Left side head pressure, tender spot, neck issues

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Hello, I am new here but I am a little concerned. I am a healthy 35yr old male however I have been dealing with left side head pressure for the last 5 weeks. I don't get a real bad headache but its mostly just pressure and its pretty much with me 24/7. I have noticed when I lay down or go to the gym with my headphones on it is not as bad but always there, I seem to feel it more when standing but again its always there even when sitting at my desk at work. I will list a few of my symptoms below in a moment but I did want to mention the last 2 years have been rough after going through a tough separation with my fiancée and only seeing my son a couple days a week instead of daily so my stress and anxiety was really bad for a while however I am dealing with that better now so I have a hard time believing this is stress related. I am a very anxious person and do not do well at the doctors, my blood pressure and heart rate go through the roof even just at a check up.

The last few months I have not felt like myself, I have had a bad stomach my whole life but it got worse around November 2015 and I was having chest pains and tightness, long story short I saw my doctor multiple times and was diagnosed with GERD and I also had an EKG and Stress Test Echo on my heart which all came out fine thank god. Now a couple months later I was finally feeling a little better, chest issues and stomach still kind of there but no where near as bad and then randomly get hit with this head pressure one Sunday night after just laying on my couch. I went to the doctor after 2 weeks of the head pressure and he tried 2 weeks of muscle relaxers thinking it was my neck, my neck is super tight especially left side where the head pressure is and he told me to stop going to the chiropractor. I was going to the chiropractor for just a couple months before all this happened because my neck and left shoulder always hurt (I work out in the gym and think part of it is from that, I used to lift very heavy but I don't as much anymore). The funny thing is a week before this head pressure started my chiropractor did his usual neck crack on both sides and I remember it almost hurting, feeling different then normal and sent pain through my head. I honestly wonder if he did something to me and if this is from my neck however almost 6 weeks and still feel the same? Advil doesn't do much, muscle relaxers didn't work. I am doing neck stretches and just bought a hand held massager this past week for my neck and head. My doctor did not think brain tumor at my visit based of my symptoms and said my reflexes were good.  Sorry for the long post but hoping for some help, my doctor is now referring me to a neurologist but I am trying to hard to push it off a little more hoping it gets better, I have enough medical bills and I am trying to tell myself this has to be from my neck or something that will heal eventually. I know brain tumors are pretty rare but of course I am having anxiety over that.


-left side head pressure 24/7.

-some pressure in left eye and ear but not terrible.

-neck issues, especially left side, recently got a massage and the massage therapist said my upper back and neck were extremely tight. Chiropractor although I haven't been in a few weeks doctors orders said my C-1 or 2 joint cant remember which one was out of place. I have been doing neck stretches and using a tennis ball.

-some lightheadedness and fatigue, nothing crazy and could be stress since I think about this and worry all day.

-just noticed this week I have a tender spot on the bone top left back side of head.

-no weight loss, no fever, appetite ok for the most part, stomach ache some days but no vomiting.

 I do get a little bit of facial tingles in the left side of my cheek and especially my chin, it is not constant and comes and goes. This did start a couple months before this and I went to the dentist because I still have 3 of my wisdom teeth. He did say they could come out and my bottom right one was coming in a little crooked and could be causing some pressure. He did I could hold off for a bit and it wasnt an emergency and that could be causing some of my chin numbness and tingles. Also I am constantly popping my ears because they feel a little blocked and my nose feels a little congested but this has been going on for a while and is not something new, maybe allergies

Hopefully some suggestions and feedback will help, I will see neurologist if this doesn't improve but again I am trying to wait just a little longer on that.

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  • Posted

    I too have pressure in neck area along with a knot I found there which catscan showed arthritis and swollen lymph node. My ears have tinnitis that started alongg with this. I too have occasional tingling in my chin..just lately my left ear feels a little pressure as well. I'm hoping swollen lymph node is all it is. It does cause slight pain at base of left skull..nothing tho is painful. Just noticeable.

  • Posted

    Your symptons sound very familiar to me. Mine come and go - I found that my chiro helps relieve the skull pain with neck manipulation. I understand that the facial tingling is related to the nerves at the base of the skull around c1.

    Some of the tension could also be related to Anxiety. I have that as well - general anxiety disorder. This comes and goes and is usually related to how I am feeling about my health! My doc told me about cognitive behavioral therapy - this can help deal with the anxiety, so I am embarking on that to see if it helps. It could be worth your considering?

    All the best anyway. 

    • Posted

      Sounds so much like me. I stress over health. Last week I had an ultra sound on my neck. Nothing. He could see nothing, yet I feel the knot and the aches in that area as well as the ear discomfort still there. Facial stings still Goin on. But catscan, and ultra sound shows nothing..they all say a muscle in neck is what I'm feeling. Ibalso have had tinnitis since the catscan last year. Got it the day after the catscan. Next week I'm Goin for a scope because also get a feeling like something in my throat. Globus I think they call it..after this, I'm done. I'm tired of worrying and stressing over this..

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    About 4 months ago I stopped seeing my chiropractor due to wanting to try Osteopathy instead. A the chirpractic apointment they would adjust my neck most  to one side and my lumbar aswell, after a couple weeks of not seeing the chiropractor I had noticed a pain in the right side of my neck and had really tight neck muscles and always felt the need to crack my neck and stretch it. It has gradually become worse and I feel somewhat similar symptoms to you in that my right ear always feels blocked and I find it harder to hear, as well as in my right eye I feel like one of the muscles is tight and I tend to roll my eyes around to stretch them and it relieves the tightness.

    I was just wondering if you have tried an osteopath, as I have had two treatments only on soft tissue in my neck and it has seemed to really help, I didnt let them crack my neck as I didnt want to aggravate the condition but they said my C2 was slightly out, rotated and dropped. I am going to let them try adjust my neck at my next appointment and see if this helps,

    But I think in your case it could be neurological and would be interesting to see what they would have to say also


  • Posted

    Ok I have all the symptoms everyone is talking about, I have gone to a neurologist, I have had an MRI, I've been on the steroids, I've been on the muscle relaxers, and have had a PT work with my neck for six weeks, that worked while she was doing the therapy but as soon as she was done the pain was still there.  I have been told I have Meneires as well, as it started with loss of hearing in one ear, but that was also believed to have been caused by too many decongestants perscribed by my primary physician for a severe cold i had.  I have done the chiropractor adjusting my back and my neck, that works for a temporary relief.  I have been told it's my posture and seen a PT for working on strengthening that.  I wish someone could tell me what it is caused from the discomfort/tightness in my left side of my neck.  I've tried different pillows, I've moved my monitor at work, adjusted my chair, nothing seems to work.  ANYBODY have any clue what this is?

    • Posted

      I'm still waiting on my MRI. In the meantime I saw optometrist who said severe astigmatism in Left eye (which can lead to headaches)

      My MRI is coming up( I will keep you all posted on the results)

      VERY IMPORTANT: my Vitamin D levels are low (now starting D3 ) and my Vitamin B levels are Very high (stopping my Vitamin B complex which one neurologist put me on) . The current neurologist who is also a headache specialist is the one who's Checking these levels and he says overload or deficiencies in Vitamins could cause headaches

      Last week I lost vision for several minutes in my left eye as a result of headache (like a migraine symptom) and my right eye was blurry.

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    What's the latest?

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      Well my MRI came back normal, my hemicrania nerve seems ok. The headache specialist/neurologist now addded Magnesium 500mg

      Saw ophthalmologist this week he's sending me for vascular work up. Kind of checking to see if TIA type thing could cause the vision loss which they called amarousis . In the process of doing that cardiovascular workup. They also added a baby aspirin which my cardio agreed with until we know more. I have Mitral valve prolapse and never had an incident. For the record I'm healthy and exercise eat right etc, no abnormal sugars or lipids ever. Seeing neuro-ophthalmologist in couple months . They said my presentation is atypical. My repeated field test came back with normal results. I am doing everything they tell me but nothing changes. Last visit with the headache neurologist which was last weeek, he suggested licocaine injections during the flare ups - not a fan of the idea but we'll see. He also gave Raglan for the headaches. Still struggling . I really hope others are finding answers

    • Posted

      Have you gotten any answers yet? I've been dealing with this for several months now and I'm getting worried. I thought it was a sinus infection because Iv'e been having this popping sensation followed by some extremely short term relief. 

    • Posted

      Hi . Wow I can't believe so many of us are suffering like this. No real updates since my last update 14 days ago. I'm due for a repeat echocardiogram in 2 weeks, seeing the neuro ophthalmologist around the same time, retina specialist in August, they said my case isn't typical so meaning they have no idea what's causing my headaches. The eye specialists are working to determine why I lost my vision (it was during a headache episode)

      The headache specialist hasn't given me any other plans except to try lidocaine.

      What have your MDs said?

  • Posted

    Having some of the same symptoms as all of you. But some different. Mine isn't so much a headache as it is tenderness on my right side though. Swollen lymph glands at base of skull onright. Tenderness extends up into my head on the right side under my ear kind of. My ear does also feel kind of weird inside and the pain radiates down from the lymph node into shoulder muscle. Almost a numbness there where my neck is swollen. . Noticed the discomfort slightly yesterday. But woke up this morning with it really seeming extreme.layed on an ice pack for a bit. Then in a heating pad. About to see if my tension headache relief pills will help any. Though like I said not a real headache. I'm trying not to worry about it. But it does feel really weird. I'm sure stressing doesn't help it heal. Just glad to not be totally alone in this. Even though your symptoms are a tad different. Thanks

    • Posted

      I can so relate. Mine feels just like this. I also have a knot on my left side of neck..but catscan and ultra sound showed nothing but a muscle..3 drs told me it's a muscle from tension. Yet I get little pains at bottom.of skull, sometimes little pains in my left eye. Going for scope thurs for my throat which feels like it's swollen or like something in it..Jeesh, it never ends

    • Posted

      Have you gone to the MD? What have they said? The first thing I did was go to urgent care because my MD was unavailable. You should definitely get checked out
    • Posted

      I'm aorry, catscan. I keep saying mri. Yes mri , ultra sound, nothing. 3 drs. said muscle. Next scope..it's stressed me for a couple yrs when I first found it but I'm done stressing. All you can do is get it checked out and keep going..wink

    • Posted

      Dang it, I did it again....NOT MRI, CATSCAN!!!wink
    • Posted

      Hello Queensgirl, how are you doing? Any answers yet? My symptoms seem to keep advancing. Now I'm getting headaches, crackling sounds in head, eye and temple hurts..hate 2 keep going 2 drs. Tha dnt seem 2 have any answrs. Linear morphing was discussed on another for. Not even Goin there. How did Tha test u for occipital neuralgia. I dnt want 2 think on thr either but may need 2 ck on being tested..God I hope not but I'm gettin so stressed. At nite, whn I try 2 rest, it's like waves in my head..and like "bump" sounds. Weird I know. Today my eye and temple has really been bothering me. Yet whn I relax tht seems 2 ease. Just gets harder trying 2 relax..hope u found answers

    • Posted

      I’ve had similar issues. Mine was from TMJ and a dislocation of my tmj joint. Caused my mestaller and Scm muscle to go crazy and caused the headaches and other symptoms  you were describing. Easy tell tale for me when my jaw is out of line is the headaches. Try finding the trigger points of the scm and massaging them out. You’ll feel the pressure in the spots where your headaches are. Behind the eye, temple and front forehead. Find a good massager for the scm is hard but can all be done by yourself. Just FYI you will feel super bruised the next day and sore. 

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