Let’s have a few laughs today...
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What is the stupidest thing you have been told by a health care provider regarding your symptoms? I mean like after you heard it...you could not believe they went to school for this.
ME: Dr, I cannot eat, I am losing weight, I am sick, dizzy, ready to collapse.
DR: People can go 6 weeks without eating. (Actual answer given at an ER visit)
4 likes, 54 replies
shannonmairs7 Guest
just do more yoga
Guest Guest
"hormones have no affect on your digestion" (from a gastroenterologist)
sharcerv52408 Guest
That's a lie! He needs to go back to school.
Takingtime Guest
That actually is a lie, I am in a reflexology course for my certification to be a practitioner, and I have studied the digestive tract and endocrine system and hormones do have a big impact on the digestive system. Unbelievable!!!!
staci88515 Guest
I don't know if it is funny, but when I went to the neuro-ophthalmologist he used an Optomap which takes a picture of the back of your eye instead of dilation. I swear it was the brightest sun-like flash about a centimeter from your eyeballs. Since I am extremely light sensitive, I could not see anything but this light for several minutes even when I closed my eyes. Of course, I began to panic a bit. The doctor then said with a snarky tone, "Do you want me to call the ambulance so they can take you to the hospital?" I was not sure if he was serious or not, so I said, "Are you joking?" To which he replied, "Yes, you are acting like a baby. You came to NYC to see a specialist and you are acting like a child."
So, I was called a baby/child by the associate professor of neuro-ophthalmology at NYU Medicine. To be fair, I wasn't at my best. But, this crap has given me a ton of anxiety and I can't just turn it off and on in the presence of a "specialist."
Guest staci88515
OMG! what a prick. I have pics taken of the back of my eyes too at my eye dr...it is super bright! I have astigmatism in both eyes...so I see that flash well after it us over with! I hate the dilation...makes my eyes numb and bug eyed for the day...insurance only covers that...so I have to pay extra for the picture.
sharcerv52408 staci88515
I would have reported him
staci88515 Guest
I have a question about astigmatism. Does it affect viewing high contrast patterns? Do they seems to jump? I know you have migraines, but I read online that people with astigmatism have difficulty looking at black and white patterns. Also, have you always had it or has it developed?
staci88515 sharcerv52408
I would have, but I had to have him write a letter to my work.
Guest staci88515
As far as I know I have always had it. It is just the curvature of the eye, Age makes it worse...I get floaters, wormy, coiley things, visual snow. if I look at a white wall...I do not see a plain wall...I see grey snow. was told it is the vitreous jelly behind my eye deterioting, Patterns are horrible, they will move if I try to focus...that may be more of a migraine thing though. Cannot watch HD tv...I get nauseaus and disorientated.
staci88515 Guest
I was just curious because I was looking at causes of jumping patterns other than migraines and astigmatism came up. I can make the pattern stop jumping by closing an eye. This lead me to research causes other than migraine.
Guest staci88515
Your regular eye dr can tell you if you have an astigmatism...I was wearing coke bottles at 5 years old. Horrible eyesight. I used to be very near sighted, now I am having trouble reading without my glasses. If I try, I notice that I will shut one eye too...almost like I cannot focus otherwise. I asked about laser surgery, but was to,d it would be a waste of money and to basically make friends with my floaters.
pam90720 Guest
hi lou!! i have the floaters too they drive me crazy!!!
pam90720 Guest
thats exactly what i was told too by the doctor! makes friends with the floaters!!!
Guest pam90720
Hi Pam! I am due for an eye exam soon. Tried new contacts that were supposed to be great a d cut down the problem. I hate them! They are like removing an octopus from my eyes...so clingy! Went back to my old brand I have been wearing for 30 years!
These symptoms should be making friends with us...total BS!
staci88515 Guest
Coke bottles at 5 years old....aww, I think little kids with glasses are adorable! I have had perfect vision my whole life up until 2 months ago. I had never even been to an eye doctor before all this happened (43+ years). Maybe that is why I am being such a whiner about my vision issues. The whole world has always been crisp and clear, now it's blurry, too bright, and covered in static.
P.S. That octopus line was hilarious!