Knee Replacement Recovery
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Hello Everyone!! Just had a question for anyone that has had knee replacment. My mother had it done 11 days ago and is doing ok. The first week she did amazing and was walking and doing the exercises like she was a rockstar. The past weekend it was like she went backwards a little. The pain was horrible and almost unbearable. The pain meds usually kicks in 15 min after taking and this weekend it was over an hr before she felt better. Has anyone experienced that? Also, the pain shes having is BEHIND her knee and not the actually knee itself. I know everyone heals differently but how long has anyone here thats had it done until they found some relief? Any info will be helpful. Thank You all
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mommermom doryan1982
doryan1982 mommermom
This does help thank you!! I was starting to think that it was the medication. A few times I checked her sugar an hour after taking it and her sugar level went sky high, like to 348! I called her PCP which isn't in today but she has a follow-up apt in a couple of days with her Surgeon and I will discuss it with him. She is getting discouraged but I have to keep reminding her that the doctor said up to 3 weeks before she can get some kind of relief. I mean i can't balme her or you or anyone to feel that way after surgery. Thanks for the advice on th medication!!
CHICO_MARX doryan1982
If she's 11 days post-op and was given a steroid as part of the op, it could explain the high sugar levels. I'm a Type II diabetic and I have to constantly ask docs before a procedure if they will be using steroids before they close to help with the post-op pain. Had a spine fusion 3 months ago where I was on a decreasing steroid for 8 days...took a lot of insulin manipulation to handle that. 348 is high but sky-high is like 500. That would be bad. I controlled it with constant testing (5-8 times a day) and extra insulin to keep it controlled. Don't overdose and then crash. Easy the diet...hydrate a lot.
doryan1982 CHICO_MARX
They gave her vicodin because shes allergic to other pain medicine. She doens't need insulin for her diabetes, shes on a pill for it. Her PT yesterday said it could be from the meds and the pain that she was in at the time that I took it. She has a follow-up with the surgeon tomorrow so she told me to talk to him about it. I've checked it a few times and it's been at her normail level. Shes been drinking to much water, a lot more than shes used to but she knows she has to, haha..So weird..Hope you are feeling better!!
arizonaone doryan1982
I am a month out and this past weekend has suddenly become unbearable. I too have pain behind my knee as well as my shin and my knee. It is so painful I can't do my exercises or put ice on it.
I have an appointment with a pain management doctor today for different pain pills as all my surgeon who is 150 miles from me can prescribe via phone is Tramadol which is doing essentially nothing.
I have found that the pain does travel.
As you know everyone is different n terms of recovery but 11 days in my opinion is totally normal for her to feel the way she does. I also think setbacks come with the territory.
doryan1982 arizonaone
Thats exactly what happened to her this past weekend!! It's crazy that the week after you do so good and then it goes backwards a little.
oh man that stinks, hopefully they can get you something asap!!
She hasn't said the pain has traveled yet, maybe thats to come..
The surgeon had said 3 weeks before she feels relief, hopefully we are in the home stretch for relief, lol
Ms.Tkr arizonaone
Greetings you mention Tramadol wasn't a good pain medication for me in a pill form, but on two occasions it was given to me in a shot and itwas amazing. It made me drowsy no pain
arizonaone Ms.Tkr
I will ask my pain management doctor when I see him next week.
Thank you so much for letting me know!
martinarvelo doryan1982
The pain is pretty terrible with this operation, and when you think about it, the pain will not really be in the knee itself, as the knee is now made of plastic and titanium what hurts are the muscles, nerves, flesh etc. which have been hacked about by the surgeon's scalpel. Increased pain a week or so after the operation could be caused by the fact that she is beginning to try to do a bit more, and also because certain nerves which may have been so damaged that they were not responding at all, are now trying to recover and that is a painful process. I hope she has decent pain control, and it is no good waiting for pain before she takes it. it must be taken regularly to avoid the pain taking over. Once that happens it is very difficult to get it in hand again. As for how long, that will depend on the person. Most people feel that there is an improvement around week six, although pain certainly persists well beyond that time. the first six weeks are usually the worst though, and from then on things should improve very gradually, but but both you and she need to understand that this is a very long recovery period, abnd most people do not really feel that the knee is 'theirs' until around a year has passed.
doryan1982 martinarvelo
My mom is a tough cookie and stubborn at the same time, lol.. she waits for the pain to take the medicine and I've told her and so has the PT that when she starts to feel uncomfortable to take the medicine because when she starts feeling uncomfortable the pain is going to follow and there is no sense in waiting so she's working on that, lol. We know its a long process and have prepared ourselves for it, its just difficult to see someone who is non stop all the time and was taking care of my dad 24 hours a day before he passed 3 months ago to just stop and struggle to do certain things. Sucks to see someone in pain
martinarvelo doryan1982
But so nice to have a daughter who cares! that is what your Mum will need at the moment, someone who will support her when she's down, and believe me there will be times when she gets a bit depressed . . so lots of nice cups of tea and keep reminding here there are no medals for unnecessary suffering! take the pain meds when they are due, ancd NOT when she desperately needs them! Six months from now, this will be ancient history!
jenny80029 martinarvelo
Yes, pain medication is vital, as important to work on range of motion, and its much better to feel an "ouch" rather than an "aaaarh!". You still feel a bit of pain when doing the exercises even when medicated, so so much better to have it dulled down a bit. Tell her that in order to make good progress, the pain management will help her. It is not a case of being less able or strong. Pain hinders healing too and affects mood negatively. These are very important things she needs to look after.
doryan1982 martinarvelo
I love my momma, shes my best friend
.. she has done so much for my sister so I have to be there for her like she always has been for me. Problem with her is that shes portuguese and stubborn but shes slowly learning to take it easy and one day at a time. We both can't wait for 6 months from now thats for sure, lol
CHICO_MARX doryan1982
Have heard this a lot. People need to understand that TKR recovery is NOT a linear process. There are advances, setbacks and plateaus (the worst). First: give up ALL expectations of what this will be like...everyone is different...every day is different. Somewhere in the 2-4 week area, she'll start the PT work and that will REALLY start making a big difference to her ROM. All that scar tissue has to be broken down; unfortunately, it hurts...but worth it. I went from -14 / +84 to -1 / +123 in 10 weeks of PT and home heel slide exercises. This takes work and patience.
These may help...
Lots more out there. Click my picture, Discussions, See All... Good luck.
arizonaone CHICO_MARX
CHICO_MARX arizonaone
One day at a time. I'm 15 months and have been through it all...even spinal stenosis at 8 months post-op. Had that fusion this March so now it's back to rehabbing my knee AND my back. You have to take what The Universe gives you, laugh and move on. Don't think about it too much...not worth it. Just make the best of every will get better...really...
doryan1982 CHICO_MARX
Thank you for the links, I will check them out tonight with my mother!!