Lost confidence!

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Hi Ladies,

These last few weeks have been weird to say the least!  Firstly, my confidence seems to have vanished.  I've never been full of confidence anyway but it's now affecting my work.  I question everything  I do, feel a failure if I get the slightest thing wrong and panic if I have to do something that I've not done for a while.  What is wrong with me?  Anybody else been like this?

Secondly, I've had a weird dizzy/muzzy head and also experienced vertigo on a few occasions with a pulsating in my right ear.  I can hear my own heartbeat and it's quite loud.  Fortunately, it's cleared for the moment but it keeps coming back.  I do have tablets for vertigo as I've had this in the past but it just appears out the blue.  Does anyone else have it and know what sets it off?

Thirdly!!!  I've an overactive bladder (which started with onset of peri) and I've tablets for this which I take at night as I've been up several times and now with the help of the medication I'm just up the once.  But I'm suffering with a  irritable urethra.  Probably due to me peeing all the time.  God when does this end???  I don't think I've an infection but I'm sore and irritiable down below......anybody any advice for this please?

Apart from the above I thought I was coping quite well :0   I have completely stopped HRT.  I finished at the end of January.  Seem to be gaining weight and want to eat as much chocolate as I can lay my hands on!!  Wonder why my weight is increasing??!!  :0  Oh dear, please don't tell me this ALL to do with my hormones??

My main worry is the confidence issue.  It's got to the stage where I don't want to go to work yet I'm the only breadwinner so I don't have much choice!  Help!!

Elaine xx

2 likes, 23 replies

23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Elaine, I am sorry to hear your suffering, it does sound like peri menopause, I too have BPPV in my ears and the buzzing and ringing is driving me bonkers, my sinus are so sore, loud noises frighten me to death, never used to.

    confidence was also an issue for me panic and anxiety, I had agoraphobia for weeks sweating when I got to the front door, I also have gluten allergy, newly diagnosed, have you spoken to gp, I am now on anti depressants called sertraline 100mg daily takes the edge off, I can't take hrt my body does not like it.

    leaky bladder everything sounds like meno to me. 

    Hope your gp can help, and there are lots of herbal things to take.

    😊 good luck.


    • Posted

      Hi Scampi18

      Thanks for your reply.  Yes I defnitely know I'm in peri!!  What does the BPPV stand for? 

      I don't particularly want to go back on antidepressants.  I was on them for ages before I went on HRT 3 years ago.  As soon as I went on HRT my depression cleared!  I am taking loads of vitamins as recommended by the good ladies on this forum.  To include the Busy B's and Starflower etc.  Although not sure if they are doing much for me the way I feel right now?!

      Keep tiring very easily too.  I could sleep for England!  Not seen my GP as yet as the first available appoint is 11 March!!  Unless I go as an emergency.  It's ridiculous sad

      Thanks for your advice.

      E. x

  • Posted

    Elaine, I could have written your post!!!!  Unbelievable.  I have all your symptoms and a couple of my own.  Could I ask if you don't mind what meds you are on for your bladder?  Also have you checked if u have an infection because sometimes I get them and just hand a sample to the Docs every now and again to check.. I am suffering right now with sickness, dizzyness and bladder issues...I totally get where you are at...and yes the confidence thing...can't handle pressure and always think I will get everything wrong!!! 
    • Posted

      Hi margaret04388,

      I'm on oxybutinyn tablets for my bladder problem.  I take one in an evening. I'm only up the once now at night and sometimes not at all.  During the day if I have a drink (of anything) it usually goes straight through me!

      I've just been laid on the sofa and got up to reply to you at my PC and the dizziness has returned.  It's driving me mad!  It's not my blood pressure as I've checked it using my own machine.  I think I'm turning into a hypochondriac!!  My head feels weird and I'm really weary.

      I will take a urine sample to my doctor tomorrow and see if I can get an appointment if only to settle my mind.  God I wish I was back on the HRT!!!!  Had to come off due to fibroids but I didn't have any of these symptoms although I still had peri symptoms on HRT   i.e.  hot flushes and excess sweating just not this fuzzy head and bladder problems etc!

      It can only get better......I hope!!  


    • Posted

      Thank you Elaine I have docs on Thurs and will discuss Oxybutinyn with him; already been told it may help.  Yes I am on the sofa too. I have eaten tea but it was a struggle.  Trying not to miss meals as I have lost weight and can't afford to lose any more!!!  I do hope you feel better soon as I know this is not easy.XXXX
    • Posted

      Oh Margaret i wish i had your problem! Ive gained a stone since reducing and stopping HRT. When i started it i lost over a stone without even trying. Im active and walk a lot both with my dogs and at work. I do get strong cravings for chocolate especially before a period.

      Hope you feel better soon too.

      E. Xx

  • Posted

    I suffer from BPPV (Benign Paroxymal Positional Vertigo) as well! It causes dizziness especially when you turn in bed. When it first happened I thought I had a brain tumour! I also have a pronounced heartbeat....I can't lie on my back as the pounding of my heart is the creepiest thing ever. Sounding familiar?? wink

    I have this thing where I feel like I need to see but when I go only a dribble comes out...

    Confidence....what's that??

    • Posted

      I get the pounding in my left ear and funnily  only don't hear it when on my back......it is an errie kind of experience.  Same with the pee thing!!! What a carry on.XXX
    • Posted

      Ah is that what ive got? Who needs doctors when we have this great forum? smile Yes that sounds very familiar. I was paranoid my bp was through the roof (runs in the family). Is there any medication for BPPV? Ive got an anti sickness tablet.

      I can pee for England! Dont do dribbles lol wink

      Thanks for your help Xx

    • Posted

      I do both...sometimes huge pees sometimes very little.....I can honestly say this site has made this so much easier.  GP's have not been that good in my experience!1  I had to tell them I was in the meno and ask for blood tests.....then they would,not accept my symptoms were the meno!! I have an anti sickness tablet too but does not work.XXXX
    • Posted

      My doctor taught me the Epley Manoeuvre....loads of stuff on YouTube on how to do it. That helps when I have a spell.
    • Posted

      Perhaps all GP's should read these womens forums. Us ladies cant all be wrong can we?

      Ive seen some young lady doctors and they dont understand peri meno! I walked out the surgery saying "wait till its your turn then you will know about it"!

      Anti sickness helped me a bit but wasnt brilliant.

      E. Xx

    • Posted

      I had BPPV a year ago. I ended up looking up some exercises as I was pretty sure mine was in the left ear. I did Semont exercises, because they seemed a bit easier than the Epley and I was a bit of a chicken! Lol. I did them 3 times and the vertigo cleared. I still have a muzzy, dizzy head but I think that's related to something else. It wasn't easy as the exercises induce the vertigo, but i made sure I had someone around to help and it cleared pretty quickly. The exercises help to move the crystals in your ear back into an area of the inner ear where they don't affect your balance. Xx
  • Posted

    omg!  You poor thing!  Yes!  I can relate!  I am agorophopic but it has gotten debilating now.  I worry all the time I am screwing up and work and about to be fired.  Then I get so mad at that "fantasy," I think no one appreciates me and I want to quit.  I fixate on these things.  Every single bloody (to pick up a phrase from the UK) morning I want to quit my job.  And I "LOVE" my job and I am the bread winner too.  I fatasize about getting addicted to something and sent off to a recovery center like they do on TV shows (don't know if you get it in UK, but there is a show called, "Intervention" where they capture drug addicts and their families intervene to send them away ((it sounds devine in some ways!)).  I WISH someone would put me in the hospital so I could go on disability, but I don't have anythign "wrong" with me.  It's just menopuase.  "Just" - HA!  If women ran the world, we would get porper care, attention and medical intervention (and I don't necessarily mean HRT, but how about if insurance covered Accupuncture - it doesn't in the US).  

    I, too, was on antidepressants for 17 years and was prescribed them for a catastrophic event in the late 1990's.  I probably didn't NEED them then; just some therapy... but I didn't know any better.  I desperately do not want to go back on them and this forum is helping me realize I am not crazy - just hormonal.  I had ear wooshing or feeling like a pulse was in my ear... and eye pulsing (like a heart-beat in my eye lid).

    I had terrible bladder problems but they were bad enough in 2010 for me to get surgery to repair my pelvic floor and I got the bladder "mesh" to pick it back up from sitting on my pelvic floor.  I wore "Depends" (adult diapers) because I peed my pants all the time.  I don't know if that surgery is an option for you in UK but most insurance covers it.  It took that problem away 100%.

    I had dizziness and confusion and vertigo too.  It was helped by thyroid medication (just a small dose).  The thing I learned is that, while my GP kept testing me and saying (a) I wasn't in Peri-menopause and (b) my thryoid and everything else wasin the range of normal, those RANGES are often too broad for everyone.  AND our hormones fluctuate daily so even if your estrogen levels blood test "normally" the day you go for your blood draw, does NOT mean they would me normal the next.  So, you have to find a doctor that ackonwleges that and will treat based on your symptoms -- using blood tests as a tool -- but not the ONLY tool.  For me, that person was a naturopath.  Insurance doesn't cover her so I pay cash.  She is worth it.  but I have to get adjusted a lot.  What works one month, does not continue to work each months.  Although, what you describe (and I experienced in the summer of last year) DID go away with these interventions:

    Armour Thyroid 30 mg (now at 60 mg)

    Progest cream (one "pump" - about 1/8 of a teaspoon) nightly

    5 drops of Estrogen oil (out of the regular dose of 10 drops)




    (I also take Klonipin for anxiety - I take it every night and it helps with panic attacks and pain)

    I am going back to have my meds adjusted for the recent sypmtom which is severe muscle and joint pain and crying every day in my car and I have decided to eliminate wheat products because, although I am not allergic, I do notice puffiness when I eat bread, pasta, etc.  So, since "Gluten Free" is a big "craze" here in the US (espcially where I life in CA), I'll take advantage of the gluten/wheat free bread and such smile

    I wish you so much luck and love and hope!!!  keep writing and keep us posted!!

    • Posted


      Thank you for your lovely long reply. Dont know what id do without all you hormonal ladies! Lol wink

      One thing i still can manage is to hold my pee so thankfully i dont leak. I just go often. I think my fibroids may press on my bladder. HRT makes fibroids grow hence me stopping it.

      Well ladies im in bed with a throbbing dizzy head. So i will wish you all goodnight and a big thank you for your help and advice. I will keep you updated.


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