha...I was 'tied up' for 10 days due to the opoides I was taking. They didn't bother to tell me that was one of the side least all that is over and done with, as I am at 22 weeks po. Still have a long road to go with complete recovery. This is one nasty surgery to say the least! Hang in there, remember to ice, rest and exercise but not to the point of any real pain. Stop when it hurts too don't want to undo all the good you've already accomplished.
  • Posted

    Hi Skycally, I too am 3 weeks in and I suffered same problem as you., was convinced it was all the pain meds plus I had to inject into my tummy clexane blood thinner for 14 nights.. However even after I stopped pain killers problem continued until approx day 15. This has thankfully now stopped.
    • Posted

      I had to inject Clexane for six weeks!  Cost me an absolute fortune.. . . 
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    Ok Sky but I have to have bilateral knees done but I'm glad your doing well
  • Posted

    Hey I suppose to have bilateral knees done maybe the end of October will I be able to fly for  Christmas 
    • Posted

      Its going to be rough. Your dr will have to sign off and possibly get approval from insurance, depending on coverage. Your body will take a beating just from the surgery a therapy. I imagine most on here will feel like the same, it will be a real stretch to think you could travel with one let alone bi. I never would have tried it.
    • Posted

      I agree with OFG.  I think it very unlikely that you would be in any condition to fly at approximately seven weeks post op, although I suppose it depends on how desperate you are to get somewhere.  I only had one knee done, and could not have faced it either physically or emotionally, and two knees has to be more demanding than one. . .if you can avoid it, I would do so . . especially if it's going to be a long flight. I know some people do go back to work at six weeks, so I suppose it is conceivably possible.  good luck, whatever you decide!

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