Lets use this thread to check-in for the day and know in real time we are not alone!
Posted , 20 users are following.
Just put down how you are feeling, good or bad.
I couldn't sleep last night; I just would lay there and nothing would happen. I took my magnesium, my sleeping herbs, and I felt tired, but sleep would not come. If I did sleep, it was very light and disturbing dreams! I think I got at most 2 hours. Had to get up with the kids at 6:30, get lunches ready and drive them to school. Came home, took a hot bath, had some breakfast, and now I am cozied up on the couch listening to my audiobook and reading on this site about insomnia and menopause to make me feel better.
Insomnia is horrible, and at 3 am when the whole house is sleeping and you know you aren't going to get any and its a lost cause and you worry about the next night...ugh.
I'm waiting for my bhrt estrogen to get here in the mail from my compounding pharmacy in 2 days...early menopause at 40. I can't wait to start!
How are you all fairing today?
4 likes, 43 replies
kelle34850 caseynjason
I am 41 and going through similar symptoms. I slept bad Sunday night so Monday wasn't good. I was so exhausted and discouraged. I had a better day yesterday and a good day so far today. I hate the bad days but really appreciate the good days. I am just shocked at how much has changed in just 7 months.
anetta94863 caseynjason
maria76995 anetta94863
elizabeth49339 anetta94863
Oh wow! You and me my friend are two peas from the same messed up pod!
I have had a fear of insomnia for many years despite it not being a real issue for me in the sense I don't suffer with it chronically (insomnia) but I DO have a true phobia of it in the sense I use avoidance techniques like all phobia sufferers
. I have a sign on the door telling couriers and postmen NOT TO KNOCK BEFORE 1PM NIGHT SHIFT WORK. I am not a night shift worker but I worry about being knocked up early which in turn causes me to perhaps worry enough to keep me awake. Insanity I know.
I have delayed serious hospital appointments for skin cancer (I had MM once) just because they could only offer me morning appts so I would make excuses up why I cannot attend mornings and have to wait months for an afternoon appt
I worry about anything I cannot wriggle out of such as future funerals or events I HAVE to attend that are arranged for mornings.
And all of the above is made worse because I work from home so I do not HAVE to get up when the alarm clock goes off, in fact I don't have an alarm clock. In short, instead of facing my fears I have empowered them by avoiding the fear.... I know and understand this but I hate the anxiety about it so I "fear the fear"
trinity03 caseynjason
Great idea!
The good days for me are starting to outweigh the bad days, as far as symptoms. What a roller coaster ride it's been.
Some days my muscle spasms, joint pain, and fibrocystic breast soreness are ridiculous. Other days I sob because I read a touching story about Mr. Rodgers.
Today I woke up with muscle spasms and all my teeth ache.
I'm just waiting for all this to level out and plateau so I can feel some semblance of normalcy.
nanc00951 trinity03
I am 55 and have just entered menopause.
My anxiety and emotional feelings are the worst now than they have been.
(I also suffered from postpartum depression, and feel exactly the same way right now)
trinity03 nanc00951
Hi, I'm actually only 3 months into perimenopause. It hit me like a ton of bricks, manifesting itself as severe anxiety, muscle spasms, cramps, and brain fog at first. Dozens of symptoms have since manifested.
I'm sorry about your previous post partum depression and current struggles with menopause. It sounds like your body chemistry has made you particularly sensitive to the emotional rollercoaster of hormonal fluctuations.
If you're open to it, you may want to consider an anti anxiety medication. Again, I'm so sorry. You're not alone!
HopefulTrina caseynjason
Good afternoon... Today my anxiety is HIGH, period is supposed to start tomorrow. I'm also feeling out of sorts, and jiterry. I'm 44 years old and thankful to have found this site. Your stories mask mine, which helps me to realize that THIS is JUST hormones...
Think positive thoughts, and stay encouraged ladies 😊👍
trinity03 HopefulTrina
I'm feeling jittery today too. Such an uneasy feeling...it makes me feel clumsy. So bizarre what hormone shifts can do.
Shana_rifka caseynjason
No more headaches accompanying nausea and extreme bloating so so uncomfortable, indigestion and just disgusting. Still have IBS but I’ve been handling that ok forever.
Hang in there and keep us posted after you start the hormones.
Good luck!
caseynjason Shana_rifka
Shana_rifka caseynjason
Casey, totally forgot to say that my symptoms were not something the doc ever heard about. I suggested the hormones and he let me try. So, you know your own body and you need to take control. 🙏
Barney3771 Shana_rifka
Hi. Was your bloating bad? I had a awful day yesterday with really bad bloating where I look 9 months preg and bad nausea . I can't even eat now health anxiety is kicking in .. hate all this I'm 46 and really feel awful 🙄
Shana_rifka Barney3771
Talk to your doc bout birth control pills if you still have a period or HRT if starting menapause. Keep pushing. Ridiculous to keep feeling like this.!!!
Be well!!
hyacinth08689 caseynjason
Hi Casey, i know what you mean when you say you can't sleep, i had to go see the my doctor about not sleeping at nights and she said that there is some chemical that the brain produice that aide with sleeping and mood that is very low and that's why i can't sleep. Got some meds to help me so i'm going to try it.