lack of interest in everything!!!!!!!!!!

Posted , 13 users are following.

Hi ladies!............ I"ve always been a happy energetic person........I looked after myself...I exercised...watched what i ate...loved life!!!!....... Since peri my life has changed frastically with all the nasty symptoms!! Im 3 years into this nightmare....but its starting to get better............the only thing that frustrates me at the moment is lack of drive.......not interested in anything...cant bring myself to exercise...Ive put on weight..dont care what I eat anymore.........dont really care about my appearance....just do the basics..and couldnt be bothered dressing up.....Im usually in jeans and track suits.........I"m not interested in socializing either......I prefer to stay in bed at night and cuddle up with my pc.........hate tv also......sometimes it gets to the point where I dont even want to talk to my husband at all...........whereas before I wouldnt shut!!! can  also before I get my period...during...and about a week after I feel sleepy............all I want to do is hibernate in my bed.....can anyone relate?????? question


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49 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Cleo... yes, this exactly how I feel nearly all the time.  Have had noticeable peri symptoms now for 1.5 years and will have surgery next week to have ovary with mass and uterine polyp removed.  I feel that I have let myself go, that my self has been stolen from me.  It is horrible... even the basics are difficult... I feel like I live in a fog.
    • Posted

      Hi Elizabeth..........thanks for the response!!!..........its truly horrible Ive lost myself as well.........sorry to hear about you having surgery........its the last thing we need to add to our anxieties.....I hope everything goes well for you......................keep us posted..Xx...... confused 
    • Posted

      Thanks... so ready to be done with the surgery!
    • Posted

      hi elizabeth just wanted to wish you luck on your surgery next week - and hopefulluy one day we all will feel like our old selfies again good luck!!


    • Posted

      Thanks, Kathy!  Hopefully we will.  
  • Posted

    I can totally relate. I just started with this peri mess and I have no interest in anything either. I used to love doing my hair, shopping, getting mani and pedis with my daughters. Now I don't want to do anything but be at home and half the time in the bed. I look terrible, I don't wear makeup anymore, or fix my hair. I just wear jeans, tshirts, and hats. I haven't been out with my partner in 5 months. I do things with my daughters but it's a struggle. I dont answer my phone most of the time, haven't seen any of my friends, i'm a total introvert. So I can totally relate to what you are saying.
    • Posted

      thanks for responding Jamie!!...... i feel that im not alone in this anymore............its horrible isnt it...........I wonder if this ever goes away???? or is this it and we are introverts forever from now on............. if any ladies can help with answers PLEASE let us know!!!!!!!!sad
    • Posted

      Oh Jamie, I'm glad you mentioned the hair, clothes, etc.  Just got my hair cut over the weekend in a very low-maintenance style so I can just get up and go.  Just can't deal with details anymore!
    • Posted

      I often wonder that too. I just do what's needed and then I'm back in the house or bed. It's a scary thought to think is this all there is?
    • Posted

      Yes, that is in many ways the scariest part of it, not being able to see beyond it.
    • Posted

      I was just contemplating on cutting mines ad well. Like you I want something low maintenance for those days when I just don't feel like doing anything. The spring weather is here and Its time to start taking off my hat.
    • Posted

      I cut mine short like a guys. And since I'm not putting on makeup these days I probably look like a guy but I don't care. I just wear a beanie every time I go out. I hate that I can't get interested in anything. Today I need to get groceries but can't budge myself out the door.
    • Posted

      I know what you mean. I'm cutting mines low like a guy too. Just can't be bothered. My partner just asked to go out and dinner. I don't have the heart to to tell him I really don't feel like it.
    • Posted

      Oh I know how you feel. I had friends from out of town visiting and a group went out to dinner but I had to pass because I just was feeling all these peri symptoms and I so wanted to go. I can't stand a lot of noise so a restaurant on a Friday night would have driven me nuts!
    • Posted

      That is so me. I haven't been out since these symtpoms started. I just hope with the spring coming in that at least something will change.
    • Posted

      Yes hopefully the nicer weather will help. I have to say I'm a bit jealous of the ladies on here with husbands. I wish I had someone to help with food stuff and such. Sorry just feeling sorry for myself today as I don't want to go out but no food in the frig 😞
    • Posted

      No husband for me, either, and I passed on an offer to go to dinner tonight with a group of coworkers at a restaurant that's about 5 minutes from my home.  Of course, now I don't want to cook, either.  Have had a headache all day.  Feel like hiding.
    • Posted

      Sounds like me Jamie. Hard to even shower most days, have to make such an effort! Not much of a friend, sister, relative, wife, or mother now! Hope I get me back sometime quick! Hate this non life!
    • Posted

      I have no husband either. I'm getting ready to not have a partner if I don't get it together. But I guess it's ok to be alone because I'm not fit for anybody. At this point i'm not fit for me.

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