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I have vitamin b12 deficiency and peri menopause.. I went to the doctor yesterday I was lightheaded he checked everything then my ear.. I had a lot of wax so he syringed them.. I thought the lightheaded would be gone but it's still there a little.. he said he didn't think my lightheaded is due to peri menopause as I'm just starting.. Please help.. its either peri menopause or b12 deficiency..

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16 Replies

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    I feel lightheaded almost all the time. I have been feeling this for about 3 years. It comes and goes...sometimes it feels a little better. I have a lot of more symptoms too: heart racing, fatigue, irritability, moodiness,anxiety sometimes, joint pain.... I have been trying to talk to doctors but no one seem to relate all these to perimenopause. I am 50 and still have regular periods. I try everything from B 12 to iron to Vitamin d, NO HR. I am hoping it will pass without damaging my heart. Let us know if in the meanwhile anything you did helped.

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