Left side head pressure, tender spot, neck issues

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Hello, I am new here but I am a little concerned. I am a healthy 35yr old male however I have been dealing with left side head pressure for the last 5 weeks. I don't get a real bad headache but its mostly just pressure and its pretty much with me 24/7. I have noticed when I lay down or go to the gym with my headphones on it is not as bad but always there, I seem to feel it more when standing but again its always there even when sitting at my desk at work. I will list a few of my symptoms below in a moment but I did want to mention the last 2 years have been rough after going through a tough separation with my fiancée and only seeing my son a couple days a week instead of daily so my stress and anxiety was really bad for a while however I am dealing with that better now so I have a hard time believing this is stress related. I am a very anxious person and do not do well at the doctors, my blood pressure and heart rate go through the roof even just at a check up.

The last few months I have not felt like myself, I have had a bad stomach my whole life but it got worse around November 2015 and I was having chest pains and tightness, long story short I saw my doctor multiple times and was diagnosed with GERD and I also had an EKG and Stress Test Echo on my heart which all came out fine thank god. Now a couple months later I was finally feeling a little better, chest issues and stomach still kind of there but no where near as bad and then randomly get hit with this head pressure one Sunday night after just laying on my couch. I went to the doctor after 2 weeks of the head pressure and he tried 2 weeks of muscle relaxers thinking it was my neck, my neck is super tight especially left side where the head pressure is and he told me to stop going to the chiropractor. I was going to the chiropractor for just a couple months before all this happened because my neck and left shoulder always hurt (I work out in the gym and think part of it is from that, I used to lift very heavy but I don't as much anymore). The funny thing is a week before this head pressure started my chiropractor did his usual neck crack on both sides and I remember it almost hurting, feeling different then normal and sent pain through my head. I honestly wonder if he did something to me and if this is from my neck however almost 6 weeks and still feel the same? Advil doesn't do much, muscle relaxers didn't work. I am doing neck stretches and just bought a hand held massager this past week for my neck and head. My doctor did not think brain tumor at my visit based of my symptoms and said my reflexes were good.  Sorry for the long post but hoping for some help, my doctor is now referring me to a neurologist but I am trying to hard to push it off a little more hoping it gets better, I have enough medical bills and I am trying to tell myself this has to be from my neck or something that will heal eventually. I know brain tumors are pretty rare but of course I am having anxiety over that.


-left side head pressure 24/7.

-some pressure in left eye and ear but not terrible.

-neck issues, especially left side, recently got a massage and the massage therapist said my upper back and neck were extremely tight. Chiropractor although I haven't been in a few weeks doctors orders said my C-1 or 2 joint cant remember which one was out of place. I have been doing neck stretches and using a tennis ball.

-some lightheadedness and fatigue, nothing crazy and could be stress since I think about this and worry all day.

-just noticed this week I have a tender spot on the bone top left back side of head.

-no weight loss, no fever, appetite ok for the most part, stomach ache some days but no vomiting.

 I do get a little bit of facial tingles in the left side of my cheek and especially my chin, it is not constant and comes and goes. This did start a couple months before this and I went to the dentist because I still have 3 of my wisdom teeth. He did say they could come out and my bottom right one was coming in a little crooked and could be causing some pressure. He did I could hold off for a bit and it wasnt an emergency and that could be causing some of my chin numbness and tingles. Also I am constantly popping my ears because they feel a little blocked and my nose feels a little congested but this has been going on for a while and is not something new, maybe allergies

Hopefully some suggestions and feedback will help, I will see neurologist if this doesn't improve but again I am trying to wait just a little longer on that.

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  • Posted

    Do you have any updates I have the same thing spot on the top of my head not tender to touch but I can feel it 24/7 just wondering if you got a diagnoses
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      I still have the same feeling in my neck area. When I had the catscan, it showed up swollen lymph nodes. When I was sick with head crap going around, that spot really ached. So I guess it's lymph nodes. Guess it's normal for them to swell causing that feeling of pressure. .still not sure...it's been 7 months since scan. But much longer this feeling in my neck..

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      Nothing new, still dealing with the same stuff and I can't believe this nightmare is not over. I just had a massage this past week and they said my upper back and neck are so tight and "how are u walking around like this". I still have a hard time believing this is all from my neck and tight muscles but that's what I keep being told. I feel so bad some days and no improvement with the 24/7 head pressure. Maybe one of these days I'll get a cat scan just to be sure.

    • Posted

      Stumbled upon you post because like you I'm looking for answers. Unlike you, doctors don't scare me.

      I've been in & out of check ups and seen various specialists since Thanksgiving of 2016, so far 2 ENT's have pointed at Meneir's syndrome (which I defiantly disagree with) and another has pointed moreso at either a cochlear disturbance or draining.

      Beyond that I have been on prednisone, ranitidine & triamterene for almost 2 months. The prednisone is a nightmare blessing. I have never been on steroids before in my life so 20mg/day messes me up. Yet there is no fullness in my ear or pain throughout my head or neck.

      I did pull some help from friends in the pharmaceutical field and they pointed out increasing potassium intake and watching sodium levels. Also to increase immune system support either by supplement or foods.

      With that I've written off any fast foods, sodas, pre-workout mixes. Added plenty of vitamin c rich fruits & vegtables. All cooked meats are low in fat or trimmed and drink tea & water.

      Not at 100% while these Dr's try to figure out what is wrong with me but I'm preparing for a bounce back that would embarrass Lazarus.

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      Same symptoms for about 2 months now, went to a neurologist today and they said I might have Post Concussion Syndrome. 
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      I've been having similar issues which started in fall 2016 but worsened in the last few months. My experience is on the left side of the head and eye, where there is almost always always a feeling of discomfort and puffiness, feels swollen, left face feels numb. Sometimes I experience headaches in that region where it feels like someone lit a fire in my head and it's sharp shooting burning pain at the entire left side of my head and increased eye pain and pressure on that left eye. These are not migraines but I'm also a migraine sufferer. These headaches impact my ability to do daily tasks include working, I have poorer balance and coordination, mildly slurred speech, dizziness, sometimes problems walking straight, stumbling. I've burned myself twice while trying to fix simple meals during these headaches, sometimes tearing sometimes on left eye. I've seen a regular neurologist who cleared me, then a neuro ophthalmologist who cleared me (with the exception that I have to repeat an eye test to check for glaucoma ) and over the last month I'm seeing a headache specialist who is also a neurologist. My last MRI was February 2017 but I'm repeating the MRI in 2 weeks. The headache specialist has put me on Indomethocin over the last 4-5 weeks but im not sure it's helping- he's increased the dosage to 3 pills recently. I'm also on Rizatryptan as a "rescue" med which seems to lessen the intensity of the pain. The pain and sensation while it's always there , the headaches are sudden and without warning ( which is what the Rizatryptan helps with). I'm also looking for answers because I cannot live like this. I wish you all luck. Hope we all get better soon.

    • Posted

      Hey ! How are your headaches ? Did you ever get your second MRI? I wouldn't make sure they order it with contrast. Your symptoms sound so much like mine.

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      Yes 2nd MRI done with contrast. They noticed nothing. Sometimes the nerves are too small to show up. One treatment offer made was Lidocaine injections. Some patients swear by piercings on the ear - connected to nerves so it alleviates pressure. Then there's Botox. gotta continue following up with the MDs. Not giving up and not giving in. There's an answer and someone has it so gonna keep looking until it's resolved. What helps you ? What have you tried? What tests have you got?

    • Posted

      Checking to see how you're feeling and if you've tried any of those pressure relieving remedies? I've been going through this for about 1.5 years, I have the same exact symptoms and I'm constantly terrified that I'm dying of something serious, or everytime I feel one of these awkward headache symptoms/sensations that its the end for me. My GP put me on effexor and I'm waiting for its effects to kick in, but like a lot of others said, my anxiety has stemmed from how I'm feeling, it isn't the cause of everything in the first place. I also see a physical therapist, and its the only time I ever feel relief. 

    • Posted

      Hi. I remain on my tryptan "rescue" meds, I don't have the GERD symptoms some people on this forum have mentioned 

      I still have the headaches, and tingling, numbness.  No particular anxiety. I know something is going on and just because it hasn't been diagnosed yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist - at least I'm calm about it. Just irritating having all these appointments to go to but I look at it as a choice- I could just not go!

      My next step is following up with retina specialist and the rheumatologist due to an abnormal finding in a lab test.

      For now I keep it going - continuing to track what I eat, continue with regular exercise for mind and body, reality checks etc and my rescue meds and these appointments. Nothing else I can do.

    • Posted

      Have you guys tried acupuncture ? I've had some relief but you have to go for regular treatments maybe twice a week for a month or two ... queensgirl this guy in flushing (yelp- acumiracle)  helped me out a lot 

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      Try gabapentin for this issue . Only thing that really worked at all for me 
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      I attempted gabapentin a couple years ago, post surgery, for a non -related issue and had an allergic reaction. That's great it works for you

    • Posted

      Hi.  This post makes me feel good, in that I'm not alone.  I have had so many odd symptoms since starting about Feb 2017.  From severe neck tension, to closed up throat feeling, and here lately I feel like there is severe pressure in my ears and back/side of head.  I was scared earlier this year, which cause more stress, tension, but I've settled down a bit.  I like that you are trying natural remedies.  This is the way I think and been keeping a diary of my foods and had blood work drawn to see my low/high levels of vitamins. 

      I have had 4 sinus infections this year...  this is a first for me to have this much sinus issues.  I just got put on prednisone and I completely understand why you say it's a nightmare blessing.  It did seem to help with the head/ear pressure, but at the same time I can't sleep!  I have been on several antibiotics in past couple of months and they wanted to put me on some more, but I declined, since they have not helped so far.

      I am curious to how you are doing... and others on this thread.  I just want to feel good and enjoy life. Hope to hear about how you are doing.

    • Posted

      Do u have like wave feelings in yr head? Do you have aches in yr eyes and temples??
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      As I sit here and type this my temples ache.  When I mention that to the doctors, they just look at me  like, um, I don't know.  They just say that's not sinuses.  Thanks doc, ha.  And it's not just pain, but an odd pressure, maybe a wave feeling...  Earlier this year, I had a shock feeling go thru my head and I thought I was going to pass out.  But that only happened once...  thank goodness.  I was really scared early part of the year.  But I'm still alive, so not sure.  What have you found out?? 

    • Posted

      Drs look at me with Lil smile like uh huh..one of those..Iv got the weirdest things that go on in my head. I hate googling cuz it scares me. Iv got like an indention around the crown of my head. When I went to a forum for that, almost 500 ppl commented. Most have same symptoms, like a wave feeling, eye aches when my temple aches as well. Sometimes mild headaches, I do have Tinnitis as well. Acid reflux, the works..just so done with all these weird symptoms. My head feels lightheaded some days. I just wish I knew what all this is..maybe not..wink I think some days stress causes so much..seems temples hurt worse then..keep me updated please on wht u find out and I will as well..
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      Also sometimes it sounds/feels like someone shut a door in my head. Weird huh?
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      I also have like a pressure/fullness in my ears..ahhhhhhh
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      Have you seen a TMJ specialist??  I've got an appointment next Monday.  Seems temple aches and fullness is ears is a common symptom of TMJ, which I was diagnosed with as a teen.  I would not have thought TMJ could cause some of my symptoms, but it's worth checking out.  I do have issues with my left jaw when I eat sometimes.  I know I have sinus issues as well...  I bought that neilmed sinus rinse and used for the first time last night.  I'm trying everything possible to combat these symptoms.  My sinuses seemed to feel a little better actually after rinsing them.  I'm going to do that daily.  And yes, I believe I'm affected by stress greatly some days.  Is the indention you have something new?

    • Posted

      No, have had it for a few years but just never paid much attention to the indention until all these other crazy symptoms. I thought since I go to a dentist every year, and have xray that Tha would have seen if I had TMJ but maybe not. When I go back in a month, I will make mention of some of these symptoms..
    • Posted

      I was reading your post and going through the same thing! Im 34 yrs old and was very healthy until about 3 months ago I suffered from a severe panic attack I've had two ct scans done one with contrast and nothing was found, I've also had bloodwork done and came back normal, i have constant head pressure which causes shakiness and dizzy spells everyday, my neck is so painful and tense, I can feel numbness and tingling on my legs and I also have this weird numb pain on the upper back of my head. My Gp said I have vertigo but I refuse I believe that's what's causing all the other symptoms.

    • Posted

      Do you feeling nunbess in your head above your ear that goes into you temple
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      Yes, numb and pressure..so strange..so times even in toward my cheek bone
    • Posted

      Did you checked you vitamin B12? Do you get tingling or pins needles on your head?

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