l have a weird sensation of pressure in my front upper teeth
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I have been feeling a weird sensation in my teeth since last September, at first it was like pressure,while eating,I felt that they were misplaced and extremely tight. Every time l brushed them l would feel that l moved them or that they would fall or something,(though they were solid) and then l'd feel the tightness, as if i had residual food in there.
Lately i ve felt that they are swollen or stiff (like they were made of wood kinda) and they even hurt a little,as if they were impacted, it is almost unnoticeable and i must clarify that l haven't suffered any dental injury,
I think my gums are healthy, l do not bleed, my breath doesn't smell bad, l do not suffer from bruxism, extreme temperatures do not bother me.
It is not a big thing but has become and obsession, lm afraid they might drop out from one minute to another and that has made the sensation even harder, l think.
l don't wanna be crybabish and run to the dentist due to this, if the symptoms were harder l would, but it is sort of mild,
is the future consequences what worry me. Anybody else has gone through this? Right now i have fear of hard things such as apples and nuts and the like because l do feel some annoyance, though l don't know what percentage is psychological and what is real nuisance, even when l smile l feel that they get tight or move...
Here some pics
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deb97936 Floriann
This clencing of your teeth is probably happening in your sleep. OR it is due to something your eating, more to the point 'how your eating it'.. putting pressure on the teeth and gums, which can make them feel pressured, or tight.
llllllllllul Floriann
deb97936 llllllllllul
Obviously no pain in the gum always, and in Floriann's case no pain, so a case of just compounded pressure in the gum from chewing and clenching teeth, sometimes when relaxed it feels like the teeth are swimming or moving in your gum. Strange sensation but quite common..
Tumtum1963 Floriann
During the day I have a feeling of pressure on my mouth and nostrils as if they are crowding in. I also get burning sensation in my gums and lips often and a nasty taste most of the time for five years now which so far no one can account for.
I do have hypothyroidism, RA and small fibre neuropathy but the mouth problems affect me most of all these days. I don't know if any of this relates to my diagnosed conditions or is just coincidental but my sense is that neuropathic pain causes the bruxism which in turn causes the tight sensation in my teeth. Hope this helps.
Floriann Tumtum1963
That sounds heavy
I hope your mouth gets fine very soon, sorry to hear it hasn't.
In my case I could totally discern that it was 70% psychological 30% physical, I am kinda obsessive, nervous and anxious-type, so the smallest unidentified discomfort drives me crazy and can ruin my life enterelly, so I am sure that this aspect played a big part in my symptoms...
Thank you for your kind reply and my best wishes for ya!
anne3964 Floriann
I also have that tight feeling, but it also feels as if the plague builds up around the teeth within hours. Been to 4 different dentist including school of dentistry where basically I was just dismissed. I do not clench my teeth at night, healthy gums and teeth, I don't have anything obvious just that horrible feeling. Had it for 6 mths now and just dont know what to do. Wish I could figure it out
leona14030 Tumtum1963
Hey I know this is old but I saw this and had to reply. I've had a nightmare time the past year with my teeth, everything you described, extreme pressure in my front teeth which has caused a myriad of other problems for me and I've not chewed in a year or so. I also get random clicking and shock sensations.
I'm finally starting the diagnostic process but I saw you comment and HAD to reply because I also have a nasty taste that's started recently, It's like a slightly sour, just 'wrong' sort of taste in my mouth. I'd got worried that I maybe affected my natural mouth flora with mouthwashes but it didn't go away when I stopped. Did you ever find out what the taste was caused by? I get a tiny bit of relief after food is in my mouth but then it comes back, and I don't think it's acid reflux.
I'm also getting tested for hyperthyroidism this week..
leigh0304 Floriann
Hello, Curious if you have had any relief or any answers at all since this started bothering you? I'm going through similar sensations and it's awful.
Tumtum1963 leigh0304
I have continued with this symptom but have learned that I have primary Sjogrens Syndrome from having a lip biopsy. I asked the oral consultant and she thought it was neurological. I haven't started a new treatment regime yet because I'm being investigated for lymphoma and/or central nervous system involvement as part of my Sjogrens. My mouth is largely unaffected by the Sjogrens which is very unusual. I put this down to being a nose breather and clenching rather than breathing through my mouth when asleep. So I'm minded to think that the bruxism and mouth guard have saved my teeth and gums from the ravages of being a mouth breather!
emily79193 Tumtum1963
That is so bizarre!! I, too, have Primary sjogren's and Google Drive pressure in front teeth, because I'm having this symptom currently, and found this thread. Perhaps it's Sjogren's related.
Floriann leigh0304
Hello. This happened to me about a year ago and I must say that fortunately the nuisance is gone! Completely and totally.
I began to feel better as soon as I started flossing (which was something I was not related to) my teeth felt lighter and less numb during the first couple of weeks, by the end of last year I was almost recovered and far from any discomfort. To this day I barely remember what that nasty sensation felt like. I recommend you to floss (if you haven't) but I also recommend you not to get to obssessed with the problem, I know it is hard but, as far as I could see it is not that serious, I am sure it was some residual plaque or something kinda simple,however the fear of unknown is the worst in this regard and the paranoia makes it something terrible, I got over it and I wish you do too. I hope this helps you. Greetings.
Tumtum1963 Floriann
Glad it's gone away for you Floriann but for some of us with Sjogrens Disease it is an ongoing issue not to be eradicated simply by flossing - which I do routinely anyway. And as you know for yourself it's a fairly unpleasant sensation that may be part of a systemic disease so it is good to have the opportunity to have shared about it. Thanks.
Floriann Tumtum1963
I am not really familiar with Sjogrens Disease, but I am sure it has to be harder under these circumstances.
However, the flossing recommendation was for Leigh who asked me if I had some news, hoping his symptoms might be similar to the ones I have.
Cheers and I hope this threat doesn't die and if anyone finds my experience helpful, I will be pleased to reply.