Lets use this thread to check-in for the day and know in real time we are not alone!
Posted , 20 users are following.
Just put down how you are feeling, good or bad.
I couldn't sleep last night; I just would lay there and nothing would happen. I took my magnesium, my sleeping herbs, and I felt tired, but sleep would not come. If I did sleep, it was very light and disturbing dreams! I think I got at most 2 hours. Had to get up with the kids at 6:30, get lunches ready and drive them to school. Came home, took a hot bath, had some breakfast, and now I am cozied up on the couch listening to my audiobook and reading on this site about insomnia and menopause to make me feel better.
Insomnia is horrible, and at 3 am when the whole house is sleeping and you know you aren't going to get any and its a lost cause and you worry about the next night...ugh.
I'm waiting for my bhrt estrogen to get here in the mail from my compounding pharmacy in 2 days...early menopause at 40. I can't wait to start!
How are you all fairing today?
4 likes, 43 replies
samantha42264 caseynjason
I haven't slept great in the last week, but last night was one of those light sleep, crazy weird dreams nights, but amazingly my mood is pretty good, last week I felt cranky mean and sad for no reason.
I was wondering if anyone besides me thinks or noticed that their anxiety, moodiness may be worse seasonally. I remember around the same time last year my anxiety, depressed moods and insomnia were bad, but come fall and up until late January I felt much calmer and slept much better, Early February the emotional roller coaster and not sleeping great started, maybe its just me?
CarolKelso caseynjason
Hi all...
Ive nights where I only sleepy for four hours... Last night I feel asleep and an hour later awake... 3pm and I getting back to sleep... It's one day at a time.... That's how I'm going with it now.. CK
katyD211 caseynjason
Hi Casey...
I am so happy that I have people to "talk" to who can understand and empathize with me about riding this hormonal rollercoaster! ( And not think it's all in my head!!)
Today I was hot the entire day...while testing 5th graders ! I've also had this annoying sensation of something stuck in my back under my shoulder blade. Sort of like something going down the wrong way,ya know? I've had it before and it doesn't happen often...thank God..but I'm trying nor to freak out.
Other than that...the usual symptoms!
betty90997 caseynjason
I'm having high anxiety because of my head feeling heavy at the back it's not a headache but feeling like it's heavy and followed wit hot flash and burning tongue it's strange that hot flashes are different sometimes it's starts with my cheeks other times from the chest upwards is that normal
I'm constantly worried I'm going to have a heart attack my ECG was good and MRI
maria76995 betty90997
Hi betty,I get that hey funny head too I get when I'm lying down awful feeling can't stand have live with this daily with s dry mouth to go with it I'm in post and anxiously waiting for it to end some day.
anetta94863 caseynjason
samantha42264 anetta94863
Hi Annette, thank you so much for answering about the seasonal aspects. Thinking back the last couple of years I know I've felt worse every spring and this year where I live we had an extremely mild February, with very little snow so it started a bit earlier this year. November, December and until about mid January I slept like like a baby, had little anxiety issuees and only a bit off days with depression, it was all acceptable to handle. Now all the peri symptoms are back with a vegence, I too am now getting the sinus issues and aches and pains that I thought has disappeared. I remember last summer was hard, heat, unless Im lucky enough to be swimming somewheres kills me.
I've also noticed that a lot more woman are posting lately with symptoms and upset compared to a couple of months ago....maybe there is something to the seasons.
Oh well, here's to waiting to next fall.....sometimes just knowing what it is and what to expect and others feel the same at times makes it seem not as bad
Pra_Adoni caseynjason
Hi Casey, 50 yr old here, one year in menopause with varied symptoms with varying degrees. Last month's period freaked me out, so am both very anxious, but at the same time trying to tell myself that it may be one last hoorah for the old ovaries. I did see a doc and she found a little thicker lining and cysts on ovaries (biopsy results awaited
Currently having a stomach that cannot decide what it wants and is acting up, as are my palpitations. So trying to ride out this bout as I did the last one (wish me luck!)
By the way, anyone else feel / have a feeling of stretched nerves in hands? Sometimes hands feel so numb and on pins and needles that I am sure I have nerve rupture in the hands. Dont know how to deal with it. It maybe computer mouse related, but then why both hands?
Anyway, all in all, would love to be on the other side of hormonal storm going on currently...but have to live thru it I guess. One huge relief is coming here and knowing that I am not alone!
trinity03 caseynjason
Whoooo----bad night sleeping
Fibrocystic breast pain still persistent and not cyclical anymore. My midwife told me to make another appointment if it became persistent, so I'll be calling today.
I just had a mammogram last year, a breast exam by my family doc and by midwife very recently and all find nothing unusual.
But the persistent pain in only one breast is so unsettling.
Anyone else have that pain in just one breast for extended period of time?
trinity03 caseynjason
So this is the 2nd out of the last 3 months that my period has come on the 21st day of cycle. I've had hot flashes and dozens of other symptoms.
The wonky periods are what make this a tangible reality to me though. I'm a little sad....not because I won't be fertile much longer or not feel womanly though. But because it's a reminder of my mortality. So weird to be reminded of my actual age. I have a teenager and she keeps me feeling young most of the time. This is a hard core reminder of how not young I am.
michelle20025 caseynjason
Hi Casey
I'm turning 40 this year and am entering my 5th month of perimenopause with really bad symptoms. The worst for me, as you mentioned already, is the sleeplessness! If I didn't have that, it would be bearable. I wonder every night if I'm going to fall asleep. I take magnesium and 5-HTP before bed. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I take melatonin. If that doesn't work, I take a fourth of a sleeping med pill, and I end up hating myself for it because I desperately want to come off sleeping meds. But I've had numerous nights of no sleep at all and they're traumatizing to me. The whole next day is ruined and I can barely function.
This journey is hard, to say the least! My mother only had symptoms for 4 months but without the insomnia. She never took any meds, supplements or hormones either!
Tomorrow is the first day I will take my BHRT progesterone. I hope and pray that I will finally get some relief by taking that.
Are you only going to take estrogen, no progesterone?
caseynjason michelle20025
Hi MIchelle,
I'm taking estrogen as well as progesterone. It is recommended to take progesterone if you are using estrogen. I hope your progesterone helps! It helps most; I needed the estrogen as well because it was so low. It sure helps me sleep!
Flp50087 caseynjason
Felt pretty bad today after having a bad dream this morning. Can only sleep two hours at a time as well. Wake up throughout the night from getting hot (without sweats), internal vibrations negative/intrusive thoughts and the fear of dying. And these are just a fraction of my most recent symptoms. Don't let me get started on all of the ones that have subsided. Now that I have a better understanding of what's going on with my body (5 ER visits, 5 Urgent Care visits, 4 specialists and 3 different PCPs later) my health anxiety has now manifested into constant worry and thanatobia.
katyD211 Flp50087