Looking for experiences with a D & C for abnormal peri bleeding
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I am going through late perimenopause now and because I am having bleeding sometimes twice a month, my gynecologist suggested a hysteroscopy and D&C. I also have a uterine polyp, fibroids and adenomyosis, all of which can contribute to irregular bleeding.
I would love to hear any experiences women have had with a D&C.
Does it scar the cervix or uterus? Does it even work to control bleeding?
Any feedback is appreciated.
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VauxhallGirl wantoknow
Freelancewriter wantoknow
VauxhallGirl Freelancewriter
helen64949 wantoknow
wantoknow helen64949
So the hysteroscopy determines where they will scrape or does the D&C just scrape the whole uterus blindly?
helen64949 wantoknow
wantoknow helen64949
Although not the news I was hoping for, I am glad I did the D&C because 3 months ago my endometrial biopsy did not pick up any of this!
My choices are megace (progesterone therapy) for 3 months and then another D&C or laparoscopic hystectomy.
I am going for the hysterectomy because megace doesn't always solve the problem and I can't live my life wondering if my hyperplasia came back or turned to cancer, especially since there is already a tiny atypia sitting there.
Plus, sometimes the pathology says hyperplasia but they find cancer in post hysterectomy pathology.
I am 55 and have had way too many uterine problems in my life and just want to end it already. I am going to take the BRCA test which will help determine if ovaries should come out too. Any thoughts on ovary removal? Pros are less of a worry about getting ovarian cancer, cons are heart disease, abrupt menopause, osteoporosis and even lung cancer.
helen64949 wantoknow
helen64949 wantoknow
wantoknow helen64949
I suspect the hyperplasia is from too many years of estrogen circulating without a break.
What I learned from this experience is listen to your body and don't give up until your problem is diagnosed. My first gynecologist kept telling me the bleeding was from perimenopause and fibroids (which it could be for many women) but I knew something was wrong and switched doctors. My second doctor took my concerns seriously and did the biopsy and D&C.