Livial I love you!

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:D I have been taking Livial for 4 months now and it has really changed my life. At 52, and not having had a period for 18 months, I was suffering terribly with night sweats which woke me on the hour, I was totally sleep deprived and unable to function at work. I was also depressed and had absolutely no interest in sex. I can honestly say that I have not had one hot flush either during the day or night since taking it, my mood is balanced and I can't get enough sex! My weight has stayed exactly the same and my only compaint is that it is a bit expensive. I will certainly keep taking it for as long as I am able, I have done my research extensively and have found no reason to stop.

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    Hi everyone - have just read through the thread as am trying to find out more info on possible side effects of Livial.

    Was prescribed Livial by GP - am age 50, started peri-meno symptoms at 46, clinically post meno by age 48 and now more than 1 year without period. Have raised blood pressure for first time ever in my life! Most debilitating symptoms have been night sweats, hot flushes, depression but also have had on and off tiredness, nausea, dizziness and vertigo. Also, zero libido - which for me, is low on the list in relation to everything else!

    I'm on day 16 of Livial and by day 10 was noticing some improvements in sleep quality, hot flushes and mood - although this changed from day to day, with some days much better than others!

    However, I am concerned as the nausea, dizziness and vertigo have returned. Stops me from going to gym, can travel in car, bus etc. Horrendous! I don't know whether this is just returning symptoms of meno or whether Livial has caused or triggered?

    Has anyone else experienced these symptoms - either from meno generally or from taking Livial or other HRT?

    I'm going to make an appt with GP but interested to hear what others have to say.

  • Posted

    Hi Em

    Deft not had the last 3 symptoms at all at any stage.. Your other symptoms are pretty typical and I did have all of them.. Night sweats/flushes were the worst and Livial is doing its job there at about 95%. No libido whatsoever. Doc said it would improve but hasn't changed (not that I really care..hehe). More energy/drive also improved.. I agree you see GP as blood pressure is worrying.. Good luck.

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    Hi sandrasmac

    That should have read 'can't travel etc'! And I forgot to add, also experience palpitations, anxiety - day and night.

    Yes, am concerned re blood presssure - have had 4 high readings in last 2 months (2 at gym - pre exercise - and 2 at gp). Probably related to dizziness/vertigo etc but so many symptoms difficult to work out what is related to what?! All I do know is that before I started with the meno, I wasn't experiencing any of them!

    Will ring GP but would be interested to hear if anyone else experiencing the vertigo/dizziness thing.


  • Posted

    Hi I live in Australia so glad I have found this site I am 43 had a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago started on livial 12 days ago I was recommend by a friend who uses it I have in the past few days spots (zits) on my face and experiencing some headaches and some hot flushes I have being told my mood is better mellow out so to speak how long will it take for livial to work-settle down I can't find any where how long before it fully works gg
  • Posted

    Hi there Altaira, I am in Aus to, from memory it took 2-3 weeks for Livial to start working, I went through a number of things at the start and yes I had the acne as well. From reading this post, it seems Livial does affect everyone differently, I still get hot flushes, but as severe as when I am not taking Livial, although I can't wait to be able to come off it, as I really don't like taking meds. I would have to agree with you, my mood is certainly better!!! Hope you see some relief soon. Karen
  • Posted

    Hi all. Well I did it, I stopped taking Livial and boy oh boy do I regret it !!!!! My hot flushes are back with vengeance; like infernos now and the sweating is horrendous, at a guess I'd say every hour at least. My mood swing are terrible and I'm worn out all the time. I HAVE STARTED THEM AGAIN !!! I guess I had forgotten just how bad they were so I can now honestly say they DID work and I have welcomed those little white pills back into my life !! Does anyone know if I can temporarily increase the 2.5 mg dose? just to get it back in my system. Or does anyone take a higher dose anyway? From my experiment I can now say STICK WITH IT, they may not get rid of your symptoms all together but they do help . .......apart from the libido ......lost that for good me thinks : (
  • Posted

    Hi Everybody

    I have read a few sites about livial now to get the best info I can get & it seems that a lot of people suffer from joint pains and neck pain..however I don't hear anyone on this site about it. What I also don't read here is complains about hairloss or hairgrowth. Anyone suffering from that? I have had a lot of problems finding the right "pil" for me and now my GP wants me to go from the the Diane35 to Livial..I sort of like to know what I will get into me. I am 51 and have no menopause symptoms at all..I sleep like a log and yes I get sometimes hot at night but nothing like I hear here..I am just very tired after every period (last for 6days) and I also have gained weight over the years that I have taken this pil and needs to stop somewhere :-(

  • Posted

    Hi Nina, I am so glad you posted an update, I have been thinking about stopping Livial, but reading about your experience I now know that I have to keep taking them and to be patient. My body will let me know when the time is right, hope you are doing OK. Hi JoWanders, yes joint pain has been an issue for me, but hard to say it due to Livial or arthritis!! But pain not too severe, hair growth .... I would have to yes, which is a tad disappointing, hope you are going OK too, cheers Karen
  • Posted

    Thanks Karen

    That helps a lot.


  • Posted

    Hi everyone

    Karen thanks for the reply acne almost gone now waiting till I hit week 3 taking livial my follow up post op with gyne in 3 weeks will post my update then.

  • Posted

    Hi All I have experimented with livial and found that I get a therapeutic benefit even if I take only half a tablet. But the best results are when I take it before retiring at night, and its essential for a good sleep that I am not over heated, but MOST importantly that I do not have any sugar with dinner. Indeed if I have no sugar at all. Not even fruit.Wine also will tip you over. If you want alcohol, stick to white spirits like vodka and soda. and no more than two standard drinks, early in the evening!

    Some of you who are not enjoying the benefits of livial and het may find that this is because of the other drugs in your system - your food!

    Sugar is a terrible drug, and has wide ranging deleterious effects. As well you must stay off the processed fats - have the butter, the animal fat, the olive oil - but any of those man made fats like canola, margarine, nutella rubbish, 'I cant believe its not butter' - its all rubbish. I also suggest you eat plenty of fresh nuts every day. Your fats intake and quality is essential to your hormonal health - both with regard to the gynaecological health and your mental health. Hormones are fat soluble, they are transported around the body by fats and those fats have t be good ones that are not processed or altered in any way. Anyway try it - a couple of days without sugar and with a sufficient and good fat intake - you'll know pretty soon.

    Those of you with musculoskeletal aches and pains - thats nothing to do with livial. Go see an osteopath. But remember too that if you are on cholesterol drugs ( which of course reduce the fat in your system) one of the side effects is joint pain. Cholesterol is a natural product made by our own bodies from the fat we ingest, and is necessary to our good physical AND EMOTIONAL health. Just eat real food with real fats and watch the improvement

    • Posted

      Hi Tooban, I happened upon your post today, having only been on Livial for one week. I was almost put off taking Livial after reading the numerous bad reviews regarding weight gain, joint pain etc. However the numerous positive reviews prompted me to continue. 

      Then I read your intelligent post - which also corresponds with my thinking also!  I am a personal trainer and passionate about nutritious conscious eating and living. As we both know, our food is our medicine!  As such I too follow your psychology re sugars, healthy fats, processed foods etc. 

      I recently mentioned to a menopause 'professional' that I thought our food, as well as our general health and wellbeing could well be contributory factors affecting our hormonal balancing. The response was emphatically that our food did not affect our hormones at all!  I respectfully disagreed with her saying that much of our food is so processed and chemically laden and devoid of nutritional value that it would be ignorant to think such toxic overload could not affect our hormones. 

      Needless to say, try as hard as I do to live mindffully and physically commitment to my own health, fitness and psychological happiness and wellness those powerful female hormones still got the better of me.  So it was I turned to Livial.  I want Livial to work, so I will be trying even harder to eliminate any possible unhealthy factors in my life that could prevent or interfere with the beneficial results I hear others happily enjoying!

      A week in - no adverse reactions - just steady status quo with hot flushes slightly less.  As for achey bones and joints etc, as a PT I 'always' have sore muscles and joints from exercising regularly, so those symptoms would be completely lost on me!  lol  xx

  • Posted

    Well Ladies I was prescribed Livial around 4 months ago for vaginal atrophy (VA) and low mood. The first few months were fine and both appeared to improve and then I started to experience hair loss, major scalp irritations which was so unbearable I felt like scratching my scalp off, extremely itchy skin all over and the sensation of insects crawling all over me. I was stressed at the time and the GP suggested I stay on Livial and try to work on the stress. Well long story short after 4 months on Livial in total I have experience more negatives than positives, although it really did help with the VA. I went back to my GP late last week and was signed off with stress again, and again was told to stick with the Livial. WELL .... I decided to go with my gut instinct and stopped taking Livial 5 days ago. My low mood appears to have improved (certainly not worse), hot flushes have not returned (yet) and the most important thing is that the major scalp problems and crawling skin sensations have all but gone HURRAH!!! I am also sleeping better. Please note to help me through detoxing fron the Livial Seroids I went back to wearing my LadyCare Magnet which worked well for me for a few years prior to taking Livial. I will keep you posted in the next few weeks.
  • Posted

    I was just given Livial this morning from my tired from the night sweats and my change of moods. I am really worried though about putting on any weight as I am no shrinking Violet!. Thanks for sharing all your stories...the positives have out weigh

    ed the negatives, so I will keep giving it a go!

  • Posted

    Hi all. I was on Livial for 12 months with good effects. Then for financial and various other reasons I stopped 6 months ago. My flushes have some back with a vengeance day and night, my memory is shocking and I just get no joy from anything in life....much to the detriment of hubby and kids. (Hubby suffers depression so that also makes it harder ). I worry about everything and anything......sorry I am rambling. Ringing GP tomorrow to go back on. Thanks for listening.

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