Low white blood cell count
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Hi all
Wonder if anyone has experienced low white blood cell count during perimenopause. I've not had any issues with mine until early this year and having had full blood count tests repeated a couple of times it was still coming up as slightly low. I've been 'in peri' for a few years now (I'm 41) but have had a particularly rough time over the past year - stress and anxiety through the roof and, like many posters on this forum, pretty much all of the 66 symptoms (sigh) but haven't heard many women talk about white cells other than on a blog by a vegan fitness and health trainer explaining how perimenopause and fluctuations in her hormones affected her count.
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kelly55079 nikki68193
Mine seem to be OK--- BUT in January I had a blood test with all kinds of highs and lows.. In July, I retested and all those things are back to normal. Except.... Hemoglobin and hematocrit are now low!! It has to be these hormones playing games.. UGH.
nikki68193 kelly55079
Yes it does seem that hormones have quite an effect.
Shame most doctors don't connect the two as a possibility.
Edell7329 nikki68193
2 years ago i tested low. they had me retest in a month and it went up. it was still on the low side of normal but up.
Edell7329 nikki68193
2 years ago i tested low. they had me retest in a month and it went up. it was still on the low side of normal but up.
lisa95354 Edell7329
Edell/NIKKI/Elaine... I just had an epiphany and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be correct. I bet you we all had blood test taken, when they came back low immune system, I bet you all of our blood test were taken either when we were ovulating, or when our menstrual cycles were. In my case, I’m postmenopausal but it doesn’t matter, I still get my symptoms at when I would’ve ovulated and when my cycle would’ve been. my pharmacist told me that blood tests for a panel and testing for hormones, should be taken several days AFTER a woman’s ovulation ... he said otherwise they may find anomalies and as far as the hormones go, the hormones leveks won’t be accurate . GEESH!
Gigi368 nikki68193
Mine have been high for the last 7 years, anywhere between 13-17 with normal being 10 or below. My primary sent me to an oncologist, 5 thousand dollars worth of specialized blood tests turned up very little. I asked about meno causing it and of course no one will even consider that might be the reason.
My radiation levels are a tad high, which they won't take seriously either. There's radio active waste running thru a creek that's in my backyard from the Manhattan Project that processed uranium and was illegally dumped. Our cancer rates are outrageous and documented by the government but docs ignore that too.. why do we even bother looking for answers????
nikki68193 Gigi368
How can they not take radiation seriously?! That's dreadful. I hope they work out the creek mess and stop playing with people's lives.
Peri seems to be 'off the radar' of a lot of doctors. Mine has referred me for a haematology appointment in a few weeks so will see what comes out of that.
Gigi368 nikki68193
Because they don't want to take responsibility. There is also a landfill about 3 miles from me that literally has 1000"s of barrels that were also illegally buried there, and to make matters worse theres an underground fire burning less and a football field from the barrels of uranium and thorium, when, not if, it hits it's going to be another Fukushima. And all this sits in suburban neighborhoods. Our houses are worthless and not required by law to be disclosed so us unsuspecting people who bought houses are literally out of luck. It's been here since the 1940's and only came to light because of the rare cancer rates. The EPA refuses to turn it over to the Army Corp of Engineers to clean up. My 12 yr old niece died from a rare brain tumor ONLY connected to radwaste but no compensation to my in laws. There's 3 documentaries about it.
So, I always wonder is it menopause or radiation?
I get so many strange symptoms and my docs ignore both problems.. I just figure I'm gonna feel like crap no matter what 😫
Hopefully your tests come out good!!! Its terrible to know something is wrong but have no answers!
nikki68193 Gigi368
I'm so sorry to hear about all of that, Gigi. Your poor niece and family. I pray for a turnaround for your neighbourhood and for the health of those within.
Thanks for your well wishes; I'll keep you all posted.
susan71378 Gigi368
So sorry to hear about your situation Gigi. I think you must live near St. Louis? I saw a documentary about this. Can't believe the government has not relocated all of the residents. They made this mess, failed to disclose it and American citizens are suffering and dying as a result. Not the greatest country in the world after all is it. No accountability. Shame on our government for not stepping up to plate.
Sorry for the rant. Sure hope you can somehow relocate and hope you get a doctor that will listen to you and start feeling better soon.
Gigi368 susan71378
You nailed it.. I'm in N. St. Louis County. Our houses are worthless, my only option is to walk away but then I'm homeless bc that'll kill my credit.. thousands of us are in this situation. There's actually 3 documentaries about it. We have class action lawsuits but we'll be on the losing end. There's a very very rich famous man who owns majority in the landfill, hes had 100's of letters from us and he ignores the pleas to do the right thing and let the Army Corp of Engineers clean it up. I'm beginning to think its population control at this point.
susan71378 Gigi368
That's why Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
He just doesn't want to lose any of his precious money. Obviously, the lives of others means nothing to him.
I hope these lawsuits are settled in favor of everyone who has to live near that toxic waste dump.
No one should have to go through this. Where is the humanity??
elaine62759 nikki68193
Mine's were low last year but came up again a few months later. The doctor said it was a sign my body had been fighting an infection. If you're really stressed it will impact on your muscles and nervous system and put your body into constant 'fight or flight' mode. I've just started a Stress Control course to try and learn ways to bring my anxiety levels down. You could try breathing exercises, guided relaxation tracks (there are loads on YouTube), yoga, walking or just taking time out to do anything you find enjoyable and relaxing.
Hopefully your levels will come up again so don't stress yourself further by adding it to your worry list! It doesn't work for everyone but you could try visualization:-
*Imagine your problem as a leaf floating away in a flowing river. It might be in your sights now but it will soon be gone.....
The things you try when you're desperate!!!
nikki68193 elaine62759
This is so true, Elaine.
You've reminded me that I need to restart practising mindfulness and relaxation techniques because the level of stress and anxiety I've sustained over the best part of a year will no doubt be one of (hopefully the only) culprit for what's happening to my immune system.
Thank you and also wishing you well!
lisa95354 elaine62759
thank you for posting that Elaine, I forgot that Nikki, my doctor told me that, as well, last year, that my body was fighting an infection. I remember saying aloud, AN INFECTION, I haven’t been sick… LOL I’m sure it was the battle of Menopause 😉 but these ladies are right, the blood test will show one thing, then three months later thats fine and then onto something else. hormones be playin games 😦
lisa95354 nikki68193
Nikki, my doctor told me last week, he goes into these big long explanations about the primal brain and millions of years ago, fighr or flight, and that we have to do things to scare us to shock our cortisol to wake it up. He also said about breathing which I already do, but he said ...breathe in five seconds, hold five seconds, breathe out five seconds, then he said... thats to get us out of our, not little brain, inside brain? I forgot what he said, but it made sense at the time 😉