lack of interest in everything!!!!!!!!!!

Posted , 13 users are following.

Hi ladies!............ I"ve always been a happy energetic person........I looked after myself...I exercised...watched what i ate...loved life!!!!....... Since peri my life has changed frastically with all the nasty symptoms!! Im 3 years into this nightmare....but its starting to get better............the only thing that frustrates me at the moment is lack of drive.......not interested in anything...cant bring myself to exercise...Ive put on weight..dont care what I eat anymore.........dont really care about my appearance....just do the basics..and couldnt be bothered dressing up.....Im usually in jeans and track suits.........I"m not interested in socializing either......I prefer to stay in bed at night and cuddle up with my pc.........hate tv also......sometimes it gets to the point where I dont even want to talk to my husband at all...........whereas before I wouldnt shut!!! can  also before I get my period...during...and about a week after I feel sleepy............all I want to do is hibernate in my bed.....can anyone relate?????? question


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49 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi Cleo,

    I too have no motivation and struggle most mornings to get out of bed. Life seems to have no point while enduring perimenopause. I truly have to take 1 day at a time. My life has changed drastically in 8 months.

    • Posted

      exactly..........its what you say........... Life seems to have no point........... I too struggle to get out of bed............. lucky I work in the afternoon........... so im usually sleeping in till 11.00 husband thinks Im lazy...........he just doesnt get it!!!!!!
  • Posted

    I can totally relate. I just got up and it's past noon. All I do is groceries and doctors appointments. My life has dwindled down to just necessities. It's a horrible way to be. So hard to keep sane.
  • Posted

    Yes! I feel so bad, because hubby tries to engage, but so very hard for me to have much of a conversation. Can't really watch TV much anymore either, don't have much attention span, I guess. This is horrible! I just mainly stay on couch, with tv on for noise, and look up things on iPad or my mobile. Not interested in much either, which was so not me 4 months ago! This stinks!!
  • Posted

    HI Cleo sounds like i just wrote that!! lol that is me too especially the sleeping all the time and the weight!! i tried losing weight and just gave up and dont care anymore soooooo very glad to hear i am not alone it is a horrible feeling an d i hope one day to be back to the way i use to be- enjoyed living!! thanks for sharing cleo and making me feel so not alone-take care 
    • Posted

      oh Kathy sooo sorry you  are feeling like this as well its horrid ........... but Im glad that we have each other to support by sharing our experiences on this forum..............glad i found it......confused....... I truly hope that one day we get ourselves back!!!!!
  • Posted

    I am 48 and on the peri journey too....I hear you 100%! I don't want to go out...i don't care what I look like...I just wear anything thats cool and comfortable. I hate wearing my bra because I feel restricted and my ribs ache...even if I wear a soft one. I find it a hassle to shower somedays...and only shave my legs when my 20 year old son teases me about how bad they are lol.

    I remember my mum had a shocking menopause....palpitations...emergency room flushes etc. But when I ask her how long it went for she can't remember. She said her saving grace was a little blue pill the doctor gave her......she doesnt know what it was it was so long ago. I need my own little blue pill lol. My husband comments on my mood swings too....i get really angry really quickly over little things....i go through all emotions daily....angry sad depressed irritated fatigued....i am on a roller coaster. I think I only have a few days a month I feel 'normal' now.I read that some women feel depressed as their womenhood is coming to an end...I think 'Hallelujah!!! Take it!' I can't wait for mine to go smile

    • Posted

      God I hate doing my bra up it feels like I can't breath like my ribs are crushed
    • Posted

      I know lol...i hate wearing a makes my ribs ache and i want to rip it off. At the moment here in Queensland Australia its 30 plus i wear those strapless dresses that are elasticized around the boob area. It gives me some support without being restrictive. Quite frankly i don't care if I have to wear muumuus as long as I am cool and comfy. smile
    • Posted

      Hi Janine...................Im soooo reeady for my womanhood to come to an end..........................I"ll throw a party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol


    • Posted

      Me too lol...its like a secret club we are in....i walk around sometimes wondering how many women are silently suffering. Someone on here said we need a secret hand signal to let other women know. I am over this period/woman crap. 30 plus years of periods.....3 pregnancies with a total of 1 years morning sickness...and now this!! I don't have time for menopause...just get it over with! smile
    • Posted

      Well said! I've got another horrible day-2 hours sleep again last night. Tight to breath today again and all my face is buzzing. Got to take my son and his friend somewhere in about an hour. Want to be normal again
    • Posted

      I know...i would take half normal...i have had a shocker today.I keep having adrenalin surges and flushes and achy chest and ribs....which gives me anxiety! Good luck with your day...i just think each day is one day closer to it being finished smile

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