Lady care magnet, update
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Hi everyone
Just thought I would update
I’ve been wearing my magnet every day for the last 5-6 months and I must say that my hot flushes have more or less disappeared, still get a little over heated at night but nothing like I used to get.
I forgot to wear it one day and went to work! Well it seemed that every time I had to talk to someone a great wave of heat swept over me, I won’t be forgetting again!!
Has anyone else had a good response using this?
Take care
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martina43 lou63
lou63 martina43
I bought mine in Boots it was about £24 not cheep but I was willing to give anything a try, you wear it down your knickers about a couple of inches from your belly button!! I hardly notice its there any more.
I also take B6 and B12 vits has helped loads with my dizziness/spaced out feeling.
JoycieJane lou63
thats what I keeing singing to Dazza
bought magnet this morning - find it hilarious that it's sparkly purple (hence the song)
will feedback on results
also trying to go dairy free - that's more of a challenge?
margaret04348 lou63
lou63 margaret04348
JoycieJane lou63
Do you wear them at night too? It's night sweats that I have the most problems with.
lou63 JoycieJane
I wear it 24/7 the only time I take it off is to shower, has defiantly reduced mine both day and night, day time I maybe get one but even that is much milder and the same at night.
JoycieJane lou63
shaznay96184 JoycieJane
If Patsy Kensit's coping mechanisms on CBB are anything to go by, I think I'll give em a miss! She's an emotional wreak!!
no seriously, I'm up for giving most non-med treatments a go before giving in to HRT. Think I heard about these years ago: sure they're used to help PMT also??
Thankfully, not got the full-blown dripping moustashe hot flushes just yet (like my sister had before HRT), but no doubt they're beckoning me as all through the night I am roasting. Not sweating: just an inner furnace. My husband says 'Christ! Your leg is boiling!', but I only seen to feel it when I wake up for one of my 5 wees in the night grrrr!!
Just out of interest: when did you all start wearing them - when you were just boiling hot (like me) or with full-blown sweats?? x
JoycieJane shaznay96184
loretta63638 lou63
What is this magnet ? I never heard of it!
lou63 loretta63638
loretta63638 lou63
Chrisy loretta63638
sarah63813 lou63
lou63 sarah63813
No, I dont think its for mood swings, I bought mind for the hot flushes and it seems to help.
As for the shopping trollieys, i'm quite short so not a problem for me lol