Lost In Misery !

Posted , 13 users are following.

I am not well, just now.

I have drunk myself drunk.  Everything is falling apart.  I am falling apart.

My husband is not speaking to me because I drunk booze of his.

He is angry with me. 

I am angry with the world.

I wish I was dead... but I won't end my own life.

Please help me out of this hole... I have sunk quite far.


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30 Replies

  • Posted

    stop drinking again and cheer yourself up.
    • Posted

      Easier said than done and not really an option for aud
    • Posted

      I know it is easier said than done H and vickylou but it is possible with willpower and support from others in the same situation.  I wasn't trying to make it sound simple because I know it is very hard to do.
    • Posted

      Thank you Richard.  I realise that you are trying to encourage me.  Unfortunately, my misery develops into severe depression.  I take medication.  


  • Posted

    Then tell him to buy you enough liquor to get you thru this dark place...start to cut down...you too have the pills for the Sinclair method correct?

    Tommorow VOW to take them 2 hours before as prescribed by your Dr.

    To make your husband feel better...if you want to make him feel better...lol...tell him he can be a witness or administrator of that pill and the watch dog that you don't drink for the 2 hours it takes to work!

    I know husbands can be jerks and not understand....I totally get that....but you might need to give a little here...to help yourself be in a better environment and better health sad

    • Posted

      Hi Misssy.  He does not understand my problem.  He does not agree with my continuing drinking, while taking Selincro/Nalmefene.  He thinks I should just stop !  That's it for him.  Just stop !

      It is impossible to communicate with that attitude.

      It is worse than being on my own, with the problem.

      I feel under constant scrutiny and derision.

      No... I won't leave.  I am too scared to be truly alone.

      Sad case.

      Angel 😢

    • Posted

      It would be great if you could get him on board, has he seen One Little Pill, or Claudia's recent TEDx talk? 


      "Claudia shares her journey of overcoming alcoholism"

      Then look for the Youtube video of Claudia Christian dated May 31 2016.

    • Posted

      Thanks ADE.

      He is not communicating with me at all.

      Difficult !

      Wings clipped to Hell.


    • Posted

      Good book that misssy, some excellent comments and observations lol! My husband wouldn't even pick it up, even though I kept telling him and reading bits out to him, said like a lot of men I know "what a load of b******s" sometimes maybe the truth hurts! Having said that, he does have a lot of good points.
    • Posted

      hi vicky!

      My boyfriend is the one who keeps reminding me of the book when I AM getting mad at him for certain things...like NOT LISTENING!  smile

      He uses it as his defense all the time...lol...cause i have read him stuff and he finds it interesting...

      As a matter of fact..I think I will pull it out again....its been about 2 years.

    • Posted

      I know...my kids were like that to me...JUST STOP...its horrible when those closest to you don't understand sad.

      I know you won't leave too...we have had that discussion sad.

      So we are all individuals....born alone, die alone....so you have to DO you...and if I were you....I would just tell him I didn't want to discuss it...agree to disagree.

  • Posted

    Be glad you have a husband like that.My husband is almost as bad as me and let's me drink as much as I want

    • Posted

      Oh Nicole, the marriage is difficult.

      I never feel glad about anything.  

      I hope you are doing ok.

      Alonangel 🎇

  • Posted

    Well, I for one don't wish you werre dead, angel. You've helped so many on this site.

    When you're over this binge you can start building the recovery up again.

    I'm backing you all the way. I'm very, very sad that you've sunk this far, but I know you can climb out, too.

    Tell us tomorrow how you're feeling. We all want to help. XXXX HUGS from Tess.

    • Posted

      Hi Tess.  Thank you so much.  I have started the ascent... heavens it's high !  I just hope I can make it.  I get so disheartened by my weakness.

      HUGS right back atcha !

      Angel xx

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