Lord in heaven does it ever end!?
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I woke up today just so exhausted from being nauseated for a week. It feels like intense morning sickness that never lets up!! Plus i keep have "ovulation" symptoms. I havent had a period in 5 months so i never know when one will hit but i continually feel as though im in pms mode. I cant eat cause im sick all the time, ive lost so much weight, i feel so tired, i cant even leave my house! I want rgis hell to end. I feel like i dont have a life anymore, if i didnt feel sick constantly and if i could eat then i KNOW i wouldnt be depressed. When i get that one ocassional good day i am in a great mood with no depression so i dont want to take antidepressants. Besides they wont help hormone issues....even hrt or birth control can make hormones worse! Im just fed up and want the nausea hell gone! Sorry i just gad to rant
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jaynie08827 Guest
hi brandy..ur far from ranting ur fed up.im fed up i feel like this is not living. i just wanted to drop a line to u to tell you hang in thete i have no idea why some of us women go thrpugh this so bad but we do..ur not alone im here if u need to vent...hugs to u
Guest jaynie08827
Thank you...im sorry to hear of your suffering as well. Im trying to not give up, but its so hard!
jaynie08827 Guest
right now it just makes me angry. no human or animal should have to feel like this daily...im here just temember ur not alone in this battle...try to have a good day. prayers for u
aliska Guest
Hi Brandy ...
Same for me ! Have had weeks of that .. makes you feel dreadful . The evenings are better and usually sickness passes after 12 . Google -
Contact DR KAREN MORTON Helplind- Spoke to her on the phone and found her really helpful
She is a specialist in all stages Menopause .
You can create an account for £7 a month for any number of phone calls + emails ... recommend this service.
Build up of Acid may be a factor aswell as any anxieties and stresses going on for you -
Encourage you to consider HRT and see/speak to a professional .
Feel you and know where you are at ..
Are you trying any suppliments ? Acidophilus may help .- it has me ..Oil of Evening Primrose Vitamin D ..
It is all going to take time to get through .
Happy to chat x
Guest aliska
Hello thanks for the reply....yes ive tried almost everything to have side effects that are even worse than the menopause itself! I just feel so exhausted dealing with it. I just wish i could eat again and not feel sick anymore!
aliska Guest
Hi again Brandy ..
It may also be worth going onto some medication for your mood -
Have just had to have a week off work due to the nausia/sickness /feeling rubbish .. trying work tomor as because it is a new job - no pay for being off . Am a single patent so it is all a really tough time .
Talking though makes you realise you are not on your own and we can help to support one another who are having a miserable time and share our experiences .
Happy to chat
Big hug
NothinforNothin Guest
I'm fed up too. I've had dizziness I've been trying to settle for months and the anxiety from that feeling off balance has pretty much kept me from living my life. I'm in survival mode right now. I go out each day but, it is to try and push through the anxiety so, I can see my life and get back to it. If that makes sense. I'm physically tired and mentally not fully alert yet from this. I still can't comprehend an entire day of life because I'm just not present yet. It's the craziest thing I've ever gone through and we shouldn't have too. I can't take HRT. My mom got lung cancer 4 years after being on it and passed away. So, I'm stuck like you hoping this hell ends. Stay strong. It will eventually pass and try not to fight it. It causes stress. I know!!! So hard ❤️
jaynie08827 Guest
wwnt to drs again today..i literally was treated like a mental health patient..this fr refused to acknowledge anything related to menapause..just wants to send me to get a tube down my throat..really??? hows that gonna help thehorriblesurges that wakes me up ?? im too scared to go back to sleep drenched and sick...im really just drained and am told imight have 8 yrs left of this. my poorpartner and children. im not even me anymore. its very scary. so hugs to ufor trying to work...