lack of interest in everything!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi ladies!............ I"ve always been a happy energetic person........I looked after myself...I exercised...watched what i ate...loved life!!!!....... Since peri my life has changed frastically with all the nasty symptoms!! Im 3 years into this nightmare....but its starting to get better............the only thing that frustrates me at the moment is lack of drive.......not interested in anything...cant bring myself to exercise...Ive put on weight..dont care what I eat anymore.........dont really care about my appearance....just do the basics..and couldnt be bothered dressing up.....Im usually in jeans and track suits.........I"m not interested in socializing either......I prefer to stay in bed at night and cuddle up with my pc.........hate tv also......sometimes it gets to the point where I dont even want to talk to my husband at all...........whereas before I wouldnt shut!!! can also before I get my period...during...and about a week after I feel sleepy............all I want to do is hibernate in my bed.....can anyone relate??????
3 likes, 49 replies
jade03180 cleo41716
I too have no motivation and struggle most mornings to get out of bed. Life seems to have no point while enduring perimenopause. I truly have to take 1 day at a time. My life has changed drastically in 8 months.
cleo41716 jade03180
CCinCal cleo41716
jade03180 CCinCal
debbie75601 jade03180
debbie75601 cleo41716
cleo41716 debbie75601
debbie75601 cleo41716
kathy8894 cleo41716
cleo41716 kathy8894
Guest cleo41716
I remember my mum had a shocking menopause....palpitations...emergency room flushes etc. But when I ask her how long it went for she can't remember. She said her saving grace was a little blue pill the doctor gave her......she doesnt know what it was it was so long ago. I need my own little blue pill lol. My husband comments on my mood swings too....i get really angry really quickly over little things....i go through all emotions daily....angry sad depressed irritated fatigued....i am on a roller coaster. I think I only have a few days a month I feel 'normal' now.I read that some women feel depressed as their womenhood is coming to an end...I think 'Hallelujah!!! Take it!' I can't wait for mine to go
michelle46271 Guest
Guest michelle46271
cleo41716 Guest
Guest cleo41716
michelle46271 Guest
Guest michelle46271