List One symptom you just can’t handle !

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Mine is the constant lethargy fatigue no energy . 

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    Anxiety! Its gone now ( except for some health anxiety) but it was so bad last summer I spent weeks in bed! Could barely function! I do pray it doesn't come back like most of my meno symptoms do because I seriously can't do that again! I've never experienced anything like it before and it's the most awful feeling! Nobody can understand how bad it is until you go through it! I use to not understand people that were anxious or had anxiety issues but boy, I sure do now! 

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    Well you haven't got cancer. My dad died two weeks ago of cancer and believe me when i tell you when you see what he suffered make a you realise how little you really have to complain about !

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    Mine is horrible sweating and putting on weight around the middle.

    I was told I have To grin and bear it....

    Well I am not grinning and I can’t bear it.


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    My big things were/are dizziness, anxiety and tiredness.  My periods became erratic at 46 (I'm now 55) and that is when the dizziness started.  It was totally random and sometimes very inconvenient, and I noticed it happened more often in shops and supermarkets for some reason...I became very adept at leaning over trolleys 'looking' at my shopping list, kneeling down on the floor (!) to 'look for something' in my bag, etc.  I figured that was better than falling over, though!  I didn't see my GP about it, which I probably should have, but the good news is that now at 55 it is ages and ages since it's happened (last proper period was about 52).  It's well over a year now so hopefully dizziness and I have parted company.

    Anxiety also started big time about 46 or so, and I find that Evening Primrose oil capsules help, and I take 2 x 1000mg each day.   When it's really bad, prescription strength co-codamol (which I take for gallstones and joint pain) definitely has a calming effect but I would never take those continuously as I am very aware of the addiction risks.  I find that I am anxious about everything, big and small - something awful happenening to my grown up children or my grandchildren, my elderly parents dying, money, the washing machine breaking down, having workmen in the house, the car needing name it, I stress about it!   

    The combination of anxiety and tiredness (I could sleep absolutely any time and can think of nothing I'd like more than to snuggle into a big, fluffy, freshly changed bed and sleep without having to think of anything else at all) means that I'm not getting things done, and my house is an absolute mess...which leads to more stress and anxiety.  

    The whole menopause thing is the pits, and I honestly think I've got off very lightly, but I guess we don't have any choice other than to muddle through? 

    I look at other women my age and they all seem so with it and so sorted, yet I think I've done well if I can manage to find/organise clean clothes for the day and stick a ready meal in the microwave!  However, I'm guessing that some of them are just the same as many of us here, but putting a good face on it.  I'll hang onto that thought! 

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      Omg - this is me!

      I ended up having a seizure 2 years ago whilst shopping. Had every test know to man and I am 100% healthy.

      They did find low ferratin and that’s is now improved but  still low at 28.

      I am constantly off balance - shops are my worst nightmare. I can’t go alone now. 

      I am 45 and my periods are now irregular and I have other symptoms. I really hope this is all due to hormones and I can get hrt to help. Waiting for bloods at the moment. 

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    Formication on my scalp and itchiness is driving me crazy

    Flu like fatigue and stiff joints, too

    burning waistline radiating down my hips, maybe it is trapped gasses and slow digestion

    Concerning my emotional symptoms I cannot control my irritability and malice towards people I love during PMDD or depression and the thoughts of vanity of life other times...

    I cannot handle also my agoraphobia which I think is another symptom of low estrogen.

    generally speaking, perimenopause is a true hell on earth

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    ANXIETY!!!!   I am crying after reading how many of you are also suffering.
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    No fair, just one!!! 😁

    Ok, anxiety has got to be number one. It kinda feels like death when it's bad. It wreaks havoc on my body in every single way. You ladies understand.

    Followed by the weird spaced out, dizzy/off balance feeling that decides to hit whenever it wants to irrespective of my life plans. Followed by the body aches, depression, insomnia.....ok, I'll stop now wink

    Hang tight ladies! You don't struggle alone.

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      Just ONE Lisa! lol!!

      All my symptoms have been pretty dreadful. How about just listing this one "perimenopause". That's the worse!

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