Lately I Don't Think I Will Make It Through Perimenopause Alive!!!!!
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This has been the worst 3 weeks of my life with these perimenopause symptoms. I'm soon to be 49. I thought my symptoms were getting better. Then on March 8th started having bad stomach cramps and low back pain which lasted 2 1/2 weeks. Then the terrible indigestion started with heart palpitations and then of course major anxiety. My period which has been about every 18 days since December is now late. I live each day in fear and terror of heart palpitations and anxiety. I seriously feel like I might die everyday. This is absolutely no way to live. I feel bad for my poor husband and daughter. I am no wife and mother at this time. My daughter is 21 but I still feel horrible about the state I'm in. Sorry for the vent. Feeling hopeless like this journey will never ever end.
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michelle50768 debbie_18471
I feel exactly the same way.
Ive been off my AD three weeks but seriously considering going bck on it.
The palpitations are waking me out of my sleep and scaring the heck out of me.
Add to that anxiety depression insomnia joint pain and everything else peri can throw at you.
Im currently five months without a period.
Sorry I cant offer you any advice but im sure some lovely lady on here will.
Hoping you get some relief soon x
brendababy michelle50768
Brenda x
michelle50768 brendababy
debbie_18471 michelle50768
Debbie ❤️
brendababy michelle50768
It would maybe stabilise your mood and give you a better quality of life
Chin up
Brenda x
michelle50768 brendababy
Im just praying as ive gone five months with no period im nearing the end.
But you just never know x
michelle50768 debbie_18471
brendababy michelle50768
I don't think our bodies function right without a good level of our sex hormones, estrogen,progesterone, testosterone etc
I hope you get good advice and something to help you have a better quality of life, let us know how you get on
Brenda X
dtplus debbie_18471
I just joined this forum a few days ago and have found it interesting, so many different, but similar issues. My issue was different, but a nuisance. Have any of you considered Essential Oils, I've been using them for close to a year now and they have so many benefits?
I encourage all of you to look up Clary Sage, it works wonders all all Essential oil options.
Have fun searching,
Bye for now!
debbie_18471 dtplus
Debbie ❤️
marie25874 debbie_18471
I was just crying to my husband a few minutes ago about the very same thing! I am not the same person I used to be - no energy, anxious all the time, feeling crappy whether its due to stomach pain or dizziness or reflux or whatever else comes my way. I went back on birth control pills to help with the symptoms and they helped tremendously! I felt pretty good again but the concern for causing blood clots and strokes made me go off them. And the same feelings of doom and gloom and all the physical ailments came flooding back. Honestly, it might be worth the increased risk because all of this is not "living". My girls are 7 and 9 and I feel like I am missing out. I try the "mind over matter" approach to remind myself this is hormonal and I am not dying but it doesn't always work because you just feel crappy. This site helps tremendously. Hang in there Debbie!
debbie_18471 marie25874
Debbie ❤️
debbie75601 marie25874
debbie_18471 debbie75601
Debbie ❤️
debbie75601 debbie_18471
debbie_18471 debbie75601
Debbie ❤️
Zigangie debbie_18471
He had a toothache the other day and straight to bed, the same if he has a cold.
I've told him try having the feeling you're coming down with flu every day, I can't spend my whole life in bed as much as I'd like to, also can't sleep when I'm in bed anyway.
I feel better now on HRT flu feeling is gone but energy still not brilliant, better but not what it used to be.
debbie75601 debbie_18471
Snowbell1975 debbie75601
marie25874 debbie_18471
I was wondering about the stomach cramps and indigestion you referred to. I started having a lot of discomfort in my stomach this whole week. Stomach is bloated as well. Did you have this? I had an intravaginal ultrasound done about 5 months ago and it was clear except for one fluid filled cyst on one ovary that he said would come and go. But with all this discomfort I'm wondering did he miss something or did something crop up. Anxiety kicks in! Is this a normal part of Peri - up until now I have had a lot of other crazy symptoms but not this persistent stomach ache. Thanks!
debbie_18471 marie25874
Yes I had horrible indigestion and bloated stomach. Could only eat tiny tiny meals at a time and even that would set off my stomach bloat and terrible indigestion. It was bad. I also have been developing ovarian cysts on my ovaries as well. They do eventually work themselves out but my goodness they create so many sympyoms because our ovaries produce the hormones and a cyst disturbs the balance. Headaches nauseous dizziness indigestion stomach cramps anxiety heart palpitations are all sympyoms of ovarian cysts. I can't wait to balance my hormones with bioidenticals. Hopefully my fibroids cysts crazy crazy symptoms aches and pains will get better. Take care marie I hope you are able to feel better and enjoy Easter😊
Debbie ❤️
Snowbell1975 debbie_18471
debbie_18471 Snowbell1975
Debbie ❤️
Snowbell1975 debbie_18471
marie25874 debbie_18471