Knee replacement

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Hi guys please suggest me what to do. I had my surgery on 25th of May 2018. I am feeling Continues Pain and not been able to lift my leg up and down. Even though I can walk with crutches but can’t lift my leg for any exercise. Anyone felt same ?

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    Welcome, "Kneebie"...

    There are some TKR "rules" that you should be aware of:

    - Your recovery belongs to you.  Comparing yourself to anyone else is an exercise in futility that will screw with your head.  Don't do that.  Own your recovery.

    - There is no "normal"...everyone experiences their recovery differently.  Yes, there are some general guidelines but they apply statistically to entire populations of patients and NEVER to any individual.

    - Give up all your expectations and timetables.  They are meaningless.  This is the most Zen of all surgeries: "I will be better when I am better."  Period.

    - Never, ever use the word "should" as in: "I should be {fill in the blank} by now."  A TKR doesn't work like that.

    All of that being said...and after reading over 4,000 posts, there seems to be a general framework to this:

    - 0 to 3 months: Lots of pain at first with swelling and sleeplessness.  Concentrate on your ROM work to get to 0 / +120.  Post-op depression is totally normal.  Done, or almost done, with the walking aids by 3 months.

    - 3-6 months: Levels of pain and swelling are way down and decreasing is the stiffness.  Start to work on your muscle rebuild for your dead quads, glutes and core so you can walk correctly, regain your balance and do stairs again.  This takes many months because you start slowly and is mandatory.  Usually off all the heavy duty meds and down to Tramadol or plain ibuprofen.  Back to work in the 4-6 month range.

    - 6-9 months: You start to feel like your "old self" again.  If you've done the work, there should be minimal swelling unless you push the knee too far on any single day.  Stiffness continues to decrease imperceptibly.  As you get stronger, you can start mastering stairs again...takes all that quad strength.

    - 9-12 months: Pretty much back to normal.  The new knee may still look just a tad larger than your original knee but you have a 2 1/2-pound mechanical device sitting in there.  You end up just forgetting about it.  Dance at your one year anniversary party.

    - 12+ months: There still may be some stiffness up to 18 months or beyond.  Have to keep the knee active or you will experience stiffness even years down the road.  You will still feel nerve pain when you try to kneel on very hard surfaces.  Use a foam pad or knee pads.  That sensation may never go away.

    So that's the reality of this thing.  Hang this on your fridge...

    ...and don't forget your oars for the boat part...

    PS: Click on my name and then "See All Discussions".  About 30 out there covering lots of topics.  Enjoy.

  • Posted

    You are still in the early stages of recovery. I'm guessing you thought you would be ready for a marathon at this point and the Dr didn't tell you differently. Just keep doing the exercise protocol and don't be afraid to hit the pain meds if you need. Taking them as prescribed won't turn you into an addict. Honest Drs tell you that it can easily be a year before you feel like the prosthesis is yours and you own it. Excercise, ice, elevate and take meds as needed. The pain will will improve and you will enjoy the improvement.

    Remember the adage..this is a marathon not a sprint. Patience is a virtue and a necessity.

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    Elevate your leg and lots of ice. Do the exercises you can. Quit beating up on yourself. You just had major surgery. Everything hurts in the beginning but those exercises are important. Do not expect them to be eay at first. Take care and elevating and ice are your best friends right now.
  • Posted

    Hi Ruby

    Chico has covered it so well as usual.

    I can only add buy Aircast ice bucket and knee wrap as your knee is burning hot it makes icing easy especially during the night.

    Also it was really difficult in the beginning getting in and out of a hot bath but I found it helped me. Not submerging my knee in the beginning so scar area did not get wet. First 4 weeks.

    Also bio oil , again not on scar area until fully healed 

    Good healing

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      These handles work great for bath and shower.  Since they are suction cups, they are not permanent.  Always jiggle them before use.  Reset if necessary.
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    Hello Ruby

    I wouldn't worry as I couldn't lift my leg for 5 and half weeks. It is really early days for you and everyone heals at different times.

    Take care


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    I had mine ( TKR) on March 23rd. I still struggle with pain. I am doing the home exercises to strengthen the muscles. However it is still hard to lift and hurts like he'll to walk?? They try to tell you this is normal but it's not it's hard to try to give good answers or we're not giving good answers about what's really going on with us prayers to all of us that are dealing with all the pain and uncertainties

  • Posted

    Are you on plenty of pain relief medication?

    I finally managed to lift my leg off the bed, from a horizontal position, at four weeks but it was very hard and it took a few more weeks for it to be done with ease and more consistently. It was rather hit and miss!

    I had managed to lift my operated leg up in a straight leg raise at 18 days post op, just once, but not from a horizontal position. I was icing and elevating it, and doing a few quad sets while surfing the net on my tablet and I thought I would have an attempt at lift off, but I wasn’t expecting any result.

    I had been trying to do the straight leg lift on and off, mostly when the leg was already elevated on a couple of pillows, as the angle made it feel a bit easier to move. It would only lift a fraction! LITERALLY a bit of pillow movement! But no gap between the pillow and heel!

    How surprised I was when I managed to lift it a few inches up from the (45 degree angle) pillows as Ì was elevating!

    So keep trying.

    It is very hard to keep on trying something and I do remember feeling anxious about it.

    Unfortunately it is all too easy to feel anxious post knee replacement surgery, but this forum is helpful, so hopefully will be useful to you.

    My physio told me not to worry and that it would come, and also that it is not that uncommon.

    Are you in UK and are you getting weekly physio?

    Keep on doing your exercises and try not to be discouraged.

    You may like to go to my profile by clicking on the image next to my name. I kept a journal of my own knee replacement journey, and I have been told by several people they found it helpful to read, or skim through. It has a lot of useful suggestions and information. Hopefully it might be useful to you.

    I am now 14 months post op, and enjoying my new knee immensely. It's hard in the early months, really hard , but does get easier.

    Maybe get more pain relief? No need for constant pain. That may get depressing over time.

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      Hi Jenny 

      Thank you for your suggestion and reply.

      I am in UK and going for my physio. But still very limited with most of the moment. I hope this will over soon😥

  • Posted

    If you have trouble getting into and out of tub they told me to get a bench where part of is out of the tub. You sit down and it is much easier to get legs in and out and you can sit and take your shower too. I have my surgery leg that has other problems too and is very weak so was and is a blessings.  I too thought I would never get my leg off of the bed. One at a time and do not beat yourself up. In the beginning I too a pain pill before exercise. You are doing great <3


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