Losing weight
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hello ladies
here i am again now with something different I have noticed for the past few weeks now that I've been losing weight without trying just wondering if any of you ladies are going or have gone through this I eat the same I'm not on a diet so I don't know I'm not exercising so can it be hormones I understand that when you're in menopause you gain weight but never heard of losing weight can any of your girls let me know if it's happening to you thank you hugs and blessings to you all!!!
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Guest marisol06794
Hello, I lost 15 lbs in 2017, when all my issues started. I am small, so it was scary for me.I had issues with GERD and complete appetite loss while going through health anxiety...thought I was dying of some mystery illness like the rest of us! I have a fast metabolism. I found it was easier for me to supplement with ensure type shakes just for the calories.
Also, write down and add up the calories you are taking in...in my case I was not nearly eating enough. Also, do not jump on the scale every day...I drove myself nuts! Fast forward to now and I am a couple of pounds shy of my pre "dying days". Appetite back on track.
trinity03 Guest
This sounds so similar to my experience. I'm small to begin with, so even losing 7 lbs in a month was very worrisome and noticeable. My husband was quite concerned. I also thought I had some disease-my mind was racing with concerns of MS,fibromyalgia,lupus,hyperthyroidism,anemia, etc.
I had blood tests done and everything checked out fine, despite constant shaking,insomnia,SEVERE anxiety,strange pains,fuzzy brain, blurry eyesight-the list goes on. I put a few pounds back on, but not back to my original weight. I'm fine with that though, since I now KNOW what's going on.
2chr2015 Guest
lou i cant tell you how much you sound like me. i also had to do protein shakes and some high calorie not so healthy stuff when i had the appetite. it was most definitely i believe caused by health anxiety. breast stuff, gerd, all kinds of stuff.
Guest 2chr2015
I know...it is crazy! It is actually harder to gain weight when we need to...sooo glad I have mostly put the weight back on...and it is staying on. my mom is coming this weekend...I look healthy this time. She saw me a few months ago and freaked out...thinking I was hiding some horrible disease from her. Glad you are past the weight thing too!
2chr2015 Guest
oh gosh. its the worst when someone says you look sick or something like that. hope yall have a good visit:)
lucy48229 trinity03
Di you check your thyroid?
Nancy2121 marisol06794
When peri first started for me (about 9 years ago), I lost weight. I've always been thin. Now that I'm almost 50, and no period since October of last year, I've gained about 10lbs. I feel like I'm 3 months pregnant. Everything changed SO much since peri started. Hopeful that the end of this journey is near, but wondering how long these horrible symptoms may last?
Kadija1966 marisol06794
I lost weight too without even trying from 73kg now im 66kg in a matter of weeks.
karen96096 marisol06794
hi darl i also lost weight and im small anyway. was scary at first but im staying the same really now xx
karen96096 marisol06794
hi darl i also lost weight and im small anyway. was scary at first but im staying the same really now xx
mauiblue marisol06794
Hi Marisol
During this time
women can lose weight just like gain weight. I also lost about 14 pounds over the last year and a half. Im slowly putting it back on. Its definitely peri/menopause related.
Don't worry about it, just make sure your eating enough and the food is nutrient dense,
nuts, brown rice, protein, healthy things you know...
lori93950 marisol06794
yes i lost 25lbs ! ive put it back on now as i had to stop working out due to mono but i went very very skinny
Gypsy014 marisol06794
Hi yes definitely lost a bunch of weight, but was changing my eating habits too though to try and feel better from all my crazy menopausal, hashimotos, and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms,I had to go gluten free, and follow a anti-inflammatory diet, to also lower my antibodies, which is working, because the last blood test I took a month ago my antibodies were down, so thats good, but lost a ton of wait and basically had to increase my calories and add different foods back into my diet which I did and I have gained 10 pounds back , and I'm staying at this weight now, eating how I'm eating now.. But yes the menopause the anxiety all the crazy symptoms can cause the weight loss, and it can be scary, I had no more room for anymore weight to come off, but all good now... Maybe try increasingly your calorie intake..
lucy48229 marisol06794
If you have weight loss without diet changed, you may need check your thyroid. I had weight loss with other symptoms, my thyroid blood work comes back normal, but my thyroid is hyper with elevated iodine uptake. It has taken 2 yrs to find out.
mauiblue lucy48229
Hi Lucy
So how did you finally find this out when thyroid labs were normal?
Mine are also normal but ive often wondered...
Always revved, diff to keep weight on nut managing.
I just attribute it all to menopause..but that in itself throws everything else off.
Just curious. 2 yrs..long time!
lucy48229 mauiblue
That is very long journey. I believed I had thyroid problem because I have bunch of nodules and typical thyroid symptoms. But my doctor did not, because my blood work was within range. So sad, now the doctor believe number and machine, not your symptoms and what patient say! I was sent to almost all departments and could not be diagnosed. Eventually my thyroid was painful and swollen, my endocrinologist now believes and sends me to do iodine uptake and scan and finds out my thyroid is hyper. The most sad thing is I have been suffering symptoms by symptoms, and my endocrinologist did not treat me because of my "Normal Blood work".Jesus! I have to find the medicine on Amazon to control my symptoms! What a shame! Finally I ask my EN refer me to a surgeon, I wish he can do something for me in next week! God bless me!
mauiblue lucy48229
I think that our health system is broken. Numbers are numbers but patients obvious symptoms are obvious and should take priority.
Now i wonder if my anxiety and low mood also could be caused by thyroid..who knows.
i only know that many women fall into thyroid dysfunction when they enter menopause.
If the scan is showing hyper then what MORE do they need to proceed with further treatment?
God bless you
God bless me too
mary27278 lucy48229
Hi Lucy whst symptoms did you javevwith hyper thyroid
Hi Lucy it posted before spell check. what symptoms did you have with hyper thyroid?