Lichen Sclerosus and Lichen Planus - OMG ITS BACK
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I was just coming out of a terrible flare up for 2 days. And today I went to the doctors to get some anti depressant pills. I then had to go to the dentist. I thought I would have a coffee in costa. I saw a very small granula bar. I asked if it had sugar in it and they said no. I purchased this. I had one bite only of this. I could taste sugar. It is now 2.30 am. I have woken up agin to a most terrible flare up. OMG it is back again!!!
I cannot believe this. I can't afford to be ill again when next week I am back at an art show. I have a very large picture on my table to frame. The framing takes a day but I need to be well to do it. And now this!!! My life is really awful. Why did I purchase that granola bar. I knew it had sugar on one bite and now its back again!!!
I am afraid to eat anything out! At home I know to avoid sugar completely! I am praying it will be a short flare up but I can feel the burning throughout my oesophagus right through to my vagina! This is a terrible sign!! And this is only with one bite of the bar!! Imagine how bad I would be if I had eaten the whole thing!!! I am wondering if my life is worth living anymore because I cannot bear this disease! It has killed my quality of life completely. I am constantly ill with this. And tomorrow I have to go to hygenist and now do not know if I will be up for it! I am so depressed!!
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Does anyone get a white discharge with this? I was tested for the normal thrush and bacteria problems and it came back negative. As soon as I fo into 'flare up', the discharge increases like mad! Also does aynyone get oesophogus burning like I do! I cant eat. I cant sleep. I cant work! Will I ever be ok again!!!! I have lost a lot of wieght and now worried I will get too skinny! When will the pain go away!!!!
hanny32508 powerwoman
As for down below - have you considered baking soda baths at all? or baking soda rinses?
Guppy007 powerwoman
powerwoman Guppy007
Yes I have the same discharge. It looks like milk!
I think that the LS is definitely linked to food and also to the gut!
So therefore the burning that I get goes from my aesophogus through to my vagina!
Bad day today unfortunately yet again!
hanny32508 powerwoman
Guppy007 hanny32508
What is the sugar content of Apple Cider?
I am not sure I can have it due to sugar intolerance?
Guppy007 powerwoman
Try not to get too paranoid about sugar, as long as you cut out the main culprits you should be fine. Stress is not good for LS.
powerwoman Guppy007
I am a bit obsessed with sugar content as I find, if I only have an apple, or a piece of fruit, I will get a flare up! So would be terrified to drink the Apple cider. Why doesn't this illness come with a booklet!!
Guppy007 powerwoman
powerwoman Guppy007
I know that everything you eat turns to sugar, but I try and avoid the obvious things. I have a feeling the milky discharge could be part of LS as when I have been tested for thrush it always comes back negative. It doesn't really make sense.
hanny32508 powerwoman
powerwoman hanny32508
i am taking acidopholus which is the good bacteria.
I will work hard on getting this under control.
This is a hard lesson. I will give all my sweets to children around here.
lynne1945 powerwoman
This sugar thing is difficult but once you get into a routine
and get all the sugar out of your house you will not be tempted. My husband has raw sugar for his coffee and a packet of biscuits in the house. Otherwise we have no sugar, eat no packet prepared foods, only organic chicken and fish and steak now and then. He drinks beer and has dairy and cheese but he doesn't have to have restrictions, it's me so I use rice milk and feta cheese. I also use all hypoallergenic soaps, washing powder, cleaning products, shampoos etc. we have fruit but I stick to bananas and avocados with the odd pear or nectarine. I avoid the nightshades too, esp tomatoes and peppers and peanuts. Dried fruit is poison to me, all that concentrated sugar. Yikes.
chocolates and coffee are bad for my LP,I have chamomile. It's very hard but when you are having no symptoms again it will be worth it. You might know all these things already, just tell me to shut up lol's my age!
Thoughts are with you for a better day every day! X
I also take a probiotic heavy duty thing ( and flax seed oil, that's more for the old bowels though.)
powerwoman lynne1945
Yesterday was better but I thought it ok to have peanuts. I had those, and I also thought bread was ok as it didn't seem to effect me. But I have awoken with burning throughout my body again! I really do not know what to eat as everything starts it off again!!!
If I give up wheat and gluten, what can I eat?????
My God this is impossible to deal with.
lynne1945 powerwoman
I eat gluten free bread, it's got linseed and chia in it, makes lovely toast. I also eat bagels that are GF. Any veggies, make lots of soups with kumera and pumpkins. I use a type of dairy free sour cream from the health food shops. Bananas and smoothies with blueberries are my breakfast with chia seeds and herbal nutrients I eat organic chicken and cook my own with stuffing made of gluten free toasted bread, walnuts and an apricot. Lots of fish, including sardines. Small amount organic eye steak from butchers. Hub eats the same but loads up on spuds and makes packet gravy for him.
Snacks are brown rice crackers, feta cheese, bit of fruit, nuts, seeds. Chamomile or peppermint tea.
I lost weight at first, quite a lot but now even out at 66 kgs I am 5'7 Which is perfectly normal. I was quite overweight before.
you can get free many things you will find if you take that route. We have special GL warehouses here and many are dairy and soy free too .
Dont forget rice, you can eat that. And cereals without wheat.
You're getting there Jan.
lall the best
Lynne x
hanny32508 powerwoman
You can eat vegies to your hearts content. It solved many a craving for me. I sometimes just cut up a pepper and munch away. No harm in that. A handful of almonds (no more) will also help you out. Sunflower seeds are okay.
It takes a bit of time to figure out what you can safely eat. Perhaps look on the net for certain diets and alternatives.
For my breakfast for instance I use cooked millet. I cook it for a couple of days at the time, mix in coconut oil when still warm. I combine five spoonfulls of millet with a handful of sliced almonds, a handful of sunflower seeds and a small amount of flax seed. Then add some cinnemon, a tablespoon of kefir, top it off with berries, frozen or fresh. There's a safe breakfast.
For lunch I eat two slices of buckwheat bread, with a few slices of cervelate and some parsley. Another safe meal.
Supper is the easiest: small piece of meat, small amount of potatoes, lots of vegies. ( beware of peas though)
I drink lots of herbal tea, morning till evening.
powerwoman lynne1945
I love bagels but they are made of wheat and that could be a trigger.
powerwoman hanny32508
Gosh you have this all sussed. I have never had millet before. I normally have cornflakes but obviously they have wheat in them so perhaps a no no. I don't know what I am allergic to and there doesn't seem to be tests that I can have. I dont think I can buy kefir here but I will investigate it.
I will look at gluten free bread first and see if it is gluten that is the culprit. I will give up nuts. Gosh, this certainly isn't easy. Artfair next week, so not sure if I should make sandwiches or salads to take with. I will be terrified to buy anything out now! Hungry now as skipped dinner. But its too late.
I hope I can sleep.
lynne1945 powerwoman
A big fat piece of surgery cake for the Hubble that I bake him once a weekcos he deserves it,
you sort of have to give up loads at first but reintroduce a food at a time and see how you go.
if you eat porridge, oats shouldn't bother you. It's the gluten in wheat barley and rye which Is the bad stuff.
hanny32508 powerwoman
Perhaps there is a local bakery that makes gluten free bread. The factory gluten free breads I purchased early on were not nice tasting.
Buckwheat is also a good alternative. It has an extra bonus - it helps your sugar balance.
Early on I ate a lot of salads, without noodles mind you, and watch the dressing. Away from home it was for the time being my best choice.
The biggest bonus was weight loss. Today I'm almost back to what I used to be in my best days. I even enjoy putting on some nice clothes again.
Don't go hungry. Eat at least something, vegies, a sauer kraut dish is also a good one.
powerwoman lynne1945
Gluten free bagels are fine. I just had one with smoked salmon and cucumber. Kefir's horrid though but I will persevere with it.
hanny32508 powerwoman
powerwoman hanny32508
Can you mix Kefir in with porridge??
hanny32508 powerwoman