Livial I love you!

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:D I have been taking Livial for 4 months now and it has really changed my life. At 52, and not having had a period for 18 months, I was suffering terribly with night sweats which woke me on the hour, I was totally sleep deprived and unable to function at work. I was also depressed and had absolutely no interest in sex. I can honestly say that I have not had one hot flush either during the day or night since taking it, my mood is balanced and I can't get enough sex! My weight has stayed exactly the same and my only compaint is that it is a bit expensive. I will certainly keep taking it for as long as I am able, I have done my research extensively and have found no reason to stop.

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238 Replies

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    andie112296.. You've been thr the mill haven't you! Good luck with Livial.. I am a week into my send months worth with no side effects whatsoever. My sweats have completely gone and noticed a difference after about 7 days from memory..they were the main reason I am taking it. I was getting them throughout the day but night was unbearable. I now get a wonderful nights sleep and am able to get up easily at 6-7am whereas before Livial it was such a battle to get out of bed. I felt tired and flat and a bit depressed. I now get on with my days in a more positive way and things a good. Here in Australia we have similar drug issues. Major cancer medicines etc cannot be bought here, all due to drug companies competing and fighting with each other. What a stupid society we live in.. Good luck and keep us posted.. Ps I hope it was a reputable company you bought your Livial from?!😊

  • Posted

    Thanks, Sandrasmac. I bought my Livial through a company called goldpharma. I received my Livial within about 8-9 days of ordering it. I believe mine came from Greece, but not sure. It's made by Organon, the actual manufacturer of the name brand.

    I experience the same issues as you -- poor sleep = not wanting to wake up in the morning. By Friday night, I'm so tired and then want to nap all weekend to catch up on my rest. I've never been like this in my life. Part of it is certainly depression and I take Paxil for that. Actually, I started taking Paxil because it was supposed to relieve some of the hot flashes after I had radiation, but it really doesn't do anything. Before that, I took Effexor because that was supposed to do the same. I think my body is just so tough regarding alleviating some of the menopause symptoms that I may find it more difficult to get the help I need. I sure hope that the Livial comes through for me. Karen, in the discussion forum, mentioned stinging nettle. Ever tried that one? Thanks, ladies for your kind words!

  • Posted

    Great News Sandrasmac that you are doing well on Livial, you remember we started the same day, but yours worked and mine didn't. It is a lottery. Well for you girls in OZ and USA, Its bedtime in the UK. Great to have these discussions with all of you. Good luck Linda with the Lival... Rachel wink
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    Sorry, ladies, it was Rachel who recommend the stinging nettle!


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    I have been taking Livial for 3 weeks now and feel almost my old self, so stick with it, it may take 4-6 weeks to work. Luckily I am in UK so get it on prescription, but if it makes me feel normal again I would be prepared to pay far more for it.


  • Posted

    I believe one reason it may be taking so long for the Livial to work for me is because I've had a near total hysterectomy (no ovaries) and, as we know, the ovaries do help with providing some relief during menopause. I'm winging it right now and I'm on day 19 -- still no difference. By this Friday (November 1), I'll be at the 3-week point of taking Livial. I sure hope I see some improvement as the sweating is really unbearable. Have any of you ladies tried the Livial with another herbal supplement at the same time (like soy or stinging nettle)? Thanks for your help.

    Linda (andie112296)

  • Posted

    Hi, i have been on Livial for 3 months now and have yet to feel any benefits at all. In fact am flushing as i type sad I started menopausal symptoms age 37 and was told i was too young for HRT back then, (i'm 45 now)so i have finally been put on what i was hoping would be a miracle cure. BUT, my flushes, libido, hip pains and memory all seem worse. I feel like the odd one out reading this forum - is anyone else waiting for their miracle? I am considering stopping taking them but still have the niggling thought that it'll all go away soon!!
  • Posted

    Nina it's amazing how if affects (not) us all differently. As you have read from past posts it has worked for some and not others.. By day 8 I could really feel a difference and fortunately over 1.5 months have passed and all going really well. Can't imagine stopping it now as I am getting a great nights sleep and have much more energy (libido still at zero). Very occasionally I wake with a mild flush in the middle of the night but no big deal. I wish you the best of luck with your decision and hope you find an alternative soon.. Sandra
  • Posted

    Hi there all, nice to keep in touch, Nina, I too got almost immediate relief, but my symptom have not totally disappeared, an I still get hot flushes, but not as severe. I am interested in your comments about your hip pain, I go to see a specialist on Thursday as my left hip is sooooo painful. I had an MRI last week and the results from that have come back as bursitis, but am now wondering if this is a side effect of Livial?
  • Posted

    Dear ladies,

    I need fast answer, your opinion, even more some recommendation, eventual advice:

    My wife stopped to useing Livial approximately 2 months ago....since last few days she has got bloody spots on her underwear. Unfortunately she we (she) is has not poossibility to visit her doctor. Could you tell me , please did antbody has simillar expirience , could it be some kind of post menstrual reaction caused by stopping theraphy by Livial..have anybody any idea ??? T

    Thank you forward. Alex, Rotterdam

  • Posted

    HI All- My question is when do I start?

    This I very interesting to read. Thank you for your contribution! My GP prescribed me Livial today and said he preferred it above anything else. His wife is also on it and they are very happy with it.

    I might be lucky as I never had night sweats or sleeplessness. I am on the Diana 35 and most likely rolled through the first bit. However I am very tired after getting my period and hope that Livial will help in that regard as it seems that it will stop.. I also gained quite a bit of wait over de years - 6 kg. I hope that will improve too.

    Does anyone know when you start with this? after your period or on the first day?

    Many thanks

  • Posted

    Jowanders, I was led to believe that it should not be taken until your period has ceased for at least 10 months then you start it. This was my doctors opinion and mine had ceased for that amount of time when I started taking Livial. Don't know if this is correct but makes sense as you can acquire different menopausal symptoms once your period stops.. Ask your doctor and good luck.. It's been good with me so far - 2.5 months in:-) Sandra from Melbourne..

  • Posted

    Hi there Jowanders, my understanding of Livial is it it taken once your periods of stopped, for at least 12 months. I had not had a period for almost three years, when I started to experience severe symptoms of menopause. Karen smile
  • Posted

    Linda from the U.S.:

    I've been on the Livial now for about 37 days and I see no difference in the horrible sweating than I did before starting Livial. The sweating (not just hot flashes) is the worst part of menopause for me. I am 58, had a hysterectomy about 3.5 years ago (no ovaries either). The sweating was much worse after the hysterectomy. I cannot take estrogen because of breast cancer and actually got the prescription for the Livial on the internet because we don't sell it in the U.S. (drug companies here clash with each other). Does anyone have a suggestions or advice -- should I try the Livial with some herbals as well? I'm really getting depressed over this (you can read my posts earlier in October 2013). Any help anyone offers is greatly appreciated.

  • Posted

    Thank you Karen427 and Sandrasmac. Will make further inquiries.

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