Losing weight
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Prior to perimenopause I could basically go on a diet and lose 20 to 25 pounds in a month. Since peri and now I guess the full blown menopause, I eat 1500 sometimes 1400 calories a day and work out 4-5 days and guess what NO weight loss, I have not gained which is a good thing, but I have been trying to lose 30-35 pounds and honestly its easier to wrestle a grizzly bear than to lose 5 pounds. I am wondering if any of you are dealing with this issue too and what have you found that has helped? Thanks any comments or advice is appreciated. By the way, I love this board, no one else in my life understands.
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fofoma lenie95046
lenie95046 fofoma
Thanks I will perhaps go with it.
shaznay96184 fofoma
Probably one of the best diets for us Pei/Meno ladies. Regulates the sugar levels etc.
However, for me, high protein is a major problem as I get major constipation. On-going issue for me at the most, but Magnesium seems to be working its magic!
Tried the Atkins yrs ago. Great for Tonkin, not so much weight loss. But was so bunged up I thought I'd have to be hospitalised! Never again!
Yep, the protein/ kidney issue is a bit deal for us all, especially diabetics.
Why is it so bloody hard being a woman? Most blokes seem happy to cart their beer guts around like a fashion accessory!!
fofoma lenie95046
lenie95046 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 lenie95046
And as for men: I think the most unfair thing is that most men cut out the beer, and the weight just falls off them! Having said that, its all about the sugars and carbs, so makes sense I suppose.
I don't want to speak too soon, but since I've upped the Magnesium, I've not touched the stool softners - there's no need ha, ha!!
I'm not sure if its making me sleep better, can't really say as my son and his girlfriend coming in chatting/giggling in the early hours just work as good as an alarm clock for me. Thats it: I'm awake! Oh to be young and selfish all over again.....*sigh*!
wen06862 lenie95046
I'm battling a similar thing
But I'm gaining weight.
I'm really trying to eat healthily but with it being cold weather, that is hard.
Due to other health problems, I'm not as mobile as I'd like to be, so I suppose not moving around much, doesn't help.
I did read somewhere that lack of oestrogen can make a difference, if you take it, it can raise your metabolic rate - It's worth asking your doctor, anything is worth a try.
Take care
debbie03785 lenie95046
lenie95046 debbie03785
debbie03785 lenie95046
HotDot7 lenie95046
lenie95046 HotDot7
fofoma lenie95046
shaznay96184 lenie95046
Yep, being in Peri/Meno and trying to lose weight = almost impossible!
I've put on about 9lbs in the past 18mths. Being realistic, prior to this I had dumped a bit of weight, largely due to the stress of selling business/family home of 22yrs! Believe me, there's better ways of losing weight!
Also when I ran our business I was working 11hr days, and running round like a Blue-arsed Fly for most of that! Another few yrs of that and it would have done me in!
Great to have had a 2yr 'Sabattical' - allowed me to get full-blown Peri without an audience :-) ! Worse part: I've been doing loads of "Me' things: cooking which I love; got a little inactive and worse still, got a little isolat
Hadn't realised I enjoyed the day-to-day buzz of working so much. I'm essentially a 'worker' so admit after a year I was bored - 18mths in my only distraction is......Peri!!
Have tried to diet but found mood dictated. Hate my lack of will power
Been reading about the 5:2 (or 2:5, obviously didn't pay that much attention!) Diet. Eat 'normally' (take that to mean 'healthily') for 5 days, then sor
ta 'fast' on about 600 cals for the other 2 days. Sounds good to me as there are days I am a defo Binger, and others where I can't bear to eat what I've cooked. Sound familiar?!
Think reason we put weight on our belly is solely to do with hormones - depletion or dominance, possily dear ol' oestrogen again. As if it wasn't bad enough us getting saggy tits, dry skin, thinning hair, spots(!), dried up nunny, moany, weepy, we have to get a 'Beer Gut' too ............ or is that
just me?!!:-)
In the UK we have Slimming World. A great diet club. Lost weight with them before and had a good laugh along the way. Worse part of it was sharing/ picking up new ways to cheat. Almost like going to prison for a mugging........and coming out a Bank Robber!!! Shame amongst all the laughs we didn't realise we were 'cheating' ourselves:-) :-) !
Maybe the 5:2 is my next step. Just got to find 2 days this week to not over-eat, as unfortunately for me every day this week has a 'Y' in it!!!!
Watch this space...........:-) !
PS - excuse shambolic post. Combination of fat finger syndrome and predictive text from a Tablet!!
Read an article yesterday about the 5:2 Diet by Dr Michael..... Moseley????? (Brain fog!)........anyway!! ..............Would appear the 2 days of 'fasting' is at 500 cals on those 2 days and NOT the 600 I had stated.
Typical me, already tweeking to suit me! 600 is for men!:-) .
Just as well I hadnt already started this diet I'd be moaning that I hadn't lost much weight!!!
Sorry girls. X